• 11 •
"forever can never be
long enough for me..."
Lisa was having her usual cup of tea while watching her current favorite drama. The kids—her cats, are all busy running around the living room chasing Jeon Jungkook.
"Ya Luca! Stop biting my foot—ow! Stop it! Louie! Stop bothering Lily! Ow—Lego!"
Lisa couldn't help herself but chuckle white she gently brushed Leo's fur. Her eldest was always the most behaved one.
"He's handling your siblings better than I thought he would," she whispered at Leo which the cat replied with a soft purr. She chuckled and turned towards the guy who was currently being petty at biting Luca's paws too. "Ya! What are you doing?"
"He bit me so I'm biting him back!"
Luca finally wrestled his way out of Jungkook's clutches and went towards the cat tree they just installed a few hours ago.
"What?" She couldn't help but laugh. "Come here, you little weirdo."
The guy pouted before crawling towards her and sitting on the carpet near her. He rested his chin on her leg—still with an adorable pout on.
"Your cats hate me," he mumbled. "Lily always scratches me, Louie too. Luca always bites me same as Lego and Leo... well, Leo's a good kid. He likes me."
"Leo likes everyone," she commented earning a scowl from the guy.
"Why can't you just give that one to me, huh?"
Lisa rolled her eyes. "Stop being a baby! They all like you, okay? Cats just tend to mind their own business that's why they ignore you."
"And Luca? He bites me all the time!"
"That's how they play, Jeon."
"He hissed at me once."
"Well, Luca doesn't like most people. He only likes Jennie."
"No, Lily's mom."
Again, Lisa chuckled and started to play with Jungkook's hair while he watched the drama she's watching. He had his cheek rest on her thigh.
"Why do you keep re-watching this show?" He asked while his gaze still glued on to the screen. "Didn't you just watch this last week?"
"I really like this show," she simply replied. "Plus, Taehyung oppa's here too."
"I'm surprised you haven't asked hyung for Park Seo Joon's autograph yet."
"Well... about that..."
Jungkook immediately sat up straight and turned towards her. She then pointed at the shelf close to them where all her trophies are displayed.
Instead of the typical one signed picture of Gong Yoo displayed on the center, it was now joined by another signed photo of Park Seo Joon. Both fully framed and all.
"Another competitor. Great."
"What?" She laughed again. "How on earth are those two your competitors? They don't even know I exist."
"One, bold of you to assume that they have no idea who THE Lalisa Manoban is," Jungkook said a-matter-of-fact-ly. "Two, they're my competitors because you like them. They're my opponent against your love and affection."
"One, I'm just Lalisa Manoban. I'm not that famous compared to you. Two, stop being petty. I told you, I'm just a fan."
"But you like them," he pouted. "And here i am, not even your bias from my own group."
"You really wouldn't let that one go now, would you?"
"No," he spat like a five-year old who's having a tantrum. "I'm the closest to your age. We are both maknaes. I sing. I dance. I can rap too."
"Yoongi oppa's a main rapper—"
"I'm the main vocal!"
"I'm a rapper, though so I like rappers mo—wait!" Lisa laughed as Jungkook got pissed and stood up ready to leave. "Where are you going?"
"To my apartment," he mumbled. "I'm going to host a vlive. Where I'm wanted. To my fans who likes me."
Lisa shook her head sideways before pulling the guy back to seat at the couch. Leo was already gone playing with the others minutes ago.
"Aw, come on now, Kook. You know that's different."
"But you like them."
"As an artist."
"No, you like them because of their looks."
"Yes but, it's a platonic kind of like."
Jungkook looked at her like he was trying to figure out whether she's telling the truth or not. He scrunched up his nose.
"Okay, you weirdo." Lisa moved to sit on his lap—straddling him. She even wrapped her arms around his nape. "Do you think I'd do this to either of them?"
Jungkook was surprised by her sudden action. He blinked a couple of times before she saw a soft shade of red forming on his cheeks.
"I uh... uhm..." Lisa wanted to laugh to badly as Jungkook kept averting her gaze but his hands were on her hips. "Lali... not in front of the kids..."
That did it. She laughed so hard that she almost fell on the carpet. Good thing Jungkook held her firmly.
"Ya. Stop making fun of me!"
"Then stop being so goddamned funny!"
Lisa stuck her tongue out before flipping to her side causing her butt to land on the couch with a good bounce.
"I'm hungry," she said ignoring his scolding. "Should we order something?"
"I can cook, you know," Jungkook said smugly. "How does gamjatang sound?"
Lisa beamed. "You're so cocky now that Jin oppa taught you his recipe."
"You have no idea what I had to do just so he'd teach me."
"Let me guess," she grinned. "He made you do aegyo in front of all your hyungs, right?"
"How... How'd you know?!"
"Well, someone might or might not have sent me a video of that cringe-y performance of yours..."
