Peppa: Gerald... Are you the killer?
Gerald: ...Really?
Peppa: Huh?
Gerald: Now I'm the one in the spotlight? Just because of a piece of fabric?
Freddy: I mean... It does match your clothing the best...
Gerald: There's also Richard who wears dark blue! Anyone could've been wearing dark blue when they went to meet Delphine!
Rebecca: ...
Peppa: Hm...
Gerald: If you want to prove me as the culprit, then you're going to have to show more then a piece of fabric!
Peppa: Gerald has a point... But there might be something that shows more evidence...
Peppa: If I just... Alter something about what happened last night...
Peppa: ...Maybe I can catch him off guard.
) Nonstop debate (
- Rebecca's Alibi
- Book
- Dark Fabric
Gerald: Just because the fabric is dark blue...
(Rebecca's Alibi)
Gerald: It doesn't mean that I'm now your main suspect!
(Dark Fabric)
Freddy: There is a long way to go if we're considering Gerald...
(Dark Fabric)
Rebecca: Hm...
(Rebecca's Alibi)
Richard: Sis...? What is it?
(Rebecca's Alibi)
Rebecca: I just... Thought that I had heard something last night...
(Rebecca's Alibi)
Gerald: Heard something? Let me guess, some footsteps or something?
[Rebecca's lack of alibi]
Peppa: I'll use this lie, to show the truth!...
Peppa: Gerald... I don't think Rebecca heard footsteps.
Gerald: What?
Rebecca: Peppa... What are you-
Peppa: If she didn't hear footsteps, then that means that the culprit either never came into the dorm hallway, or they were very quiet while coming into the hallway!
Gerald: Grh-!
Rebecca: But... I did hear footsteps.
George: Huh...?
Kylie: So Peppa lied?!
Peppa: ...
Rebecca: If I think about it more though, it didn't sound like shoes. It sounded like... Trotting. Like whoever was there had hooves.
Gerald: H-Hooves?
Candy: The killer went to see Delphine shoeless?
Edmond: There's a major difference between the sound of hooves and paws. Hooves are tough, so they'd make a noise. Paws however, are silent.
Gerald: So that means i-it's Richard! H-He has paws, right?
Emily: But Peppa was lying when she said that Rebecca didn't hear footsteps...
Freddy: So that means everyone who doesn't have hooves is innocent. Meaning... it can't be me, Danny, Richard, Kylie, Rebecca, Edmond, Emily or Candy.
Danny: Gerald's among those left! And it wrecks his accusation of Richard, since he has paws!
Gerald: Nnh! Y- You...
Peppa: ...Seems like my controversial move... worked, in a way.
Suzy: Did Delphine... See Gerald as weak?
Freddy: She must've... It's probably because of his awkwardness...
Edmond: Up close, he seems kind of dangerous, though... Like he could definitely hold his ground. Delphine must've missed that detail...
Pedro: So Gerald got attacked by Delphine, and the fabric got torn off by the scalpel when they were fighting on the second floor?
Rebecca: Plus, Gerald would've easily have been able to knock out Wendy quickly. With that tall structure, his stride must also be long, and thus he could get from the staircase to Wendy in record time!
Richard: It's over, Gerald! You're cornered!
Gerald: ...
Peppa: Gerald... If you have anything to object, then go ahead. I jus-
Gerald: Your theories are mindless!
Gerald: Well, since you've so kindly given me the option to, I will WITHOUT A DOUBT OBJECT.
Gerald: The idea of Delphine falling to the ground floor, the idea that I pushed her, the idea that I knocked out Wendy... They're only theories!
Gerald: Where's the proof of it?! SHOW ME THE PROOF!
Peppa: ...There is one thing. One thing about one of the weapons... That leaves a huge target on you.
(<^>) Argument Armament (<^>)
Gerald <-----> Peppa
Gerald: You believe that I killed her?
Gerald: There isn't enough evidence to convict me.
Gerald: A piece of fabric and trotting at night...?!
Gerald: That isn't enough to prove me guilty...
Gerald: So if I am guilty, where's the proof?!
Gerald: The fabric and my clothing may have the same colour...
