Chapter 1: No Need To Miss You
"I wish you all safety and hope for the rest of this day"
The words kept repeating in my head as I left the courtyard.
...Edmond wasn't wrong. With this new temptation that Monopotato has shown us, it's going to take more willpower to keep ourselves together. And a little bit of hope can definitely help with that.
My floppy ears picked up the slow footsteps I took through the hallway, directing me back to my room for a while. It's not like I needed to, I just simply wanted to. No issues with that. Right?
Soon, I was in front of my dorm room. I flipped out the handbook in my pocket, ready to use it on my door. After a slightly easier time of turning the handbook on, and unlocking the door with it, I stepped through, closing the door behind me.
My eyes flipped right to my bed. I wasn't sure why, I didn't necessarily have the urge to sleep. Maybe I wanted to lie down for a while?
Or maybe it was because there was something on the bed. Something rectangular.
Focusing closer on the item, I soon realized that it was a photograph. A bit dusty, but visible nonetheless. Sitting myself next to the photo, I took it into my hands, nostalgia running through my veins as I looked at it.
It was an image of me, mum and dad all together, a notable amount of mud on all of our clothes. I was still rather young, I looked a lot like a toddler. I'm guessing that this photo was taken around the time that my parents moved into our current house.
I miss them.
I wish I could contact them for a moment.
The motive would let me do that...
...No. I wouldn't kill someone just to talk with my family.
Even though I miss them that much... Maybe I should-
Dammit, NO Peppa! We can get out of here ourselves, we can find a way! We don't need to kill each other to escape! Th-There must be another way...
...I'm sorry mum, but there's no need for me to miss you.
I flung the photo to the other side of the room, standing up and yanking the door open, closing it behind me to let it lock itself automatically. I took a glance around the hallway, turning to the left to see a familiar grey figure in a lavender jacket and black jeans.
The wolf turned to face me with a monotone face, looking me in the eyes. "Oh. Hey Peppa."
"Uhm... What are you doing?"
"I'm just taking a little thought. I need it, after what I saw."
"...What did you see?"
"I'm not sure if you'd want to know."
"Really? I also saw something quite weird not that long ago, so I wouldn't mind hearing about what's bothering you."
"...Fine. I was sitting in my room when I noticed this freaky photo of my family. I was still young and everything in it... I don't know what it was doing there."
...She also had a photo?
"Wendy... I also saw a photo of my family. In my room too."
"Yeah. It was similar to yours - A bit weird and dusty. And what's more, I was also rather young."
"...Phone call..."
"Huh?" I glanced at the messy-haired wolf.
"Peppa..." She looked up at me, stiffness in her eyes, "Do you think that these photos are a second motive?"
"...I actually never considered that."
"Well, if these photos are an addition to Monopotato's motive... It may be a bit harder to keep some people from taking the bait."
...Her words are confusing me a bit. But overall I understand what's going on.
The only thing I could reply with was a quick "Yeah."
"..." Wendy shook her head, a few hairs flying off. "Jeez... I need a shot."
"W-What?! We can't drink!"
"...I meant a shot of juice. I should've specified."
"...Oh. Nevermind, then." I stared at the wall, as Wendy headed to the kitchen with a little spring in her step. I soon followed after her, sighing a bit. I could've sworn I heard a quiet howl, though...
Wendy pushed open the doors to the kitchen, swinging away accordingly to reveal the set of countertops and cupboards. The wolf headed to the left of the well-lit room, opening a cabinet and swiftly searching through it. Soon, she shut the doors to it softly, moving on to the neighbouring cabinet.
"Where is the juice..."
"Uhm... I'd say it's in the fridge?"
"Oh." She briefly looked at me, "Good point." She kneeled up, kicking the cabinets shut as she walked to the other side of the room, to one of the two silver-lined industrial fridges. Yanking one of the doors open, she soon pulled out a slim bottle, chuckling to herself.
"Here we go. Grapefruit juice." Wendy nodded, floppily closing the door.
"Ew...! Grapefruit? That's so sour! Nobody likes that..." I whined, scrunching my eyes up at the thought of the sunset pink liquid.
"Neither do I. But this really isn't a nice situation... I need to wake myself up." The wolf explained, grabbing a glass and nimbly pouring the juice into it, capping the bottle once the cup was around two thirds full. She then slid the bottle down the counter, grabbing the glass and gulping some of the liquid, her face squirming at the taste.
"Wleugh. That really is sour." She spat, setting the glass down.
"Yeah... I said earlier that nobody likes it." I giggled, making Wendy let out a laugh.
"Heh... You're right there."
"Say, Wendy... Maybe we should spend some time together? To get our minds off those photos? And also to pass the time until the evening..."
"...I was going to do something else, but it's fine. We can do something together." She nodded as her brush-like tail wagged a bit.
"Where should we go? Maybe... The library?"
"Sounds good! Just... Let me finish my juice."
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