Monopotato: WELCOME BACK EVERYONE! Jeez, it's been a long time since this last happened, hasn't it? But the same rules still apply! You will all try to figure out who the killer is, once you all have a certified guess of who it could be, you will vote for said whodunit. If it's correct, only they will receive punishment. But if not... Then everyone else will receive punishment, and the killer will escape from this school! Now then, PLAYGROUP TRIAL COMMENCE!
Freddy: ...
Rebecca: ...
Peppa: ...
Richard: ...So. What should we start off with.
Edmond: ...
Pedro: ...
George: ...
Richard: Uhm... Guys? Hello?
Emily: ...
Zoë: ...
Candy: ...
Richard: Seriously guys? What did I say earlier?
Kylie: ...
Suzy: ...
Suzy: ...You said that Danny's death would just be in vain unless we avenge him.
Suzy: Or something similar. I'm not sure.
Richard: Thank you! Now then... What should we start with?
Suzy: ...Uh...
Richard: Actually, you know what? I'll start this off, seeing as I'm the only one talking. No offence.
Richard: What's up with Danny's injuries?
Edmond: ...He died from being shot. That means the killer used the gun that was hidden in the bar.
Pedro: Says who?
Edmond: Common sense. If the gun was hidden, it means we weren't meant to find it. Plus, that's the only gun in the school that we know about.
Pedro: Uhm... I'm sorry? There's a lot of guns in the storage room!
Zoë: Pedro... Those guns are fake.
Pedro: Can you prove that, though?
Peppa: ...I might be able to prove a different statement.
Peppa: A statement that disregards any usage of guns from the storage room, working or not.
) Nonstop Debate (
- Wendy's Dorm
- Cardboard Box
- Weapon List
Pedro: Think about this, guys! There's a lot of guns in the storage room!
(Wendy's Dorm)
Zoë: Most of those guns don't work, though...
(Wendy's Dorm)
Pedro: Have any of us actually tried to fire those guns? Or are we just too scared to?
(Cardboard Box)
Emily: I'm more concerned if there are any working guns in this school... Everyone heard those bangs earlier, right?
(Cardboard Box)
Kylie: Wait... If those guns don't work, then...
(Weapon List)
Kylie: Surely the gun in the bar is also fake, right?
(Weapon List)
Peppa: No, that's wrong!
Peppa: Hold on a minute everyone. I think there's actually another option as to where the gun could've come from.
Pedro: Really? How?
Peppa: Edmond, you have a list of all the weapons that everyone received in the motive, right?
Edmond: ...Yes. I'll show it to you all, if that is what Peppa is intending me to do.
Peppa: Edmond pulled the scrunched piece of paper out of his pocket, before passing it around the room clockwise. We were all able to get a good look at the list that had been jotted onto it.
Peppa - Baseball bat
George - Kitchen knife
Suzy - Sledgehammer
Danny - Axe
Rebecca - Crossbow
Richard - Bow and arrows
Pedro - Wooden sword
Zoë - Fencing sword
Emily - Spear
Edmond - Flamethrower
Candy - Shovel
Freddy - Nothing
Kylie - Buzzsaw
Delphine - Board with nails (?)
Wendy - Handgun
Gerald - Club
George: Oh... I get it. Wendy's weapon would've been a gun!
Edmond: Yep.
Peppa: Which means that there's a good chance that the gun from the bar is 'Wendy's' gun.
Pedro: Ah. I see...
Rebecca: Hold on. How did the killer get a hold of Wendy's gun...?
Candy: They must've gone to Wendy's dorm, right? Monopotato said that he put the weapons of the deceased participants in their respective dorms... Right?
Monopotato: Yep! Sure did!
Suzy: So how were they able to get into Wendy's dorm?
Peppa: I remember seeing the door to Wendy's room open during investigation. Which means that the culprit had gotten in somehow...
Suzy: Well... Yeah. But how did they get in?
Monopotato: Probably because the door was already unlocked.
Pedro: What?!
Monopotato: Oops, spoilers! A-Actually... Nevermind, I've already spoiled it.
Emily: S-So... Any of us can just go into Wendy's dorm at any time we want?
Monopotato: Well... Let's put it this way. If a participant dies, then their dorm technically isn't theirs anymore, is it? Since you can't take possessions with you to death... Your room is left behind, unlocked for their next owner!
Edmond: ...That's a unique way of putting it.
