Prologue - 3
The amount of people that I recognized behind the door was so surprising, I needed a moment to take the scenario into account.
And in the meanwhile they were staring at me.
"They're back!"
"After... 27 minutes, 56 seconds and 13 milliseconds..."
"Do you have to be that accurate, bro?"
"I wanted to, sis!"
"What matters is that they're back. And I'm glad they are."
"Well... We all know each other, right?" I asked out of the blue. Everyone took a moment to stare at me.
"...Yeah... Peppa, right?" A rabbit in a sky blue t-shirt and a teal skirt replied.
"Mhm... And you're Rebecca, right?"
"Yeah...! Rebecca Rabbit, the Ultimate Track Star!"
"I remember you!"
"Me too!"
"It's weird..." Suzy noted, "We all know each other..."
"Yeah!" George nodded. "Why do we know each other... It's like we were friends!"
"...That makes sense." A small elephant in a green jacket looked over. "We know each other, it's just that we have a bit of a problem with remembering each other..."
"Sounds right." Another rabbit replied.
"Well..." Kylie looked up, "Why don't we all introduce ourselves! It'd help us to remember, wouldn't it?"
"You're right! We should!" Someone in a yellow jumper smiled.
And so, we all introduced ourselves to each other, being able to properly remember each other once we did so.
"Hey there! I'm Danny Dog, the Ultimate Pirate!"
"My name's Emily Elephant. I'm the Ultimate Acrobat."
"Edmund Elephant, the Ultimate Professor! Glad to meet you."
"...Richard Rabbit. I'm... Not fully sure what my Ultimate talent is. I guess you could say I'm the Ultimate ??? ?"
"I'm Pedro Pony, the Ultimate Cowboy! Yeeeeeehaw!"
"You can call me Candy Cat. I'm the Ultimate Skipper!"
"Zoë Zebra... The Ultimate Pianist."
"Je am Delphine Donkey... I.. Am the Ultimate French Teacher!"
"I'm Wendy Wolf! I'm the Ultimate Security Guard."
"Gerald Giraffe. I'm the Ultimate Caregiver... You good?"
"... I'm starting to remember you all..." Zoë muttered slowly.
"I... Guess that's good news?" Danny said, confused.
"Seems like it." Freddy nodded.
Looking around, taking into account the purple rug and the bland blue walls, I started to think.
...Why are we all together?
Did someone know about us? And our relationships with each other?
...It's making my head hurt...
But I can't stop thinking about it...
...W-Why are... We...
"...Peppa...? Are you ok-"
"Gooooooooood morning everyone!"
...What the?
"Huh?" Wendy jumped at the sound. "Hello?"
"This is a message to all participants: Please may you all head to the courtyard! I will see you there. Farewell!"
"...It seems like it came from a speaker... Maybe that one?" Edmund pointed to a piece of machinery laying in the corner of the room.
I just stood there, likely looking like an idiot, confused as a man who planted an upside down beanstalk. I looked around wondering what exactly was the courtyard.
"Hey! What's through this door- AwuuAAHH!-"
We all looked around to see George, who had fallen through a pair of white, plastic-y doors. I could notice a bit of grass on the other side of them.
"I think that George just found the place we need to get to!" I heard Candy joke, as we headed towards and soon through the doors, stepping out into a smallish area of greenery. A few trees, a couple flowers here and there, it seemed like the normal patch of land in a local park.
If it wasn't for the extremely high barbwire fence surrounding it.
...This is making less and less sense by the minute.
"Ow... At least this landing was softer then the last one!"
There was one other thing that I noticed. That being a small stand, made of painted red wood. On top of it laid a microphone.
"Why were we called here?" Richard asked, "There's not much to see..."
"Maybe... That weird voice thingy is just late!" Pedro suggested. Everyone took a moment to look at him with a face of doubt.
"You're half-right on that, Pedro!"
"Wh-What the?-"
Then we heard a rumble from the stand. Then a harsher rumble. And finally, something let out from behind it, landing upon the stand, and grabbing the microphone.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your friend and mine...
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