Pedro: So, there were two weapons at the scene of the crime. A completely blood coated scalpel, and a ladder with a bloodstain.
Freddy: Not to mention the book.
Pedro: Book?
Freddy: Jeez, did you not notice? The book on the floor. It's bottom pages were bloody.
Pedro: Oh. Sorry...?
Candy: So now we're figuring out which one of the three was the killing weapon?
Freddy: Indeed, kitten.
Emily: Uh... Can you not call her that?
) Nonstop debate (
- Injuries
- Bloodied Scalpel
- Book
George: So then, which of the three weapons was the one that killed Delphine?
Pedro: Maybe the scalpel? The culprit could've slashed her head open!
Candy: Nah. The file proves that theory completely wrong.
Pedro: Oh...
Zoë: That leaves us with the ladder and book.
Kylie: Wait... I know! The book might not be the weapon!
Emily: How are you so sure...?
Kylie: Because the ladder would've dealt a lot of damage! The book probs just fell out...
Peppa: No, that's wrong!
Peppa: I understand your thinking Kylie, but there's something about Delphine's body that doesn't line up.
Kylie: Huh?
Freddy: Yep, her head wound. The ladder may have had blood on it's side, but it didn't have any on the top rung.
Rebecca: So that means... The ladder didn't cause that wound?
Peppa: Yeah... And since the scalpel's out of the question, it must've been made by the book.
Danny: You're sailing in the wrong sea!
Peppa: Huh?
Danny: Ok ok ok, I understand that the scalpel can't be the weapon whatsoever. It makes no sense. But why not the ladder?
Danny: Taking into account Kylie's earlier statement, I think that it's actually your statement that's not lining up!
#/ Rebuttal showdown /#
- Book
- Third Discoverer
- Rebecca's Alibi
Danny: The ladder could've been the killing weapon!
Danny: Kylie's statement from before isn't incorrect, the ladder would've done a lot of damage.
Danny: And because of the blood wound on Delphine's leg, the ladder must've killed her! Not the book.
Danny: Like Kylie said: The book must've fallen out somehow.
Peppa: If the ladder did kill Delphine...
Peppa: Then the top rungs should've had blood on them!
Danny: The culprit might've cleaned the blood off! Or, bleeding didn't begin until after the hit!
Danny: And also, what exactly about the book makes it the weapon?
Danny: There's nothing that suggests another weapon was used...
/ Rebecca's Alibi /
Peppa: I'll cut through your words!
#/ BREAK /#
Peppa: That's not true Danny. There is something that suggests another weapon was used. Right Rebecca?
Rebecca: Uhm... Yeah?
Danny: What does Rebecca have to do with this?
Rebecca: That's what I'm questioning. What do I have to do with proving that the book must be the weapon?
Peppa: Rebecca, you heard two loud noises in the night, right?
Rebecca: Yes...?
Peppa: If the ladder was the weapon that killed Delphine, by falling on her...
Peppa: ...Then wouldn't it have made only one of the two loud noises?
George: Oh... Jeez...
Zoe: Now that I think about it... This can be proven further by the ladder itself.
Zoe: The ladder can only be used once weapon wise, by pushing it over onto somebody. That would explain the first loud noise Rebecca heard.
Zoe: After pushing it over, it would be rather difficult to pick up the ladder, and use it again as a weapon. Especially in a way that would make another loud noise.
Kylie: Dam...! So the book really must've been the weapon that killed her!
Peppa: Yeah... And now, we know that it was used in a way that made a loud crash.
Richard: So... How did the order of events go?
Edmond: I believe something like this. First, the ladder was pushed onto Delphine. Then, she was hit by the book, which killed her.
Emily: So... She was finished off by the book after the ladder had crushed her... How was that done loudly?
Peppa: I think that there's a way...
Peppa: How could the book have killed Delphine loudly...?
- It was hit against something repetitively
- It was thrown from a high place
- It was used by Delphine
Peppa: I got it...!
Peppa: The book must've been thrown from the second floor. That would've done the killing blow.
Rebecca: It also makes sense if we consider the second crash...
Candy: Well. Now we understand quite a bit more! Delphine got crushed by the ladder, and was finished off with the book!
Pedro: ...
Zoe: Pedro...? Is something wrong?
Pedro: Yeah... After hearing all of this confirmation that Delphine was killed by the book, I'm a bit confused about the role of the scalpel in all of this.