Peppa: I think that what he's saying is... If you die, your dorm automatically becomes open?
Monopotato: Yep! Something like that.
Pedro: Ok, so the killer could've easily stole the gun from her room, yeah.
Richard: Ok then... Now what?
George: Uhm... Richard?
Richard: ...What.
George: ...
George: Where were you after you left the pool?
Richard: Oh, I just ran off to the kitchen to... Uh... Drink my sadness out.
Zoë: Richard... What the-
George: Uh... Ok... What about the rest of you?
Candy: What do you mean?
Freddy: He means where were we all were after we left the pool, you dumbass.
George: Jeez...
Candy: Oh. Well, I was in the homeroom.
Emily: I was in the launderette, then the storage room with Edmond.
Edmond: Can confirm.
Freddy: I was alone in the kitchen.
Peppa: Wait a minute.
Freddy: What?
Peppa: Wasn't Richard in the kitchen...?
Richard: Yes...? I didn't see anyone there, though.
Pedro: ...Freddy...
Pedro: ...No. Well, kinda. This might be able to shine some light on everyone's alibis...
) Nonstop Debate (
- Locked Room Mystery
- Leaving Order
- Playgroup File 2
Pedro: Because Richard and Freddy didn't see one another in the kitchen...
(Locked Room Mystery)
Pedro: Surely one of them is lying?
(Locked Room Mystery)
Freddy: I'M NOT LYING!
(Locked Room Mystery)
Zoë: I don't really take Freddy as the kind of person to lie...
(Leaving Order)
Kylie: I know he's not a liar! Surely there must be some kind of misunderstanding...
(Leaving Order)
Edmond: My best guess would be that the two in question were in the kitchen at different times...
(Leaving Order)
Peppa: I agree!
Peppa: I think that's it, Edmond! Richard and Freddy were in the kitchen at different times!
Zoë: Ok... How so?
Peppa: Think about the different times when they left the pool. Richard left right at the end, while Freddy left 15 or so minutes earlier.
Peppa: There's a good chance that Freddy left the kitchen way before Richard ever came in!
Pedro: Hold it right there, missy!
Pedro: Good point, Peppa. But what if Richard had come in before Freddy left? Then the issue is still present...!
Peppa: There's no way that Richard could've entered before Freddy left!
Pedro: No way? Maybe you can show me why there's no way then, huh?
#/ Rebuttal Showdown /#
- Lack Of Blood
- Locked Room Mystery
- Edmond's Account
Pedro: C'mon Peppa, you're not thinking broad enough!
Pedro: If Richard left last, and if Freddy spent all his time in the kitchen...
Pedro: Surely they would've seen each other, right? But both sides claim that they didn't!
Pedro: One of them has to be lying, I'm sure of it!
Peppa: It's not like the scenario of Richard and Freddy seeing each other is weird.
Peppa: I'm just pretty certain that there's a specific reason for Freddy to leave the kitchen before Richard could arrive!
Pedro: Wh-What?! Why would Freddy want to leave?
Pedro: Th-There's no reason for Freddy to leave! He p-probably would've been terrified by the supposed gunshots!
Pedro: And even if he had wanted to leave...
Pedro: There's nobody that he could've found in the moment, or anything that he would've found weird at the time!
Pedro: Nothing would've stood out to him!
/ Locked Room Mystery /
Peppa: I'll cut through your words!
#/ BREAK /#
Peppa: I'm sorry Pedro, but can you give me a moment to speak?!
Pedro: I-
Peppa: There's a simple explanation for why Freddy would want to leave the kitchen: He wanted to see Danny. Probably to see if he was alright after the gunshots he had heard.
Freddy: ...
Peppa: The first place he checked was his dorm. It was locked. But-
Freddy: That wasn't right, because Danny had left his door open this morning.
Peppa: Yeah. So if Richard is telling the truth... That means that by the time he got to the kitchen, Freddy was already checking Danny's dorm.
Pedro: ...I... I-
Freddy: Shut up.
Pedro: ...
Zoë: ...
Emily: Uhm... Guys? Maybe we can leave the alibis for later on in the trial?
Rebecca: That seems like a good idea.
Rebecca: Thank you Peppa...
Emily: Thanks... It's just that I was thinking a lot about the gun in the bar, and I may have discovered a few things about it and its location.
Suzy: Ok... Go ahead Emily. Don't stress about time, we've got all day.
Suzy: Or maybe all trial...? Th-That doesn't matter right now...
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