Chapter 2: Let's Play The Water!
*Ding ding bong bing...*
"Goooood morning everyone! Time to get up, for yet another day of future blood to be shed!"
...This is it.
Today's the day.
It took me around 5-6 minutes to get ready, which is WAY quicker than my norm. One of the major reasons for this is because I didn't have a shower.
But hey, going swimming in a pool technically counts as some kind of bath, right?
Anyways, getting back on track. Once I had finished getting myself ready for the day, I straight up blasted myself out my dorm door. Deliberately crashing into Suzy's door right afterwards. Why I did so? No clue.
Soon, the door opened, the cute sheep's eyes landing upon my almost breathless body.
...Uhm... N-Nevermind.
"Peppa? A-Are you ok?"
"...Yep. I just... Uh... W-Wanted to get a head start on preparing for the pool party?"
"...Heh, ok." Suzy smiled, grabbing underneath my arms and yanking me back onto my feet. She then gave me a quick hug, before speaking once again.
"Well, we should probably get some breakfast. We can discuss a few more ideas for the party there."
"..." I nodded my head.
Trying to give a verbal reply would've be a bit difficult, considering how beautiful this lamb was.
(*Timeskip to breakfast*)
"Now then, I'm assuming that everyone got an invitation. Am I right? Great! So let us begin the meeting of adding on ideas!" Suzy proposed, raising herself at the round table of the homeroom. "Does anyone have any music ideas?"
"Rock." Richard grinned.
"Uh... Don't you need a band to play rock?" Pedro started, "I mean, I can play ukulele, but-"
"But that's perfect!" The rabbit smiled, "It doesn't even have to be rock-and-roll rock, it can be pop rock, or alternate rock, or something like that."
"...When did you get this into rock music?" George raised an eyebrow.
"Since yesterday." Richard grinned once again, this time with more flare. George glanced away, before resting his head in his arms as Suzy agreed with Richard's suggestion.
Meanwhile, I was simply nodding along to everything. Staying in the moment, paying specific attention to the looks on everyone's faces.
...Three of those faces looked a bit...
Like something was wrong.
...But nothing's wrong.
Nothing will be wrong today.
...At least I hope so.
(*Another timeskip to the afternoon*)
...One o'clock two minutes, man the time has gone by quickly. Everyone else had been working on something to bring to the pool party, while I had done absolutely nothing.
Hm, quite a lazy person, aren't I?
Reminds me of my dad.
My dad was lazy sometimes, considering that tummy. But he also had a lot of care for me and George.
Jeez, now I'm getting reminded of Gerald's final phone call.
...That phone call.
Was that really... My dad?
"Hey! Peppa? You good?"
"...Sorry Suzy. Just got a bit lost in my thoughts." I replied calmly, turning my head to the organiser of the party seated at the opposing end of the bench, also noting the tone-deaf grey walls of the changing room hallway, and its many workout supplies scattered around.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"It's still quite early, Peppa. They won't be coming for another half hour or so."
"Aww... I wish we had something we could talk about."
"Please, women always have something to talk about. Mainly to do with their bodies."
"Heh, uh..." I momentarily lost my knowledge of sense. "What do you mean?"
"It's obvious! A woman's body is so much more talented than a man's! At least, in my opinion. Yeah, men may be thick boys, but women got them curves, you know?" The lamb smoothly cheered, dragging out the word 'curves'.
"...Y-Yeah! How... Uh... Why do you think so?"
"Oh, Peppa. I'm a lady for a reason, you know~" Suzy chuckled, edging a bit closer to me.
Suddenly, my heart started to beat with speed.
...Why did it start to do that?
It's not like she's gonna kill me! I'm not the traitor...
...But she doesn't know that, does she?
Anxiety and panic took control of my nerves and veins as I glanced at the sheep once more. My tongue desperately searched for something to say as Suzy shifted closer and closer.
"U-Uh... I... I-I didn't know that y-you had s-such a p-preference for girls!" I spat out last minute, just as Suzy had slid herself past the 'halfway mark' of the bench.
