• 1 •
"you see you can't just play with people's feelings..."
"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Li. I... I'm really--"
"T-This... This is a joke, right?" Lisa tried her best to stay calm. She couldn't really process much and her brain was currently denying what she had just saw. "A prank for our anniversary? The ones like on Youtube?"
"I-It's funny, Hun-nie," she stuttered. She tried to compose herself by clearing her drying throat. Also, her heart was beating so fast and loudly that she can't seem to get a hold of reality. "G-Good one!"
"Lis, I--"
"Joke's done now!" Her voice a little too high-pitched. She couldn't quite control it and even if she did try, she would just end up crying. "You got me, love! You got me good--"
But Sehun wasn't laughing. He couldn't even look straight at her.
"L-Love? Sehun-nie?"
"I... I'm really sorry, Lis," he muttered. It was more of a whisper but she did hear it clearly. "I love her. I-I love Rayeon."
Right. The girl was Han Rayeon. His stylist. The girl who was the root of some of their arguments for always calling him in the middle of their movie nights. The girl who's been with him for the past few months while she was busy with work. The girl he told her not to worry about.
"W-What..." She felt her stomach churn and her legs slowly losing its strength. "What are you saying, love? Is this part of the prank? You're a really good actor but, this isn't funny anymore."
"Lalisa..." Sehun heaved a sigh. "I'm really sorry. I tried to fight it, I swear. But you were busy and... and she was there. I... I couldn't help it. I'm sorry."
Hearing her whole name coming from his mouth was the trigger for her tears to fall uncontrollably. It wasn't a joke. This wasn't a prank. It was real. Sehun... Sehun whom she loved and adored for years--someone who she thought loved and adored her as much, had betrayed her. He cheated on her because she was too busy for him.
"Y-You couldn't help it?" Her voice cracked in between her sobs.
Sehun tried to step closer to her but on instinct, she stepped back. That made him stop and heave another heavy sigh.
"I didn't know how to tell you--"
"So you chose to show me instead?!" Her voice was a little louder than the usual. Actually, in her head she was already screaming profanities at him. "On our fucking anniversary?!"
"I thought you were coming late--"
Her mouth flew wide open. So he did not expect to get caught. He wasn't even planning on telling her about it. He didn't even had the balls to just tell her that he was falling in love with someone else.
"Lisa, please. I'm sorry. I--I know what I did was wrong but I needed you and you weren't there anymore so I had no choice--"
Sehun was about to grab her hand but she quickly jerked it away and stepped back.
"I can't believe you," she blurted out. Her vision was a bit blurry but it didn't impair her enough to not see that the Sehun she fell in love with three years ago wasn't the same anymore. She turned her back against him and started to walk away.
"Lisa. You know his isn't only my fault," the fucker had the audacity to say. "If only... if only you were there for me, I wouldn't have fallen for someone else. I missed my girlfriend and I... I..."
Anger got the best of her and the next thing she knew, she'd already threw the cake she had bought straight to his face. He should be thankful she didn't shove her foot on his face.
"Happy Anniversary, you piece of shit."
And with that, she stormed out of the apartment and ran towards the elevator. She heard Sehun's voice calling her name but she couldn't care less. As the elevator doors closed, her finally gave in and slumped herself down on the floor and cried. To make matters worse, when the elevator opened a familiar face immediately recognized her.
"Lalisa? Lisa, is that you?"
Jungkook muttered a few curses as he made his way inside the building of his and his hyungs' shared apartment. All he wanted was some banana flavored milk but the only convenience store close enough to their place without that damned Dispatch finding was all out. What purpose does that store even have if it's all out banana milk?
He did get a few weird stares from his co-residents but he need not bother about it 'coz he didn't actually give a fuck worth about what they think. He just wanted a few bottles of banana milk. Was that too much to ask?
As he walked towards the elevator, he suddenly felt this weird gut feeling that something worse was about to happen. And what's even worse than not being able to buy some banana milk? He felt a small shiver down his spine and subsequently, the elevator door opened. There she saw a somewhat familiar figure crouching down the floor, crying.
He very well knew who the girl was. She saw her wear the same bucket hat to a party once and she had to be a resident to be able to enter the building. That or you're dating one.
"Lalisa?" he blurted out. "Lisa, is that you?"
Jungkook clearly saw how the girl's shoulder stiffen.
He wasn't able to finish what he was about to say when Lisa abruptly stood up and ran out of the elevator. And yes, it was really her.
Right. They weren't in good terms. Well, maybe on her part but it would be quite embarrassing for someone you know--let alone have the urge to always slap whenever you cross paths, find you crying like a baby.
But why was she crying, though? Did she get in a fight with her boyfriend?
