Cherry Mristmas?
(PoV: Peppa)
(Time: Sometime in the distant future.)
I blinked my eyes a few times. The sight of falling snow could easily get caught in your eyes, leaving a cold, wet, unwelcome residue.
But it was also a beautiful sight to me. After all, it was the first time I had seen snow ever since... The game.
...Dammit Peppa, this is no time for trauma.
You've been through enough.
Continuing to blink my eyes at the reversed rising of hexagonal crystals falling everywhere around and on me, I felt the immense collection of snowflakes beneath my own hands, binding together to form a soft yet somehow crunchy texture for gloves to feel.
I didn't really want to play in it. I didn't have the energy to do so. Plus, I wasn't a child anymore.
We've got the troubles of life to fulfill. Plus our Ultimates.
So what was I doing, sitting on the top of a snow-topped hill, getting me and my winter clothes covered in snowflakes?
Simply put: I was thinking.
I was thinking about all the surprising changes that have been made in our world. All the new scientific discoveries and inventions that came from our misfortune.
Yeah, Edmond started it, but... If I were to think about it... Richard, Suzy and Mandy were the ones who truly certified it.
Then again, Mandy's also been through a lot. Arguably, she's been through worse then us. Despairicisus, her game, Pamientnica...
...This really isn't something I should gossip about.
My focus returned to my eyesight, as I watched over the small, reviving town at the foot of the hill. It was mostly snow-covered, with a few patches of colour representing roofs.
Turning my head around, I took a glance at my own house. It wasn't really how I imagined it, with castle turrets and all that, but it had pastel pink walls. So part of my imagination had become reality, I guess. Plus, there was a tree in my backyard with a rope swing tied to it's strongest branch, so bonus points there.
...Man, it feels like I could sit here forever.
I mean, literally I can't, because then I'll freeze.
But it's a nice feeling to have.
"Peppa! Dear...!"
Oh shoot.
Basing of off experience and the familiarity of the voice, I registered the scenario in my head that if I didn't move somehow, I'd end up getting pelted with snowballs.
In other scenarios it would be mud, but that's obviously off the charts here.
"O-Ow!" I cried out playfully, as the irregular ball of pillowy snow slammed into my face. I put my hands up in front of my face, protecting myself from a following snowball.
...Said snowball hit me from my right instead.
I squealed, swiftly standing up to try and get away from the attacker, only to get hit with more snowballs. I tried to fight back by throwing half-efforted piles of snow behind me, but it seemed to miss every time.
...Makes sense. Her wool is as white as snow, so...
"AHHH-! Godammit Suzy, I-" I twirled around, hooves gripped in pretend fighting stance, ready to pretend strike down the (cute) attacker.
And yet for some reason... I couldn't see her.
Maybe she's finally left me alone?
"I've got you now...!"
...Maybe not.
I ended up being tackled from behind, my chest being slammed into the snow as the sheep wrapped a tight arm around me, tickling me and dusting more snow onto me. Taking a closer look, it dawned upon me that she was wearing a white coat.
So that's why it was so hard to see her...
"Haha- Ahahaha- O-Ok that's e-enough S-Suzy!" I whined out, levering the sheep off of my body, soon lifting up my own.
"Oh, come on! I spent the last HOUR being cursed by Mariah Carey, I deserve to get outside and catch a break with my wife!" She giggled, causing me to giggle as well. With an added blush.
"Yeah, but in that way? By replacing my eyeballs with snowballs?" I joked, only earning more laughs from Suzy.
"Well... Yeah! You're wouldn't be talking to me otherwise!"
"Good point." I lowered my head a bit, before snapping it back up. "Since you now have my attention, what'd you wanna say?"
"Well... First of all, it's 18 o'clock on Christmas Eve, which means it's almost time for Christmas dinner."
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Emily made it?"
"Yep! With some help from Candy and Danny."
"Oh." I blinked a few times, as Suzy stood up. I was currently distracted by...
"Ah... Haha... MORE OF THIS SHITE?!"
"O-Oh, huh?" My thoughts were snapped by that incredibly soothing voice, offering a hand to lift me up. I immediately took it, raising my surprisingly heavy body upwards and into Suzy's arms. I didn't even realise it, but I started hugging back, with a powerful grip on her bleak, white winter coat.
"...You got a flashback?"
"..." All I did was nod. The power in that memory was enough to make me go silent.
Hey, at least Suzy realised that I was having one.
Taking a few breaths, I looked back up at Suzy, my arms still tucked underneath her shoulders, who gave me a soft smile.
"Hey now, it's alright. It's all over now. We survived."
We survived.
We all survived this nightmare.
I gave a soft smile in return, subconsciously knowing that it was enough to let Suzy know I understood.
We stood like that for around 8 minutes, our arms tucked around each others bodies, dressed in winter clothing, with snow falling around us. A pastel pink house in one background, and a small town in a valley in the other.
"...Was there anything else you wanted to tell me?"
"Oh, yes actually! Everyone else has arrived, with presents and all!"
"Oh god, have I been outside for that long?"
"Uh... Yeah! Think so."
"Then it's best if we go back inside. After all, who wants to miss out on Christmas?"
"Deffo not you." The sheep laughed softly, applying a soft kiss to my lips, simultaneously painting a burnt peach blush over my face.
"What? You just had a flashback, and as the former Ultimate Nurse, I needed to bring you some aid!"
Once again, I couldn't resist chuckling. "Heh, ok good point. C'mon now, let's get inside."
The sheep nodded. And thus, we turned ourselves back around and began the walk towards the pastel pink building, hooves entwined with each other.
Oh yeah, and smiles plastered on our faces.
Can't forget the fact that after all we've been through, we're still smiling.
Hehe... Merry Christmas, Peppa.
Merry Christmas everyone.
(Over the years, Christmas has remained a tradition of coming together and celebrating the passing by of another year. It's a tradition that relies on family, friendship, love and most importantly... Credit cards. JK JK I'M JOKING-
Most important is connection! The connection between different people's of strong emotional bonds is what makes Christmas... Christmas. You can't celebrate it on your own.
And neither should any lonely story characters that you end up creating, so... Let them celebrate the tradition too.
...Damn, did I just make a speech? Jeez McQueez-
Anyways! Sorry if the story itself is a bit short. The real gift I'm giving here are spoiler alerts for the future, so see if you can piece some stuff together!
That's all for me, and it might very well be until 2023. So until then: Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
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