Freddy: The first major piece of evidence that we have that can guide us to the culprit is the letter. We may not know who it was for, but we can make an estimate of who she invited...
Rebecca: Well, I don't remember Delphine being that powerful. She seemed a bit skinny here and there... No body shaming.
Pedro: Right... Then Delphine probably would've targeted someone who was also rather weak...
Richard: Who here is strong?
Danny: Probs those who have a talent in sports or a talent that requires physical strength. So... That means me, Candy, Rebecca, Emily and Kylie are innocent.
Candy: Why are you proving yourself innocent?
Danny: It takes a lot of power to hoist sails and work rudders sometimes, you know!
Richard: That leaves Suzy back in the spotlight. And in fact, it incriminates her more. She also seems like one of the weakest people among us...
Suzy: Oh for crying out loud... I. Am. Not. The. Culprit!
Richard: Really? Then prove it.
Suzy: ...
Peppa: Very well then, Richard. I'll prove it.
) Nonstop debate (
- Dark Fabric
- Suzy's Alibi
- Letter
Richard: Oh? You're going to prove your best friend innocent?
(Dark Fabric)
Richard: Very well then. Why wouldn't Delphine choose Suzy? She's so weak...
(Dark Fabric)
Freddy: Hey, leave the girl alone! Strength isn't only in muscle...
(Dark Fabric)
Richard: True. But if we're talking about what Delphine saw, then she saw Suzy as vulnerable.
(Dark Fabric)
Kylie: And why are you so determined in proving Suzy guilty...?
(Dark Fabric)
Richard: Simple. Because there's nothing that suggests another person fought Delphine.
(Dark Fabric)
Peppa: No, that's wrong!
Peppa: In contrast to that, there's nothing that suggests Suzy fought Delphine!
Richard: How so?
Peppa: Remember the dark fabric from the second floor? Does it look like it would've come from her clothing?
Freddy: Good point... Suzy's main outfit is made up of shades of white and pink. I don't think that a supposedly said 'dark' piece of fabric could come from an outfit like that.
Richard: Do you have the fabric?
Peppa: No, I don-
Peppa: I froze as my hand slipped into my dress pocket. Gripping a mysterious piece of flat stuff, I slowly pulled it out of my pocket.
Peppa: ...It was the fabric.
Rebecca: Oh... She does have it...
Kylie: It deffo looks dark... Nothing like Suzy's current clothing.
Peppa: Y-Yeah... See? This proves that someone else was fighting Delphi-
Richard: Your thinking needs to be tweaked...
Richard: Just because the fabric wasn't matching the colours of Suzy's outfit, it doesn't immediately mean that she's now innocent.
Peppa: What?!
Richard: The colour of it might not be its true colour. The fabric could've been soaked in blo-
George: You know that's my sister, right?
} JOIN {
George: Hey, Richard! I think you're making this a bit complicated for yourself!
Richard: H-Huh?
George: If the fabric was soaked in blood, then how could it have been on the second floor? There would've been a bloodstain, right?
Danny: Maybe... Suzy took an injury from an attack from Delphine that also tore off the fabric!
Suzy: I-I don't have any injuries of the sort! I never hurt myself last night...
Pedro: But aren't you the Ultimate Nurse...? Surely you'd be able to heal the wound, and maybe also stop it from leaking!
Monopotato: Hold it!
Peppa: Wha-
Danny: What do you have to do with this?
Monopotato: Nothing. It's just that we have a split decision!
Richard: And...?
Monopotato: Please may all participants hold on tightly to their stands until they have stopped moving.
George: What...?
Peppa: ...Ok...
Peppa: I slowly gripped a hold of my trial stand, as Monopotato flipped out a dome-shaped crimson button. He raised his hand above it, smirking weirdly. Once he finally pushed it, a harsh force of air blew from right above me as the stand started soaring roughly. Eventually, the movements halted, as I opened my previously slammed shut eyes to see 8 other stands in a line opposing my own. Looking to the right, I realised that the remaining 7 stands were lined up next to mine. And to top it off, the whole scenario was on top of a pastel blue roof in the open air. The stands were on top of the tiles, and Monopotato was on top of a small white brick extension at the end of the stand lines. In the centre of this extension laid a rusted, golden bell.
Peppa: I had no idea what was going on.
Monopotato: Now you have been split according to your opinion on the situation. Let loose! Open the floodgates! Make your arguments however you like!
}/^/{ Scrum Debate }/^/{
) Is Suzy the culprit? (
She has to be!-->
<--She can't be!
Kylie: Suzy has to be the culprit! Her weakness proves it! -->
Rebecca: She may have been weak, but I don't think she's the culprit... <--
Candy: How is she not? She's one of the weakest here. -->
Zoë: There's a lot of other people here who are seemingly 'the weakest'. <--
Danny: Delphine attacked Suzy with the scalpel, which caused the fabric to come loose from Suzy's clothing. -->
Edmond: But the fabric was a completely different colour to her clothing... <--
Emily: The fabric could've been soaked in blood from a wound that Suzy gained from the scalpel... -->
Suzy: I don't have any kind of wound! I can show you right now! <--
Gerald: You don't have to, that'd be harassment. But you could've patched it up after Delphine died... -->
Freddy: There'd be nothing she could've patched it up with, though... <--
Pedro: She could've used the fabric itself! That would be how it got soaked in blood! -->
George: If that happened, wouldn't her hand have gotten soaked too? <--
Richard: She could've cleaned it off with the fabric, or another piece of clothing. -->
Peppa: There was no other torn off clothing at the scene. Plus, the fabric would've felt different! <--
}= BREAK ={
Peppa: As our stands slowly floated back down to the trial room that we had been discussing within before, I gripped the fabric I had in my dress pocket tightly.
Peppa: This is what proves Suzy innocent... I can't mess it up.
Richard: Hold on. Felt different?
Peppa: Yeah. If the fabric was soaked in blood, wouldn't it feel wet, or crispy, or... Somewhat bloody?
Pedro: Dam... How can you prove it?
Zoë: Pedro. She's holding it in her own hands... Are you that blind without your glasses?
Pedro: ...I guess.
Peppa: I'm going to pass it around you all. Then you can all have a feel of it, and understand it's texture.
Peppa: I started by handing the fabric to Kylie, which was a challenge due to the absence of Wendy between our stands. She felt it thoroughly, before passing it to Richard. He gave it a feel, before passing it on to Suzy. The cycle continued until the fabric was passed back to Rebecca, who rubbed it a bit, before handing it back to be.
Richard: ...Peppa's right. The fabric isn't bloody.
Kylie: So the darkness of the fabric must be it's true colour!
Freddy: While I was holding it, I was able to get a better look at its colour. It seemed like... Dark blue of some kind.
Peppa: ...
Danny: Does anyone here have any dark blue clothes? Or maybe dark blue pyjamas?
Peppa: ...I think there's someone who does.
Kylie: WHAT?!
Zoë: Well, don't just act sentimental! Who is it?
Peppa: ...
Peppa: The one person here who wears dark blue... It has to be...
<> Accuse <>
- Peppa Pig
- floW ydneW
- Kylie Kangaroo
- Richard Rabbit
- Suzy Sheep
- > Gerald Giraffe <
- Danny Dog
- Freddy Fox
- Candy Cat
- George Pig
- Emily Elephant
- Edmond Elephant
- Pedro Pony
- Zoë Zebra
- yeknoD enihpleD
- Rebecca Rabbit
Peppa: You're the only one!
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