She halted, seemingly thought something over, before starting towards me again. In minimal time, the sheep was right next to me. My heart was racing harshly, as my mind started preparing for the worst to come. Likely a majorly painful feeling in the side of my stomach.
Then Suzy spoke again.
"Well... Every good girl has to keep their secrets, but they also have to spill them sometimes. So... Forgive me Peppa."
I scrunched my eyes shut.
My body tensed.
And soon enough...
...I was met with a quick, soft feeling on my cheek.
I cautiously opened my eyes after uttering my confusion.
I was... I was still here.
Not only that, but Suzy was also still here, now back at the other end of the bench with her back to me.
"U-Uhm... S-Suzy?"
The two metallic doors then parted without warning. My insides leapt in fear to the whistling of a tune, which soon paused.
I sharply glanced up, to meet a confused Pedro staring at us.
...A confused Pedro wearing no shirt.
"...Guys? I-I mean, girls... Did you two have another quarrel?"
"No no, it's... Nevermind." Suzy started, facing the pony, "Why aren't you wearing anything?"
"Hey, rude! I'm clearly wearing swimming trunks!" The pony coughed.
"Well, why wear them in the hallways? Isn't somebody going to question that? See Peppa, this is another reason why I prefer girls over guys. Guys are just plain stupid sometimes." The lamb turned to me pouting.
Also with a red face.
We're screwed.
"I-If you think about it, there aren't any teachers here who can question me..." Pedro said.
"What about Monopotato?" Suzy argued back.
"...Nevermind. I am a bit stupid. But! But but... You two are gay." The pony smirked, before dashing to the blue door and trying to yank it open. He tugged at it multiple times with no success. Realisation hit him as he rolled his eyes, before digging into his pockets, likely to look for his handbook.
"..." Suzy gave a hard sigh, "Pedro. You had better not tell this to anyone."
"Your secret is safe with meeeeeeeeeee!" Pedro cried out in delight, as the door finally swung open for him.
That was eventful...
It didn't take long for the others to arrive. It did take a long time for us to get changed, however.
Changing was quite a nightmare for me. Considering that I kept freaking out at the slightest sighting of Suzy, no matter where she was. Even if she was in my mind. I think I even almost walked in on her while she was changing out of my panic.
Now that would've been a disaster.
But nonetheless, I was able to live through the madness of changing in the girl's locker room, and soon enough, we were all standing side by side at the edge of the deep end of the pool.
"So... How should we start this?" Edmond questioned.
"Maybe we should all jump in together?" Rebecca suggested.
"I don't think so, sis. I'm a bit worried about playing a guitar with wet hands..." Richard replied, nodding to the two guitars and drum set resting at the opposite end of the pool.
"It's fine Richard!" Danny laughed, "I'm pretty sure having wet hands doesn't change anything about how you play a guitar! And anyways, you can always dry yourself before playing..."
"So... We're all gonna jump in?" Kylie smiled?
"Yep! On three!" Suzy giggled.
"Wait! Wait... Sorry, uh... Just let me take my glasses off..." Pedro called, before setting his circular glasses on the ground behind him.
"Ok...! Once again, on three! One... Two..."
We didn't even need to finish on three before we all gave a shriek, springing into the pool. Droplets of water flew everywhere, mainly onto our bodies and faces.
Then another shriek sounded out.
"Really Freds? It feels fine to me." Rebecca scoffed to herself, as Danny started floating himself on the surface of the water, hands behind his head.
"Yeah! I don't know what you're worried about, Freds! I'm actually getting flashbacks from my older days... Ah, this is the life...!" The dog sighed calmly.
"G-Good point... B-But how m-many times have I-I t-told you t-to stop c-calling me F-Freds...?"
"Uh... A thousand?"
"...Y-Yep, HAHAHA-"
I giggled to myself, noting the connectivity of the trio. Secretly I was also noting their chests, but that's a private issue.
It then occurred to me that I was alone.
...Surely parties are for socialising?
I immediately started looking for George. I eventually found him, however he was busy talking with Richard and Edmond. They seemed to be blabbering something about construction equipment and dinosaurs.