Lisa tapped a bit on her phone and showed him a video where he danced Twice's 'Cheer Up' full of energy and aegyo. He wanted to bury himself that very moment.
"Ya! Delete that now!"
Jungkook was about to grab the phone from her but she was quick enough to keep it away from his reach. No way in hell would she let him delete that S-tier blackmail material.
"Nope!" The "p" even made a popping sound. But of course, she couldn't possibly win against the guy with longer arms than her. "Ya! That's my phone!"
"Well, it's my video so..."
Jungkook was really good at this game. She couldn't even reach for the device since his arms were far longer than hers. But still, she can't give up. That video was like a once in a lifetime treat. No way is she gonna let him delete it.
Lisa grinned as an idea struck her. She leaned in and kissed Jungkook on his cheek temporarily immobilizing the poor guy.
"Ha!" she exclaimed as she took her own phone back and locking it.
"That's unfair!" the guy whined. But then, his expression changed. "And kind of smart, actually."
"Well, I'm not called Lali-con artist for nothing, you know." Lisa stuck her tongue out to him before slipping her phone inside her pocket. "So how about you start cooking? I'll help you out with the garnishes."
"Su—Wait. Let's cook at my place," Jungkook said as he stood up and picked Leo. "You ran out of potatoes. You can bring the other kids there too."
"Wow, Jeon. Your bias is showing," she scoffed and picked up Luca and Lily. Louie just followed them since wherever Lily goes, Louie follows. "Look, kids! More stuff to ruin!"
As the cats settled inside Jungkook's place, Lisa made her way towards the kitchen where the guy was busy fixing up food for their lunch.
"How about I make some rice?" She volunteered as soon as she saw his rice cooker.
"Do you know how?"
"Excuse me, Jeon. I'm Southeast Asian. No one can make rice better than us."
"Oh really now?"
"Is that a challenge—"
Both heads turn towards the door as they heard the doorbell rang. Then she brought her attention back to Jungkook.
"You're expecting someone?"
Jungkook's brows furrowed and he shook his head sideways. Lisa wiped her hands on the guy's apron—as it was wet since she's already washing the rice, before heading straight towards the door to answer it.
"Jungkook? Is Jungkook there?"
Lisa's brow furrowed as an unknown woman—carrying a toddler, was seen through the small security camera screen close to the door. That reminds her, she needs to ask Jungkook to help her install one for herself.
"The fuck?!" she muttered and immediately turned towards the guy who was busy cooking. "Jungkook, there's a woman carrying a child on the other side of this door."
"Huh?" Jungkook looked genuinely confused. "A woman... with a child—oh!"
The guy immediately dropped the ladle he's using and jogged towards her. He was smiling widely which made her confused. She moved to side to give him space as he reached for the door knob.
"Noona!" He greeted the lady as soon as he opened the door. "Omo, Minyoung-ie!"
The cute little girl immediately reached for him which he happily obliged. Her small arms wrapped around Jungkook's nape tightly as if she had missed the guy badly.
"Hey, Kook!" The woman—a very attractive one, said. "I'm sorry to bother you but, can you please look after Minyoung for me? I just need to run a few errands while I'm here in Seoul and I can't bring her with me. Don't worry. It's just 'til tomorrow morning. Junghyun will pick her up as soon as he get here from Busan."
"Sure, noona!" The boy beamed as he answered. Then he turned towards Lisa—who was still just standing there with confusion written all over her face. "Oh! Noona, this is Lisa. She's um... she's my neighbor. I'm sure you recognize her as a co-idol of mine."
The girl turned towards Lisa and smiled genuinely.
"Oh! That's why she looked so familiar! I'm Song Yen-a. I'm Minyoung's mom."
"H-Hello," she awkwardly said and shook the Yena's hand. "I'm... uh... Lisa. Which he just said. Ha-ha! It's nice to meet you. Sorry. I'm not usually awkward like this. Uh... Minyoung is cute!"
"Hello!" Yena chuckled. "It's quite alright. I apologize if I barged in unannounced. I didn't interrupt you guys, did I? To be honest, I've never thought Jungkook would have a girl over at his place. Especially a really pretty girl like you, Lisa-ssi."
Yena smiled widely before eyeing Jungkook like she's teasing the guy or something which made him blush a bit. So did she.
"What? It's true!" The girl chuckled before turning to Lisa. "You see, Jungkook here has yet to introduce a girlfriend to us. I'm glad I finally get to meet you—"
Lisa was caught off-guard when the guy suddenly passed Minyoung—the toddler, to her.
"You should go on ahead, noona!" Jungkook said pushing the woman gently out towards the door. "I'll take care of Minyoung just please go."
"But I'm still talking to Lisa-ssi—"
"Shut up, noona—"
The door slammed making her blinked.
"Err..." she looked at Minyoung who was also looking at her. "Hello there."
