CHAPTER 8 (Minitoon)
I, walked into the room with Sgt. Monroe.
"What is it?" I asked.
"So you're Minitoon, an officer of the law, specifically a detective, everyone was talking about you before this infection." Sgt. Monroe said.
"Yes that's me." I replied confused.
"I need your help with a case." Sgt. Monroe said.
"Oh ok, sure, what is it?" I asked.
"Someone has been writing notes in our, Military base, they've been leaving them over the place, we also have reason to believe they've broken into our base and stolen something of ours." He carried on.
"And you want me to figure out who it is?" I asked.
"Excactly, you can do that right?" He asked.
I nodded in reply.
"Good, if you do this, I will repay you, this is how, after we've copied the cure you have, we will give the first copy to you, you can give that copy to whoever you want to give it to, as long as they're infected." He said.
"Ok, you got yourself a deal." I said.
I ran out of the room I was in, I looked out an open window, I watched in despair as Georgie, Mimi, Zee and Zuzy fell through the clouds.
"No." Pony muttered in shock.
"No." I whispered.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" We shouted. I ran back into the room I was in.
"We have to turn back, my friends... They... Fell out of the jet." I said.
"I'm sorry, detective, but we can't turn back." Sgt. Monroe said sadly.
"We must get back to the Military base at all cost." He replied. I balled up my fists, anger slowly crept over me. I growled quietly. Suddenly a figure jumped onto the windscreen of the jet. It was a figure, wearing a black hood, black mask, black robes black gloves, and black trousers. You could also see black eyes through the mask.
"Uh sir what do we do?" A military mouse asked.
"I don't.. Know." Sgt. Monroe replied. The figure pulled out some silver katanas. It then sliced a hole in the windshield, it then broke the hole. It jumped into the jet, and looked at me. It charged at me, I doged backwards, into the room that Pony was in. Pony pulled out his wooden sword, neighed and hit the figure. The figure grabbed him by his neck and threw him to a closed window, Pony then passed out.
"BIG MISTAKE!" I shouted, and charged at it, it doged, it was as quick as lightning, at least it felt like it, was. It threw one of his katanas at me. I doged and it got stuck in a wall. BOOM! The jet turned upside down and me, Pony and the figure were thrown to the ceiling. I tried to punch the figure in the face, but it just front flipped over me. It then tried to slash me with it's other katana. I back flipped away.
"Stay still." The figure growled, it's voice was distorted and muffled by the mask.
"NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!" I shouted.
It growled and lunged at me, I doged again. That went on for about two minutes. The jet then turned upside down again. Me, the figure and Pony were thrown to the floor. Ponies glasses shattered, and his black beanie fell off. Pony woke up and stood up. Pony looked really different without glasses and a beanie, his ears were very pointy. Pony grabbed his wooden sword and slashed everywhere. He probably couldn't see.
"Grr, IM, GOING TO FIND YOU!" Pony, growled. I jumped on the figure's back.
"Get off, MY BACK!" The figure growled.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no." I, said. It tried to throw me off, it managed to. I was thrown out the open window, luckily I landed on the jet's wing. The figure jumped onto the wing with me, it then grabbed a potion bottle out of It's pocket. The bottle had a red liquid contained inside it. It then looked at me, and smashed the potion in my eye.
"AGH YOU SON OF A-" I started, but then I passed out seeing red everywhere...
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