...Typical boyish conversation topics.
I decided that it'd be best if I left George to chat.
I mean, yeah, I really wanted to talk to him so that I don't look like some kind of creepy loner.
But family is forever. Friends just come and go.
...Considering Delphine...
...Now it makes perfect sense to leave the three to enjoy time together, while they still can.
I instead, started looking for Suzy. For some reason, though... She wasn't there.
I had even spun around a few times to check wether or not she was hiding behind my back. She wasn't.
I also tried diving under the water to she if she was hiding down there. She wasn't.
I checked if she was resting somewhere in a deckchair. She wasn't.
It was almost like... She had left the pool entirely.
...Why would she do that?
Was it because... Of me?
At that moment, I started looking for someone to talk to. For the third time in this party.
Jeez, and I haven't even spent like 10 minutes here.
Eventually, I came upon Pedro, who was busy in some kind of splashing fight with Zoë.
"H-Hey! Pedro!"
"What? You started thi- AHH!"
"Heheh, payback!"
"Not for long, haha!"
They're occupied at the moment, but not necessarily in a talking method. More or so in a method of play.
So that means I can technically join it... Right?
Snapping back into reality, I noticed that the pony was starting to overpower the ziz- I mean, the zebra with smallish waves. Little squeals were sounding out from the scenario.
I then made my move.
Cupping my hands just underneath the water's surface, I swung the hugest wave I could towards the pony, almost losing balance while doing so.
The desired effect was achieved, as Pedro immediately stopped splashing Zoë. He then whipped around to face me.
"Wh- Peppa?! What was that for? This isn't a 2v1..."
"Uh... I guess you can say that this is revenge for earlier." I winked to him, also prodding my head in the direction of Zoë. Pedro went a bit red, before slamming his face into the water. Zoë simply gave a look of confusion.
"Hmph, I get it..." Pedro sighed, "I still haven't told anyone about Suzy though." He nodded at me.
...That brings a smile to my face. He might be a bit of an idiot, but at least he's not dishonest.
"Yeah... Talking about Suzy," I began, "Have you seen her anywhere?"
"Uhm..." Zoë put a curved finger to her chin, before retracting it swiftly. "I haven't. Isn't she in the pool somewhere? After all, it was her idea to..."
"It was actually Emily's idea." I mentioned.
"Wait, it was Emily's idea? Sweet!" The pony laughed, while still bearing a serious face. "As for Suzy... I think I saw her heading to the changing rooms. I'm not sure why, maybe the wet wool already got to her?"
"Maybe... But that doesn't make sense." Zoë piped up. "Why would she leave a party that she determined herself to organising? Even if it wasn't her idea... That seems rather off."
"I don't really want to worry about that right now." Pedro scratched his neck a bit, a look of concern in his eyes. "Let's talk about something else! Like... Our talents!"
"Fair enough. What kind of talent is 'cowboy' anyway?" Zoë stared.
"Ok, now that was just a plain diss." Pedro squinted his eyes at her, before shaking his head. "Well, it's not like I'm an actual cowboy, I'm more or so better at acting like a cowboy. In a way, my true Ultimate title is actually the Ultimate Cowboy Cosplayer, if you think about it."
"Uh... Wow. You really wanted your talent to be... pretending to be a cowboy?"
"Y'know, once upon a time I wanted to be a magician."
"Then why didn't you become a magician?"
"Well, it's pretty hard to get the required education to learn magic when your own bloody residence burns down to the ground."
"Wh... What?!"
"I- I don't think I can..."
"Can you forget about it for the moment? This is a pool party, not a therapist's appointment."
We all shared a chuckle.
Pedro isn't as crazy a guy as I considered him to be...
(Another small timeskip, *dies inside*)
Around half an hour had gone by, and boy was it fun. We had all enjoyed ourselves chatting and splashing around in the watery environment, sometimes full-blown wars of waves erupting between us. Most of the time, boys vs girls. Girls winning every time.