"Beulping!" The kid said pointing at her. The kid looked like a mini-Jungkook but with pigtails.
Wow... The resemblance is quite uncanny.
"Beulping!" the kid said again.
"Uh, yes!" She replied and pointed at herself. "Beulping!"
Minyoung's mouth formed an "o". "Lisa!"
"O—how did you know?" She was genuinely surprised. "Yes, I'm Lisa!"
"Where... appa?"
"Uhh..." Is she looking for Jungkook? "You appa—"
"Lisa, I'm sorry for that—"
"Appa!" Minyoung squealed and wriggled herself free from her grasp. Then she ran towards Jungkook and jumped. "Appaaa!"
"H—" But before Jungkook could say anything, Lisa was already glaring at him. "I um... I... I can explain. I'm not her dad—"
Jungkook swore he just saw his whole life flash before him as soon as their gazes locked. He gulped.
"You have a lot of explaining to do, Jeon Jungkook," she mumbled with gritted teeth. "This better be good."
"Minyoung's already asleep. She exhausted herself up from playing with Lisa's cats. Yes, hyung. I'll take good care of your daughter."
Jungkook kept glancing at Lisa tucking a sleeping Minyoung in his bed as he talked to his brother. He couldn't help but smile as the girl kept humming just so the little girl wouldn't wake up.
She looked so angelic as she gently brushed stray hairs falling on the little girl's face. It was so far from the demonic Lisa from a few minutes after his Yena noona left.
Jeon Minyoung is his niece. His brother, Junghyun, had gotten married two years ago after knocking up his long-time girlfriend. It took him a lot of hits before he managed to convince Lisa that he was just Minyoung's uncle and that his niece always called guys around her "appa" and girls as "eomma". To her surprise, Minyoung addresses her as Eomma after a few dances from her group's song.
How cute would it be if Minyoung was really his daughter and Lisa's his wife, right? Lisa would make a great mom. She's great with her cats—imagine two adults and three kittens, plus she got along with Minyoung so fast too. Wouldn't it be adorable to see her caring for a mini-Lisa or mini-Jungkook?
What the fuck.
How creepy it was for him to even think that when they're not even together together yet. He needs to stop thinking ahead of himself. He might jinx it or something.
"So, Kook," his brother—who he almost forgot was still on the other line, suddenly said. "When are you bringing your girlfriend over to meet mom? Don't tell me you'll follow in my shoes and bring her to Busan when she gets pregnant. I don't Mom may be able to handle that."
Lisa immediately turned to him—glaring, so he excused himself and went outside the room.
"We're not together yet!"
"But she's staying at your place. Yena said you two were quite comfortable." There was a hint of teasing on his hyung's tone.
"We're um... we're friends."
"She's wearing your shirt, Jungkook."
"I—" How did he even know that? "Everyone can own a white shirt, hyung."
"Really? Even the one with Jeon written on the back that we used for our reunion?"
Damn it.
"She's not my girlfriend... yet."
"I knew it!" his brother beamed over the phone. "I knew there was a reason why you kept on brainwashing Minyoung to watch and listen to Blackpink."
"Noona likes them too, you know."
"Yeah but why does Minyoung only know Lisa, hmm?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Jeon Junghyun's chuckle echoed. The older guy is pretty sure that his baby brother is blushing so hard right now. Just by hearing his voice give him enough confirmation of what his wife had seen before leaving Jungkook's apartment.
Ever since they were little, Jungkook had always been the shy baby of the family. He wasn't much of a talker and approaching girls was especially hard for him.
As he grew up and got himself in the idol industry, his shyness—though still present, slowly deteriorated and he became much more sociable. All thanks to his extended family from BigHit.
But yes, Jungkook is still the shy baby he knows of especially when it comes to liking girls. That's why he had to confirm whether his wife wasn't mistaken or pranking him when she called and told her that a girl—a co-idol at that, was inside his apartment.
Looks like Jungkook is really growing up. He can't but smile.
"Sure, sure. Whatever floats your boat, Kook." Junghyung chuckled once more. "Just don't forget about using protection, okay?"
"Hyung! We're not even doing it yet!"
"Yet, huh."
Jungkook froze as he herd a certain female's voice from behind him. His thumb tapped on the end button as he slowly dropped his hand.
"L-Lisa... I can explain—"
"What are you gonna do about it, then?"
Lisa grinned as if she was challenging him. She was looking straight at him that made his heart race in a panicked speed. He felt like he was about to pass out from too much adrenaline.
"Just kidding!" The girl blurted out laughing. Then she leaned in and kissed him on his cheek. "Or not."
He almost passed out when she winked before heading towards the kitchen.
Lalisa Manoban. You'll be the death of me!
"...to feel like I've had
long enough with you."
05 - 27 - 21
kinda filler?
this story might end in 24 chapters, though. yall know i don't go beyond 35 chapters to 50. i don't know if i could. hahaha!
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