Gerald: Oh... I forgot about that...
Pedro: Why would the scalpel be there?
Kylie: It was probably brought by the killer...
Edmond: If that was the case, then why would the killer resort to using a ladder?
Danny: Good point... There must be some kind of explanation for that surgical blade...
) Nonstop debate (
- Suzy's Alibi
- Bloodied Scalpel
- Dark Fabric
Pedro: The scalpel's role in all of this is confusing me...
(Suzy's Alibi)
Emily: If the culprit had used the book to kill Delphine, then why bother bringing a scalpel in the first place...?
(Dark Fabric)
George: Maybe the scalpel had been taken by the victim?
(Dark Fabric)
Gerald: Really? That doesn't make sense...
(Bloodied Scalpel)
Zoe: Well this is quite the stalemate.
(Suzy's Alibi)
Danny: Agreed... This scalpel is confusing me...
(Suzy's Alibi)
Freddy: Whatever it is, the meaning of the scalpel being there must be something that wouldn't be expectable. A real shocker...
(Dark Fabric)
Pedro: Man... This is gonna take a while...
(Dark Fabric)
Peppa: Dammit... This doesn't make sense to me...
Peppa: Although, George did mention something...
Peppa: ...
Peppa: ...Wait.
Peppa: Maybe... We've been looking at this wrong...
) Repeat (
Pedro: The scalpel's role in all of this is confusing me...
(Dark Fabric)
Emily: If the culprit had used the book to kill Delphine, then why bother bringing a scalpel in the first place...?
(Dark Fabric)
George: Maybe the scalpel had been (taken by the victim)?
(Dark Fabric)
Gerald: Really? That doesn't make any sense...
(taken by the victim)
Zoe: Well this is quite the stalemate.
(taken by the victim)
Danny: Agreed... This scalpel is confusing me...
(taken by the victim)
Freddy: Whatever it is, the meaning of the scalpel being there must be something that wouldn't be expectable. A real shocker...
(taken by the victim)
Peppa: I agree!
Peppa: Guys... I think that there is an explanation for the scalpel.
Kylie: Wh-What? How?!
Danny: Yeah, we barely have anything that explains it's purpose! And you know why it's there?
Peppa: I believe that I know. But... You're gonna have to trust me here, ok?
Richard: Sure thing.
Pedro: Phew... Fair enough...
Peppa: ...What if Delphine brought the scalpel?
Freddy: What...?
Peppa: The killer obviously couldn't have brought it. There's only one other person that's involved with the case that much to bring vital evidence like that... the victim.
George: In other words... Delphine is the only person that could've brung it.
Rebecca: ...
Edmond: ...
Candy: ...
Gerald: ...
Richard: ...
Zoe: ...
Peppa: The whole room went silent. It was like... We'd witnessed another death.
Peppa: Do they not believe me...?
Freddy: ...Peppa.
Peppa: Yes?
Freddy: ...I just realised something that strengthens your hipothesis.
George: Huh?
Freddy: It has to do with the letter. At first, I thought that the culprit had used French in it so that it would be easier for Delphine to understand, but now...
Freddy: ...I believe it's more likely that Delphine wrote the letter herself!
Edmond: That makes a lot of sense... It'd be easier for someone to involve parts of their native language into a letter written in a second language.
Candy: So... Delphine was the one who stole the scalpel AND wrote the letter?
Freddy: If Peppa's estimate is true, then that means...
Richard: It wasn't a scenario where Delphine was lured out and murdered...
Kylie: ...But a scenario... Where Delphine was trying to pull off her own murder!
Peppa: ...
Danny: Delphine... Why?
Pedro: Yeah, why? Why would you bother trying to kill someone?!
Monopotato: Wow! The boys are starting to question ghosts! This trial really has succeeded!
Candy: What do you mean by succeeded...?
Richard: Nevermind that. Now we know that this case didn't go as we thought it did...
Peppa: ...
George: Peppa...?
Peppa: ...
Peppa: Delphine...
Peppa: I didn't think that you'd be the one trying to kill here.
Peppa: You seemed so innocent before... So respectful of life... And yet you decided to try and kill someone...
Peppa: ...I don't know what to think of anymore.
Peppa: I'm sorry you did this. Maybe you wanted to see your family, maybe the motive made you succumb completely. But you didn't have to...
Peppa: ...You didn't have to betray us, Delphine.
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