Along with that, there was also a lot of music going around for our ears, thanks to Danny, Pedro and Richard. And I'm being honest here: Those guys play like a master. Richard and Pedro on guitars, Danny on drums... Even if the drumming was sometimes a bit overpowering, it still ran smoothly with the rest of the tune.
At the current moment, the aforementioned three were preparing to play another tune, something along the lines of 'Throwing out the shade for a little bit of sunshine'. Or something like that. George and Freddy were with them, adding some incomprehensible suggestions.
Suzy still hadn't returned, unfortunately. However, I was still happily chatting with Zoë, so it didn't cross my mind as important in the moment.
...It definitely is important for a later time, though.
As for everyone else, Edmond had dozed off in one of the lounge chairs earlier on, while Emily and Candy were caught up in gossip right next to him. Rebecca and Kylie were swimming laps round the pool - Rebecca at a much swifter pace then Kylie. And Wendy was...
...Wendy was...
...Wendy was dead.
Jeez, Peppa, how'd you forget that?
"Uhm. Peppa? Hello?"
"O-Oh, sorry." I shook my head, while Zoë gave me a soft smile. She then went on with her rambles about her motive weapon, and how it related to her personal interests - Not playing the piano, mind you. She had been talking about this for the last ten minutes as of now, and all I had been doing was listening and nodding along to her exclamations about her fencing sword.
I never knew what was a fencing sword before this conversation, by the way.
If you asked me, I'd probably say that it was some kind of bowl with a stiff wire sticking out of the bottom.
But apparently, nope. It was a swo-
We all got startled from the shout. I whipped my head to the source of the scream, expecting the worst...
...But no. It was just Edmond. Heavily breathing, yes, but Edmond nonetheless.
"I... I..."
The younger elephant started glancing around shakily, before hopping out of the firm deckchair.
"That's... That's it. That's what I need to do."
"Bro, what do you mea-"
Emily couldn't give an answer in time. Edmond had already dashed out.
"U-Uh..." The older elephant gave a terrified eye at the rest of us.
"I-I'm just gonna see if he's ok, o-ok?"
"Uhm... Sure."
The moment those words were heard, Emily sprinted out at an equally quick pace. Of course, through the girls' changing room. Going into the opposite changing room would probably spark some heated debate with Monopotato.
Silence quickly followed.
The sudden leaving of Suzy, Emily and Edmond seemed to kill the mood quite a bit, considering that they were the major formulators of the party. Eventually, people started to leave the swimming pool altogether. First, it was Freddy, quickly followed by Danny. Then it was Candy.
...That took a plummet fast.
"Well. What now?" Pedro glanced around, scratching around his collarbone.
"...Dunno." Richard shrugged.
"Maybe we could... Try messing around with a few of the instruments?" Kylie pondered.
"I'm not too sure. There aren't that many, plus... I-I don't think you have experience." The shorter rabbit went on.
"That doesn't matter! We can still mess around with them!" George piped up.
"Well, yes, bu-"
"But what?" The pig's tone suddenly got less playful, "It wasn't that much of an issue for you when we were in the music room yesterday..."
"I... I just don't feel like doing that."
"Why? Do you care too much about yourself, or something?"
"N-No! I just... I just..."
"Just what? Dammit, Richard! Explain! If you can't, then you might as well just leave! Then you can at least care about yourself all you want!"
"I... I..."
The rabbit fell silent. Just like the rest of us had.
"...Go away, Richard."
He soon leapt towards the boys' changing rooms. It didn't take long for him to disappear through the gap in the wall.
...He seemed so...
So conflicted by something so neutral.
George simply stayed still. The rest of us copied.
"George? Are you doing well?"
The shorter pig ignored Zoë's questioning. Instead, he cautiously walked over to me and grabbed my arm, whispering:
"Do you mind if I have a word with you for a moment...?"
I gave a nod to him, as we both headed to one of the corners of the pool. Specifically the one with the large metal doors, secured shut with the brass chain.
"Peppa..." My brother started, before hesitating for a reply.
"I'm being fully honest here... It really hurt me to say that."
"I mean, now I understand how you feel whenever you get into a conflict with Suzy. It... It hurts like frick, man."