He decided to just let his curiosity run wild and rode the elevator. Maybe they just had a misunderstanding or something. The usual boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. That's why didn't like the idea of relationships. Too stressful. Too problematic. He already has enough problems to handle. Like where in the world is he going to get some banana milk? Could he just order some online?
But before the elevator door closed, he clearly saw how Lisa's body came into contact with a silver car. His instincts took over and he sprinted out of the contraption straight to the forming crowd by the entrance.
"Holy shit! Lisa!"
Lisa's eyes fluttered open and the vision of white walls and bright fluorescent lights welcomed her. Her eyes automatically looked around the hospital room and she saw her manager sleeping on a chair next to her bed.
What the hell happened?
That was the first thing that came into her mind. Why was she inside a hospital room? Did she... did she pass out or something? Was... Was the thing where Sehun cheated on her all a bad dream?
"Lisa?" her manager stirred and looked up at her. "You're awake! Wait, I'll go get the doctor."
She was about to rise up from her bed but she suddenly felt this piercing pain on her side. She felt sore all over like she was beaten up or something. Just then, the most unexpected visitor suddenly came in.
"Jungkook!" her manager called him rather expectedly. Her forehead instantly creased. "I'm glad you're here. Can you watch over Lisa? I just need to call the doctor--"
"Sure, noona," he said smiling. Why was his smile both annoying and refreshing to her? Then the weirdo showed a paper bag to her manager. "I bought some banana milk from the vending machine outside. There's also a sandwich there."
"Thanks, kid. Just put it on the table for the meanwhile. I'll be right back."
When her manager left, their eyes immediately met. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why the hell are you here, Jeon?" she asked.
"Is that the tone you should be using to someone who just saved your life?" the jerk replied as he walked towards the table. "Oh, and I didn't buy anything for you. I didn't think you'd be awake already. The doctor said you'd be out for at least 48 hours after the surgery due to the sedatives."
"You didn't answer my question," she spat. She tried sitting up straight. "Why are you here--fuck that hurts!"
"You shouldn't be moving too much," Jungkook said as he walked towards her instead and helped her up. "You got hit pretty hard by that car. Good thing the ambulance came quickly else you'd be dead. Or worse, in a coma."
"You have a weird set of priorities there, Jeon," she said while looking at him perplexedly.
"Well, if you're dead, you wouldn't feel any pain. Whereas if you were in a coma, you'd miss out on years of your life, possibly raking up millions of hospital bills and that boyfriend of yours might get married to someone else," he explained nonchalantly. "Oh right. Before I forget, why were you crying in that elevator? Did you and Sehun argue or something?"
And then it hit her. She remembered how she sprinted out of the elevator then went straight out of the building. She was too distracted to even hear the car honking.
"Oh shit! Why are you crying? Are you still hurt? Wait, I'll call noona--"
It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a fucking dream!
"What if you lay down first? It says here on google that if you feel pain in you should just lay down properly and wait for the doctor to arrive--shit! Please stop crying. You're making me nervous here--"
"That fucking son of bitch!" she blurted out shocking Jungkook and the Doctor who just came inside her room. She even clearly saw him take a few steps back.
"Hey what's going--Lisa!" her manager came running towards her and worriedly examined her body. "Are you hurt? Where? The doctor's here to check on you--"
"That f**king a**h*le! He should f**king rot in hell with that f**king b*tch he's scr*wing! I hope his d**k falls off when they have s*x that stupid j*rk! M*th*rf**ker!"
Jungkook felt images of a pissed off Lisa punching him in the face flash before him. His hand automatically held his nose as if he was protecting it from possible harm.
"Lisa, calm down. What's going on?" The raging girl's manager walk closer to her. He felt a bit scared for her because clearly, Lisa was ready to rip someone's throat out.
"Sehun!" she screamed while crying. He's actually confused because she clearly looked pissed off but she was crying too. "That motherfucking jerk cheated on me!"
Lisa bawled so loudly that all Jungkook could get from her rants was profanities. But he did hear something about catching Sehun having sex on the couch with his stylist and that he blamed Lisa for not being there for him or something.
This is exactly why he didn't like relationships. It brings out the worst in people.
"Oh, Lis..."
Manager noona did her best to calm Lisa down. For a moment there, he thought she'd suddenly snap into two and bleed after all that screaming. She, after all, just got hit by a fast running car. Which reminds him, he should check the CCTV file of the complex to check that driver's plate number. Jerk didn't even bother to stop and check on his victim's condition.
Jungkook's head turned towards the door where a certain brunette entered with another brunette girl following her. When their eyes locked--the second one's and his, she was clearly shocked seeing him.
"Jungkook?" Irene noona said as she walked towards him. "What are you doing here? As I recall, you and Lisa aren't on good terms?"