Gerald: But that doesn't mean it was from my clothing!
Gerald: Surely, you know of all the other possible scenarios!
Gerald: You're saying that Delphine invited me...?!
Gerald: Impossible... Impossible, you hear me?!
Gerald: And the chance of Wendy walking in on Delphine's death...
Gerald: Nothing about a weapon or a leftover piece of evidence proves your claims to be true!!!
Gerald: Its all impossible, impossible, IMPOSSIBLE!
(Final Blow...)
Gerald: There's nothing about a weapon that proves me guilty!!!
Peppa: It ends here!
(<< BREAK >>)
Peppa: There's one thing that I noticed about the book, Gerald. And it's where it was located before it was used to knock out Wendy.
Gerald: W-Wha?
Freddy: It was located on a high shelf near Delphine's body...
Rebecca: Yes... Too high for most of us, we'd all be a shelf too short to reach it.
Edmond: And considering the speed that Wendy would need to be knocked out at, trying to reach that high shelf to get a book in a rush would be difficult for short people.
Peppa: If the book had been taken out spontaniously to knock out Wendy... Then it'd have to have been done by someone tall.
Peppa: And out of all of us... You're the tallest one here, Gerald!
Gerald: I-Impossible... Im... Pos...
Gerald: ...
Gerald: ...s-sible...?
Richard: ...And? You out of steam, Gerald?
Gerald: ...*cough*
Emily: Wow... You really did shock him.
George: Uhm... Peppa?
Peppa: Yea?
George: Could you... Repeat to us what happened in this case? Maybe then Gerald will have calmed down a bit...
Peppa: ...Ok... Here goes.
)=({ Closing Argument })=(
Act 1:
This case started when Monopotato gave us our first motive: If you kill someone and get away with it, you'll be able to make one phone call before you left the building. One person among us decided to take that motive to their advantage. That person was our victim - Delphine Donkey. The photo that was in her room would've enhanced her desire to take the call. And, the fact that she had to do it in front of all the other participants wouldn't have effected her, as she could talk to her family in French. So, she started making her murder plan, targeting the culprit.
Act 2:
After the poker game that Edmond had set up, Delphine got to work. She secretly stole a scalpel while Edmond and Suzy were tidying up, and hid it in her room for later. Then, she started writing her letter to the culprit. Since she wasn't an expert in English, she had to involve some French. Once she had finished writing it, she took the scalpel, slipped the letter underneath her victim's door, and headed to the library.
Act 3:
The culprit must've received the letter from Delphine, and went to the library to meet with her, notably without shoes. When they got there... Delphine made her attack. However, the culprit quickly fought back, which shocked Delphine. The two ended up in a brawl, which got taken to the second floor. There, Delphine was able to make an attack that loosened a piece of fabric from the killer's clothing. The culprit responded by pushing Delphine off the edge of the second floor. Delphine tried to grab onto a nearby ladder, however it fell with her, which ended up crushing her. The culprit was shocked by this, and rushed down to her.
Act 4:
The crash made by the ladder woke up Rebecca and Wendy. However, while Rebecca went back to sleep, Wendy got up to investigate. She went to the library with her notepad to find the culprit standing over Delphine's body. The culprit, now in panic, knew that they had to make sure that Wendy didn't incriminate them when the morning came. So... They swiftly grabbed one of the books from a high bookshelf near Delphine's body, and whacked Wendy in the head with it. With Wendy dealt with, the only thing left to do would be to finish off Delphine.
Act 5:
The culprit went back up to the second floor, with the book in hand. Once they got there, they chucked it at Delphine's head, thus making the second loud noise that Rebecca heard, and killing Delphine for good. Then, the culprit stole Wendy's notepad and left it on one of the library tables, likely to try and incriminate her. I'm not sure what the culprit decided to do with Wendy... But what they did with Wendy doesn't matter to this case. Afterwards, the culprit went back to their dorm, where they realised they still had the letter. They dealt with it by tearing out the parts with Delphine's and their names, before leaving it in the hallway and going back into their dorm.
Peppa: That's how it went... Isn't that right, Gerald Giraffe, the Ultimate Caretaker?
)=({ COMPLETE })=(
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