CHAPTER 36 (Mimi)
Glenn, put its pickaxe on its right hand, and took ot off repeatedly as if trying to be, GRANNY!
"Hello, nice to meet you, sorry I have to destroy you though!" He said. WHAT! HE COULD TALK! HOW, WAS THIS, POSSIBLE!? He charged at us we dodged. He had, two orange, gas tanks, with blue lights, strapped to his back. He, also had a long crystalised tail. He hit the ground, with his pickaxe, because we had doged. I pulled out my dad's pickaxe. Glenn stared at it. "You're the daughter of Michael?" He asked. He was correct.
"Glenn, you're that, Glenn? My dad's best friend?" I asked.
"Yes, maybe I'll spare you, if my master lets me, but not the others!" He replied.
"How, can you talk, aren't you infected?!" I shouted.
"Yes, and no, these crystals, covering me are magic, the infection gave me strength, and the crystals stop me from becoming mindless, I made a deal, with, The Iniquitous One. He said, if, I destroyed you, he'd let my best friend and your dad, go!" He replied.
" He's lying, Glenn, you can't trust him! Fight against him! Join us! We can, save my dad, and your best friend, using the cure! " I shouted.
" The, cure... I can't, if I go against, TIO, it's over for me, he, will destroy my magic, crystals and I'll become just like them... A mindless monster. " He said." Join, me, Mimi, or join your father, you don't have a choice, please I don't want to fight the daughter of my best friend. " He continued sadly.
" Well, if you don't join us, I'm not going to give you much of a choice. " I said sadly.
" You're staying, on the fool's side, that's your decision? " He asked.
" Yep, and that's final. " I answered.
" I, was worried you'd say that, sorry about this, Mimi... But at least, you won't have to fight me... " He said." SYPA, TOMBO, LOCKUS, TRODO, CRYSTAL, MINERS! " He chanted. Suddenly, a bunch of miners that, were crystalised came out of the ground. They surrounded my friends.
" NO! " I shouted and, put my left arm out in, front of me, as if I was trying to reach them... Which, I was... Glenn, turned his back to me, and ran, right, round a corner. "I DON'T THINK SO!" I chased after him. I threw my dad's, pickaxe, at his back, he whacked, it away with, with his crystalised tail. I bent down and picked it up. Glenn, ran left. I continued to follow him. He ran across a wooden bridge. I followed. We, were now in some kind of warehouse.
"SORRY ABOUT THIS, MIMI!" He picked up two crates, and he threw them at me, I whacked them back at, him, with my dad's pickaxe. They flew at him. He jumped down, off a ledge, I jumped too. He jumped over, boxes and more crates. He arrived at a wooden door. He pounded on it, with his crystalised axe.
"Looks like, it's just you and me." I said.
"I, was hoping you wouldn't say that."
The crystalised miners surrounded us. They jumped on top, of us, pinning us to the ground. Robby, threw them off us all, using a powerful energy blast. The crystalised miners hit, everything all around us. They, lay down, then got back up, ready to fight again. I charged at, one, and stabbed it in the chest with my pipe. Then, I threw, off it off, by swinging it around. Robby caught it, with his hand, and slammed it into the floor. Pony kicked one in the face sending it flying. Zee, Georgie and Zuzy all holding hands, punched three in the face. Then, shadowy figures jumped from out of the ceiling.
"NOT THESE AGAIN!" Zuzy shouted. She charged, at, one of them, she ripped off the mask. It was a bunny... Not Bunny, a bunny. She threw, them, against the wall. Georgie and Zee, punched two knocking them out. Me and Pony took care of the last two. We unmasked them all, a lion, wearing a football kit, bunny, wearing the same, a wolf, wearing the same, a tiger wearing the same, a white donkey wearing the same, and a cheetah, probably the leader. They were all, knocked out. Robby chucked them, all in separate cells.
"GRRR! THAT'S NOT ALL I'VE GOT!" TIO screeched. A bunch of stripey beings, crawled, from out of the ground. As soon, as I saw them, all the negative feelings or experiences I've ever had came back. My parents infected, my hallucination of, Zee and Zuzy infected, my hurt, and sorrow, when Pony and Minitoon, left me...
"SOMEBODY HELP US!" I heard someone shout. That snapped, me back to my senses. Pony grabbed my hand, the warmth returned, to the world.
"Do you hear that?" He asked.
