CHAPTER 33 (Georgie)
TIO, left, us alone, after, the encounter, we had, with him.
1 Day, Later...
Me, and Zee, woke up and ate, grass. That, was all, William could, find, even he ate it, while pulling a disgusted face. William, kept going into Kona's lab, with a toolbox, he came back every, half an hour to, grab, a drink, of water. Then, he went back inside the lab again.
"Zee, do you think we should go see what, William's doing?" I asked, sitting on Kona's couch, next to her.
"Sure." She replied, as she ate, a, blade of grass. We jumped off the couch, and went through, the door to the lab. We walked down, the brick stairs. Kona's lab, was pretty, small. It was, metal, silver, with, test tubes, full of different coloured liquids on, a, side. Then, I noticed another metal door. I opened, it, there was a desk, with the red toolbox, on top. There was a huge something, covered, with a huge red cloth. William was hammering, a nail, into the huge something, I could see, the bottom of it, was purple and black.
"What, are you doing?" I asked. William turned his head at us.
"The, Will Jet." He replied.
"The, what jet?!" Zee asked.
"No, not, the what, jet, The, Will Jet, named after me, and my... Sister..." He replied.
"Can, we help?" I asked.
"If, you, want." He replied.
"Wrench." He said. Zee opened the tool, box, and grabbed a wrench out of it, she passed it to me, and I passed it, to, William. He attached it to a bolt, and span it. Then he passed it back to me, and I passed it back to, Zee, who put it back in the toolbox. That, went on, for about an hour, but, with different tools, such as screwdrivers, and, wire cutters. He passed the screwdriver, back to, me, then, I passed it back to Zee, and she put it back in the toolbox. William threw off the huge red cloth. It definitely was a jet. On the, bottom, it was purple and black, on the top it was, blue and orange. On the front of the jet, were two, grey wolf ears. Both of the, engines, were black, and the wings, were both grey. William pressed a, button, on a remote, he, was holding. The jet door, opened and some stairs fell out. He walked up them. Me and Zee followed, him up, the inside, was medium, sized, the ceiling was kind of low down. There, was, a blue, seat, in the front, with a pink seat belt, next to it, was, a pink seat, with a white seatbelt. In front, of them, was a, blue curtain. William pulled it back, there was, a desk, with loads, of buttons and switches. On the right side, of the desk, was, a black steering wheel. Behind, it was, a blue seat, with an orange, seatbelt. On the back of the seat, was a giant white, W. "Want to go check, up on our friends?" William asked.
"ABSOLUTELY!" Me, and Zee, replied.
"Buckle, your seatbelt, then." William said. I, ran back outside the jet and grabbed the toolbox, I placed it on the floor. Then, Me and Zee ran to, our seats. We buckled out seatbelts. I looked at the back our seats, as, I predicted, there was a giant, white, G, on mine and a giant white, Z on, Zee's. William closed the jet door. The stairs, folded, into a cupboard. William kept the curtains open. He pulled an orange lever, I heard the engines, start to roar. I looked outside, the window next to Zee. I saw the engines point upwards, blue, flames erupting, from them. "HOLD ON!" William shouted. The jet turned, around to the, door that was previously behind us. The jet charged towards it. It was far too big, for the, door, so it ended up, breaking the wall. Then, the jet, absolutely destroyed Kona's lab, and we flew out of the temple, by breaking a, stone archway. We soared upwards, then, the jet faced forward again. "Sorry, Kona..." William muttered.
"WOW!" Me and Zee, shouted. Snow, was covering, Zee's window. I heard it pattering down, onto the, roof. We were going at a fast, pace. I could, see tons of infected, down below. An, infected bear, an, infected elephant, an infected, bunny, or rabbit, I couldn't tell which one. I, saw, an, infected... Thomas... He had a shot gun, in his hand, he looked up at us... Uh oh... He aimed, it at us.
"WILL, LOOK, OUT!" I shouted. When, Thomas shot, at us, William, spun, out of the, way. The shot, hit, a tree instead. Phew. We, were, too far away from him now. Then, they, were the infected eagles. They swarmed, us circling around the jet. They, hit at, Zee's window.
" AGH!" She screamed. She unfastened her seatbelt, and, ran next to me. I unfastened my seatbelt to. We ran to the opposite side of the jet. The eagle, slammed his legs into the window, breaking it. He landed on the jet, floor, four more eagles flew in.
"Don't show, fear..." I, whispered.
"Got, it..." Zee, whispered back. I put on my best angry face and, I charged at one of them. I grabbed it by the neck, and threw it out the window. Zee charged at, another, and kicked it, out the window. I grabbed, Zee's hand, and swung her, into another eagle. That knocked it out, so she grabbed it by the, legs and threw it into, the, last two eagles. Then together we chucked them out of the window.
"OK!" I shouted back. We grabbed the toolbox, and with, using so much of our strength, we also, got the stairs out of the cuboard. Then, Zee held the stairs, in place, covering the broken, window, as I nailed it down.
"How, long will it take to get to, Lambridge?" Zee asked.
"A couple, of more hours, enough for you, and Georgie to get some sleep." William replied. So we sat back in our seats, again buckled our seatbelts again, and then, we drifted off to sleep.
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