Intermission 1
The cracking noises got louder as Mr. Rabbit and his father-in-law continued to block the door from the outside opposition. I had already called for Mr. Pig. When I was there though, he was talking to someone on the phone we found...
...Maybe he finally called for help.
"M-Mandy! We're gonna need some help!"
"Well, why doesn't the cow in the corner help out?!"
"Hey!" Mrs. Cow rebutted, as I shakily wheeled back to the backroom in the supermarket. When I reached the worn steel doors, a familiar figure bursted through them, adjusting the glasses aiding his eyesight as he looked down at me.
"I-I'm here. What's happening?"
"It's the radicals... They're breaking in."
"Oh. Sugar."
"Th-They're gonna make it in!"
"...We're going to have to run."
"I have a wheelchair..."
"Everyone's going to have to run for it. I'll take Mandy."
"I-Is the back door open?"
"...I'm opening it now."
"Son of a-"
At that statement, Mr. Pig dashed out. I prepared myself, wheeling closer to the backroom door as various metallic clanks sounded. The front doors to the supermarket continued to bulge as Mr. Pig rushed back in, taking hold of my wheelchair.
"Everyone... Let go of the doors when I say so. And start running immediately!"
I sweated to myself as the two rabbits blocking the door leaned forward, preparing to dash.
The rabbits dashed. The doors gave way.
And in their spot stood those converted. Those who had taken the ideology of despair.
The sights around me changed as we leapt out into the outside world once again. The rabbits eventually caught up with us as the race for survival went on.
"Is there anywhere that we can reside?"
"...Maybe at the old garage? The one that Danny's granddaddy used to own?" I suggested, worry in my eyes as the ground beneath my weakened legs rattled me around.
"Good idea! L-Lets get going!"
"Wait... Where's Mrs. Cow?"
"...She got taken."
"Oh... Well, rest in peace, Mrs. Cow."
"Yeah..." I sighed, gripping my arm.
The group continued on the harsh fast-moving schedule for a couple more minutes. Eventually, the garage came into sight, as our pace sped up. Kilometers became meters, meters became centimetres, centimetres became touching the rippled metal wall of the garage, the white paint on it peeling off crisply.
"...Here we are." Mr. Pig nodded forcefully, "Everyone in. Lock all doors once we're inside."
We all rushed within the building, the smell of motor oil resting in the air. It wasn't the best, but... It was enough for now.
You don't even know who I am, do you?
It's fine. I'll explain now.
My name is Mandy Mouse. You may have picked up on the fact that I reside in a wheelchair. It's because my legs don't work like yours. Obviously.
My Ultimate talent completely ignores and embraces that fact, however.
I'm the Ultimate Paralympic Athlete.
Honestly, I don't know how I got it.
But what confuses me more is the situation that's happening to our current world.
First all of my friends go missing, followed by outbreaks of despair, attacking for life, and downright nightmarish survival!
I just hope she hasn't been turned.
"O-Ow... My neck..."
Pain ran through my chest and lungs as my surroundings snapped back into reality. It was... White. Multiple items such as crates and shelves could be made out from the white plane as I sat up, rubbing my head thoroughly.
"Dam. You're finally awake."
"Wh-What the?-"
"I'm betting you didn't die as harshly as I did, huh?"
I squinted as two figures formed into shape, staring me down. They were... Wendy and Delphine...?
"O-Oh god-" I backed away swiftly at the sight of the donkey. "I-I'm sorry-"
"Don't be. I should be sorry."
After uttering that, Delphine simply walked away... Through some kind of white doorway.
"She's in extreme guilt because she tried to kill you." Wendy scoffed, looking away.
"...I knew it..." I sighed, gripping onto my arm roughly. "What... Is this place...?"
"The storage room."
"Wh-What?! But... I died in... The old charity shop..."
"That was just a scene that was organised or something. You were out stone cold when we found you, weren't that far from the trial room. We decided it'd be best if we took you back up to the storage room so that you could stay close to us."
"...Ah. Wh-What I meant was... What is this... How can I put it... Realm?"
"...I dunno. My best guess is it's the afterlife. You got executed, right Gerald?"
Noticeable beads of sweat fell down my head as I slowly nodded.
"Yeah. I think it's the afterlife."
My head was still spiraling like mad. But considering Wendy's explanation, I feel a bit better now...
...I hope that no one else dies.
If anyone else appears here... We're gonna need to take some kind of action...
(< Intermission 1 - END >)
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