CHAPTER 29 (Willow)
Tigry led us, to our boat, at Lucella Port. I had been here once, it was not a fun time. I was helping, Minitoon, Pony and their friends find the cure, we went to Lucella Port, and an infected sea diver attacked us. That was not fun, in my opinion. Now being here, brought back that memory.
"Me and Willow, unfortunately used all the fuel, we had left to dock here, there's none left." Tigry said, walking up to the sea, he stopped and looked at the amazing scenery. I had to admit, even I was impressed the sea, was as blue as ever, the sun shined down on it. At least it wasn't night time, now, unlike last time.
" I can sense some fuel, nearby, but it's being guarded." Mr Stitchy said.
"By what?" I asked.
"A sentinel, TIO, or the purple man as you guys like to call him, can sense your bad memories, he's sent his sentinels out, they feed on negative energy, the more they get, the more stronger they become, and I can sense you lot are emitting, a lot of negative energy right now. " He replied.
" How do we beat them? " Katie asked.
" There are a few ways, number one, a rusty pipe, number two, positive energy, and number three, a bomb. " Mr Stitchy replied.
" I've ran out of dynamite sticks. " Tigry said.
" I don't see any rusty pipes." Katie said.
" Zizzy has one, but you would need multiple to defeat a sentinel. " Mr Stitchy said.
" Positive energy, it is. " I said." Katie, Mr Stitchy, stand guard of, Zizzy, Pony and Minitoon, me and... " I stopped, did I really want to be alone with Tigry? I didn't know.
" Me and Willow, will go search for the fuel. " Tigry said.
"Understood." Mr Stitchy said.
"Got it!" Katie, said. Me and Tigry walked off, they were three buildings, in front of us, a red, one, a blue, one and a green one.
"Which one do we go in first?" I asked Tigry.
"The red one." Tigry replied, his face was serious. We ran into the red building, and up the stairs. There was a doorway, it was blocked by a bunch off, stacked up, upside-down, tables and chairs.
"What happened here?" I asked.
"I don't know but it doesn't look pretty." Tigry replied. He had a lot of bruises on his, face, probably, from his bullies, he had a scar above his right eye, it was half hidden by his eyebrow. WOW! How was I noticing all these details about him? Tigry started throwing, the obstacles out of his way. I helped him, our hands touched at one point, I quickly let go of Tigries hand. Tigry didn't smile once, and it was the same with me. When we had cleared the obstacles we walked upstairs. Of course as if things couldn't get any worse, Leo Lion was waiting for us, infected... His white hoodie, was dirty, he had a scratch on his right hand, his jeans were ripped and his mane was, messier than usual. Tigry stood in front of me, his hand, went into his pocket, and it came out with a silver knife. "Let me handle this." Tigry said. He stabbed Leo in the face. I was sad, Leo had been my friend now he was my enemy. Tigry noticed my face, so he put his knife away, and he knocked out Leo by punching him instead. "Was he your friend or something?" Tigry asked.
"More like one of my many partners." I replied.
"Cool." Tigry said. Suddenly, all the colour was sapped out of Tigries face.
"What's wrong?" I asked, nervously.
"Don't turn around." He replied. Of course, I turned around. A being, with a pig, head, with rainbow stripes, wearing a rainbow striped dress, stood behind me. All the courage, was sapped out of me, I could no longer move or speak. It felt like some sort of magic was being used against me. Horrible memories flashed through my mind, William running away, me burning down the alleys, me forcing Pony to infect Officer Doggy, me throwing Zizzy, into a cell, with infected, me kicking Tigry where it hurts, and me shooting Giraffy. I stood there, paralysed by negative emotions.
"You have to remember." Mr Stitchies voice, whispered, it was somewhere in the back of my mind, very faint. I thought about, all the good times me and William had, when Daisy helped us out, when I had helped Pony and his friends out, when me and Tigry had formed an alliance." Tigry, yes I see you are fascinated by that boy." I was, I realised something, was I ready to accept that to accept that... I smiled, my courage returned, my... Happiness had returned. I punched the sentinel in the face, more came up the stairs. I made them all dissapear. I punched three in the face, I chucked two down the stairs, I round house kicked three, and I headbutted one. They all disappeared into rainbow dust. Five fuel cans appeared in front of me. I looked at Tigry, he looked at me. He unfroze.
"Let's go tiger." I said, he followed me back to the others. "We got the fuel." I said.
"Five, cans is more than enough!" Mr Stitchy exclaimed.
"I'll go put the fuel into the boat!" Katie, took the fuel cans off me, then she ran inside the boat.
"You listened, but are you ready to face your true feelings?" Mr Stitchy asked, his mouth didn't move. Tigry sat down on a bench, his head was down. I looked at the tiger, he was what gave me strength, to unfreeze myself, there was another reason why I had hated Tigry, and why I was determined to find him, there was a reason why I connected with him so easily. Tigry took his hat off, and stared at it, he smiled. Then he put it back on his head. I stared into Mr Stitchies target eye. "I have a crush on Tigry..." I whispered.
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