"...I-I'm not sure what to say George."
"It's fine. I just needed to get it out to somebody as quickly as I could. You're the most reliable out of everyone left here, so... Yeah."
"I-I understand."
"...Thanks." George gave a small grin. I couldn't help returning with a grin of my own.
"Now then... Uh... Maybe we could all swim toge-"
"AHH! Wh- Huh?!"
I abruptly shivered at the cackle that rang throughout the tall room. Utter silence followed.
"...What... Was that..." Pedro coughed out.
"Uhm... I-It's probably nothing!" Kylie smiled, trying to keep her positivity. It soon faded from her face.
"...Quick... E-Everyone..." Rebecca started.
"E-EVERYONE OUT! N-NOW!" The rabbit screamed, dashing into the girls' changing rooms. With uncertain looks as each other, we all followed suit; Running back to our respective changing rooms to... Change.
During the once again frantic process of changing, I couldn't help but feel terrified.
...What is happening out there?
Is it...?
...No. It's not the traitor.
There's no way that somebody believed that there really is a traitor among us here, right?
Soon, we were all changed, and ran back into the bland, grey hallway leading to the major hallway of the second floor.
As for Pedro, he basically crashed into the room like a goddamn missile.
"A-Are you alright?"
"Y-Yeah... That's funny, I don't recall these doors being so solid..."
"Hold on..." Rebecca cautiously stepped towards the two metal doors of the hall, and forcefully pressed her hands against them.
...They stayed put.
"T-The parsnip?! They're locked?! But... Y-You can't lock these doors!"
"Then they're probably blocked with something... Hold on." Zoë began, "Pedro, run into the doors again."
"Wh-What?! Are you crazy?"
"Are you gonna accept the possibility of us losing one of our friends again?!"
The pony sighed, before taking a few steps back, and launching towards the two doors again.
This time, they budged a bit.
"Oh...! M-Maybe we can barge our way out!" Pedro smiled, before crashing his whole body into the door over and over again. Soon enough, Zoë joined in. Followed by Rebecca, me, George, Kylie...
"Ngh-! Th-This is r-really t-tough!"
"K-Keep going! J-Just keep... G-Going..."
"O-Ow... I- I think I heard a crack..."
"Oh god! A-Are you ok Rebecca?! D-Did you break a bone?!"
"N-No-! It's like... I-It's like the c-cracking of w-wood!"
"I think we're almost out! Once again, go as hard as you can!" The zebra ordered, as we all collided with the doors once more.
An audible crack whined from the other side of the door.
"Y-Yes... A-Again!"
We took a few steps back, and rammed all of our strength into the doors.
The two metallic doors swung apart with an immense force, as we all collapsed onto the floor.
...We did it.
Thank god.
"Huff... huff... W-We're... We're ou-"
*Ding dong bong bing...*
"A body has been discoverrrrrrrreeed! Please may all remaining participants rendezvous in the dormitory hallway. Then, after investigation has concluded, the Playgroup Trial will commence! Cheerioooooooooo~!"
"...Wh... Wha?"
We all shakily looked at each other, terror and denial in our pupils.
It didn't take us long to get back on our feet and leap to the stairs, soon reaching the ground floor.
Ahead of us, a small group of people were standing, all clustered around an open doorway in the dorm hallway. I didn't bother about them being in the way - I simply barged through to try and set my eyes upon the sight.
...I'm not sure why I did so.
Maybe I wanted to try and believe that it was just a prank.
I should've known better.
Pranks never end up with dead bodies.
On the floor of the dorm in front of us...
...Laid Danny Dog, the Ultimate Pirate, his head and the floor beneath it coated in fluorescent, pink blood.
(Chapter 2: A High Sense Of Broken Romance - Daily Life Finish)
(Man, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time XP
This is my longest chapter yet btw, at around 3500 words! And Jesus Christ am I happy to finally get it published-
Who do you think is our killer this time? Were your predictions about the victim correct?
See you soon in the upcoming Playgroup Trial!
~ Oak-44)
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