CHAPTER 34 (Zee)
I, was in, a bright yellow world, I was..
Dreaming... A slender, being, who I, now, knew as Mr Stitchy, walked up to me, with his lantern in his hand, it was as if, his light in his lantern, was the light in this world.
"Zee..." He whispered. It felt, like a dream, but a little, off, it felt more real, then my other dreams.
"Who, are you? How do you know my name?" I asked, backing away. He came closer.
"I am, Mr Stitchy, head of The Light Insolence, I know everything about you, Zee, you'll have to believe me, about this, but your, sister, is alive, your older sister, Zizzy, she is with me, with her boyfriend and the detective..." He said, his voice was echoing all around me, it was very deep, but also kind of like, a, whisper in a way.
" What?! Really!? Where, are you? " I exclaimed, though I still wasn't quite sure if, I believed him.
" On, the, ex- TSP'S boat, sailing to Lambridge, and you are on, The, Will Jet." He replied.
"Correct, so, Zizzies alive?"
"I, ordered, her to cut off her arm, then, I, stopped her from, bleeding out, using my magic."
"So, you're some sort of magic being?"
"Yes, wait didn't Kona tell you about me?"
"Oh, yeah he did, I forgot, so you're the ex-friend of the purple man?"
"Yes, tell, William to meet us, at, Lambridge, City, Supermarket of Superiority."
"Would, you like to wake now?"
"Yes, please."
"Ok." He clicked his fingers, and, I, awoke, with my head, on Georgie's shoulder. I, sat, up, and unfastened my seatbelt, then, I ran to, William.
"Will." I, said.
"Yes." He, said, he, was looking down, at, the huge ocean below us, waves splashed, it, was calm, maybe even peaceful.
"Mr, Stitchy, spoke to me in, a, dream." I, said.
"He, did?!" William exclaimed.
"Yes." I told, him, what, had happened in my dream.
"Got, it, wake up, Georgie, we have ten, minutes until, we arrive at Lambridge."
I nodded in, reply, and went to wake my boyfriend. "Georgie." I whispered, I pushed his body gently. He, was still asleep. "Georgie." I said a little louder. He yawned, and rubbed his eyes, he, sat up.
"Zee?" He asked.
"Yeah, wake up we have ten minutes until we arrive at Lambridge." I replied. He opened his eyes.
"Is, Lambridge cold?" He, asked William.
"No, it's average temperature, like, Lucella." He replied.
"Thank, goodness, I, was, worried, we didn't come prepared."
"We have arrived." William said. I looked out of my window. We were, above a deserted city, I saw fire in some places. I saw, a huge boat, sailing towards the, city, it had, TSP, in big silver letters on the side.
"THERE!" I ran to, William and pointed at the boat. He, turned the jet to the boat. We soared, downwards, as I ran back to my seat, and fastened my seatbelt, AGAIN. I looked out of my window, and saw, wheels emerge from the bottom, of The, Will Jet. I saw, William, smile. We hit the ground, we, went rolling, and rolling and rolling, until we came to a halt, at the side of the boat. We all unfastened our seatbelts and jumped up. Then, William, opened the jet door. Since the stairs, were now being used for z, different, purpose, we jumped out, of the jet. The detective, Minitoon, placed a, wooden plank down, from the boat, to the dock path. He walked down.
"ZEE! GEORGIE!" He, shouted. He hugged us both, then he let go. "You're William, Willow's, sister?" He, asked, William.
William nodded, in reply, they, shook hands.
"I'm, Minitoon the detective, or cop, that... Um... Took your sister away... In my defense,, I felt really bad, about it..."
"I feel, bad about what my sister, did to you, me and her, need to have words."
Minitoon nodded in understanding. Then, Pony, and... Zizzy... Walked down. Zizzies pupils, went wide when, she saw me. As, soon, as I had, seen my warrior sister, it was, like, I, had, been living in darkness before, and now the sun had come back. We ran to eachother, she hugged, me tight, and I hugged her tight, for about five minutes. Then, she let go and stared into my eyes.
"Me, and Georgie are dating now." I revealed.
"Wow... Really?" Zizzy asked, Georgie.
"Yep." He replied, his, little piggy cheeks going red.
"Well, you better take, good care of my, sister or you'll have me to answer to." She, said.
"Yep, got, it Zizzy." Georgie squeaked. Pony hugged me.
"Where's, your twin, Zuzy?" He, asked.
"With, Mimi, Kona, and Robby, we came here to find, them." I said.
"Ok." He, said. Willow, and Tigry came down. Willow stared at her brother, he stared at her, for, ten seconds, maybe eleven. Then, Willow ran to, William, he, didn't run to her. When, she reached, him and tried to pull him into a hug, he pushed her away.
"Look, I'm sorry, William... I thought you were, dead, infected... Gone..." She, said, tears rolling down her cheeks.
"It doesn't make, your, actions any better... How could you?" Tears were rolling down his cheeks as well.
"William, I'm-" She started.
"SORRY!? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF SORRY!?" He shouted, he crossed his arms and turned his back to her. Willow, and Tigry, walked back inside the boat, Tigry comforting her as she cried. "Minitoon, do you mind showing md the cure, to me, as I, was an assistant of a Military Sgt. Sgt. Daisy."
"Oh, yeah, I think I've heard of her, here you go." He pulled out the, potion bottle, containing a light blie liquid inside, from out of his pocket. He passed it to, William. William stared at it, like he had plans for it.
"Sgt. Daisy... She, was... She was like a mother to me, now she's infected... I want to, save her, but you probably have others to save..." He said sadly, he handed back the cure, reluctantly.
"Yes... Sorry, William, but once this, whole mess is over, we can multiply the cure and give it to the world, and you can save, Sgt. Daisy, and I can, save..." His voice trailed off.
"We, don't need to save, Zizzy anymore, she's right here." I said, as Zizzy and Pony, stood next to me.
"No... It's someone else..."
"Well, let's go find, Mimi, her friend, the robot, and my sister, and Zuzies twin." Zizzy said.
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