"Uh..." He lightly scratched his nape as he answered. "I kinda saw her got hit by that car. I live in Nine One too so... yeah."
"Oh my Lili!" Both Irene and him turned towards Jennie noona who looked terribly worried. "When I get a hold of that fucker, I'll rip him to shreds myself!"
"Which fucker," Lisa asked. "The one who was driving the car that hit me or my cheating boyfriend Oh Sehun?"
Collective gasps from Jennie, Irene and newly arrived Jisoo echoed inside the room.
"Sehun did what?!" The three yelled in unison. He almost peed himself in terror.
At that moment he knew it was about time he yeet-ed out and make a phone call to his hyungs. They must be worried because he's been out for more than a day now after just asking permission to buy some banana milk.
"Jungkook?" He turned to face a familiar figure walking towards him. Specifically, the room his girlfriend just went in a while ago.
"Hyung!" he jogged towards his Namjoon hyung. "I was just about to call you. I didn't think you'd be coming here too."
"I was with Soo when their manager called. We would've come earlier but she got called by YG along with Jennie and Chaeyoung."
"Oh. Jennie noona's already inside with Irene noona. I haven't seen Chaeyoung yet--"
And as if on cue, a strawberry blond girl sped past him and went straight inside the room. He swore he saw the door almost fall out from its bearings.
"I guess that's everyone form Blackpink," he said pertaining to Lisa's co-members. He heard his hyung chuckle before patting his shoulder lightly.
"So why are you here, JK?" his hyung asked. "I thought you and Lisa hated each other?"
"Hate is such a strong word, hyung," he commented. Namjoon eyed him as if reminding him of their past encounters in one or two parties then have had the most unfortunate luck of attending. "Okay. Maybe she does hate me but I don't. I just avoid her as much as I can because I don't want to suffer through a nosebleed caused by her."
"For a gym buff and someone who does boxing, you're one scared-y cat, Kook."
Namjoon chuckled while he recalled how much pain he had to suffer after that mean uppercut he received from her. He could barely even remember the words she said after that. It was something between the words jerk and not having kids whatsoever.
"You try getting punched by her and let's see if that won't scar you for the rest of your life."
"Lisa, I'm so sorry about Sehun," Irene eonnie said to her while holding her hand. "You don't deserve to be cheated on like that. Don't you worry. When I get my hands on him, I'll make sure he'd regret doing that to you."
Lisa took a deep breath before forcing a smile. In a span of twenty-four hours or so, she found her boyfriend for three years cheating on her, she got hit by a car and to top it all off, Jeon fucking Jungkook helped her out. In short, she now owes that jerk her life.
"I really appreciate it eonnie, but he's not worth it," she said to the older girl. "Plus, you're both in the same company. It might strain your work relationship with him."
"Oh, Lisa..."
"We're always here for you, Li," Jennie said while gently stroking her hair. Jisoo on the other hand was busy talking to their manager about some instructions from YG.
"Li..." Chaeyoung held her other hand and patted it lightly. "I'm glad that you're fine now. I was so worried about you that I couldn't sleep right away. If our company didn't place guards outside our dorm I would've already come here to check up on you."
"Aww... Rosie..."
Chaeyoung hugged Lisa--a little bit too tightly, making the girl squirm a bit. Everyone, including their manager and Jisoo, turn to check up on her.
"Oh my God! I'm so sorry, Li!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine."
"Just tell us if you're feeling fine or not, okay? We'll take care of you," Jisoo reminded her.
"Yes," Jisoo seconded. "We'll take good care of you so just rest, okay? And don't go charging towards the street like that again. I almost died from a heart attack the moment manager eonnie called!"
"I'm sorry for getting you guys all worried," she immediately apologized. "I won't do it again. I promise."
"That's good to hear," Chaeyoung said before suddenly realizing something. "Oh. And was that Namjoon oppa and Jungkook outside? I get why Namjoon's here but why is Jungkook with him?"
"Well... he kinda saved Lisa's life by calling the ambulance as soon as he saw the whole thing," Manager eonnie, who seemed to suddenly have become an army, answered for her. "He even stayed here 'til she woke up. Speak of the devil."
"Is it true? You helped Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked the guy as he came in with his co-member.
Jungkook answered her with an awkward nod. Everyone inside the room was surprised by what the blonde girl said next.
"Thank you, Jungkook. Thank you for helping and taking care of our Lisa."
"...i bust the windows out your car."
05 - 02 - 2021:
no proofreading 'coz i'm lazy. lmao.
let's all relax and just see where this will take me. i know i have tons of pending works but, i just want this one out of my system. who knows, this might follow my other completed fics' footsteps and finally cure my liskook writing drought.
xx 💋
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