I nodded in reply. We ran to the source of the noise. We saw, animals, trapped in cells... The entire population of, Lambridge to be excact! "Robby, we need your help!" I shouted. Robby ran to us, he had obviously run, out of fuel, otherwise he probably would've flew to us. He ripped of the cell bars, and rescued the people. They were all either extremely sad or angry, most of the children were angry. A little cow, girl, who looked about ten, put her left fist, in, her right hand. She looked furious. She was, wearing a yellow, dress.
"WHO DID, THIS, TO US!?" She demanded.
"A, bunch of masked animals don't worry, we've imprisoned them in cells." I replied.
"How do, we get out of here?" A, scared baby sheep asked.
"We don't know, we, have to find a, way, out, but if you want to fight anyone you can help, us fight a crystalised miner, with my friend, Mimi." I replied.
Pony nodded, in agreement. The people cheered and clapped. We ran back to the others. The stripey beings were gone. Sgt. Monroe, and his Military soldiers, appeared out of the crowd.
" Thank, you for saving us, we owe you our lives. " He, said.
"No problem." Pony said.
"So, these must be the people that were messing with us..." He muttered looking down at the unmasked animals.
"What?" Kona asked.
"Nothing, and we take you up, on that offer, Zizzy no, one messes with us right soldiers!" He said, crossing his, arms. It looked like the, mouse, who previously had blue eyes had been, fixed.
The Military Soldiers saluted in reply.
"RIGHT, THEN PEOPLE AFTER THAT MINER!" He commanded, the people obeyed.
We ran, the, way, Mimi, went. Until we got to the, warehouse. Sgt. Monroe ordered the people to stay back. We looked down, the ledge, we were standing on. Glenn, and Mimi were battling. Glenn constantly tried to hit her, but she counted, by using her weapon as a shield, or throwing boxes, or crates at him. "Suprise attack." Sgt. Monroe whispered.
We, all, nodded in reply. We split into four. Me, my boyfriend, my sisters and my friends, stayed on this ledge. Sgt. Monroe, his soldiers, and some people, went on a, ledge on the right side. Some, people were, opposite us, on a ledge, including the cow girl, who was grinning, and the rest on a, ledge on the left side. Sgt. Monroe, held his fingers up. "Three, two one!" He mouthed. First, my older sister and, Pony jumped down. Then, Kona and Robby. Then, me, Georgie and Zuzy. Then, Sgt. Monroe, and his crew. Then the cow girl, and her crew. Then the last of the people. We surrounded, Mimi, and Glenn. Kona beckoned to her, she ran to him, and stood by his side.
"WHAT, NO!" Glenn screeched.
"Oh yes." Mimi said. He threw his axe to Mimi in, defeat, she caught it. He got on his knees and raised his hands to the sky.
"I yeild." He said.
"Good." Sgt. Monroe said. "Put him, in one of his own cells, soldiers."
They nodded in reply, and grabbed Glenn, by the arms, they disappeared into the darkness of the warehouse.
"Where's Minitoon?" Sgt. Monroe asked, "What's happened?" We told him the story. "Oh... Wow... Well let's get to the boat then, people you are free to go!" Sgt. Monroe, kicked down the wooden door behind him. The soldiers came back, we said goodbye to the people, they spread all over the place, running, right, running left, running forward, and running backwards. We ran back to the boat. Mr Stitchy was waiting for us, outside of it. He looked sad.
"What happened?" I asked.
"The, king, of the sea, Shardantus, stole the cure."
"WHO NOW!?" I exclaimed. Sgt. Monroe, sighed.
"Is, he infected?"
"How, is, that possible?"
"The black aura, around him, protects him, from the infection, unfortunately he's working for TIO."
"I, knew we couldn't trust that sneaky shark! He always seemed suspicious to me, I told, people but they wouldn't listen, now look what's happened... Where did he go?"
"To, his home territory, under the sea."
"How, are we supposed to reach him now?"
"I may be able to use the rest of, my magic, to make this boat, and jet, be able to go under the sea, without getting damaged, though if I do, it, will drain, me, and I will have to spend some time, in the light realm, regathering my strength."
"We, have no choice."
We all nodded our heads in reply.
"Then, it's settled, looks like, it's time to take the cure... Again..."
Sneak, peak at, book four, Submerged... Shhhhh...
CHAPTER 0 (...)
I woke up, I looked down at my arms, translucent fur covered them, same with my legs. It looked like, I, was all translucent. I was, leaning on a square pillar. A metro train was behind me. I could feel an eyepatch covering my right eye. Suddenly, black, inky goo, covered the train, it was coming straight for, me, I ran for my life...
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