CHAPTER 16 (Tigry)
My life was terrible, before the infection and during. My parents only kept me around to do house work, and that was it. No matter how hard I tried to get their attention, they just pushed me away. Like once, I drew a picture, then I showed it to my dad, but he just got mad, because I was in front of the TV, so he pushed me out of the way. Then at school, I had no friends, I had enemies though. I was too scared to stand up to them. A lion and a wolf. They were on the school football team. They hated basketball, so everytime I tried to play it, they would push me over, and laugh at me. Sometimes, I couldn't even sleep at night. I just laid in my bed, staring at my bedroom wall. Then one time, I had studied really hard for a test. I got an A- I tried to show it to my mom, but she just ignored me. Then everytime I would walk to class, a donkey would push me over for no reason. Then another time, I won first place in a race. I tried to show my mom, but she just, picked up her phone and walked away. So, I tried to show my dad, but he just pushed me away. So one night I, was tired of how I was being treated, so I ran away. When I was walking, on the street, I saw a Military poster, JOIN TODAY!
"What've I got to loose?" I whispered to myself. So I joined. I tried my hardest at boot camp. I crawled under logs, climbed walls, and ran across balance beams. During boot camp, I had made a best friend, his name was Danny. He was a, donkey of course. My life was finally getting better... Until that all changed, on that one day...
War had begun, we had to stop the enemies from reaching Lucella. We had managed to jump into a trench. We couldn't stay there forever though. Sgt. Monroe was our leader. We had to reach the safety bunker, or we would die. I was feeling very, very nervous. My palms and feet were sweaty.
"You alright, tiger? You look a little nervous." Danny said. We were all wearing, green camo, soldier uniforms.
"Would it be a, lie, to say we all feel that way?" I asked.
"Listen up, bunnies! As soon as I give the signal, you get your rears to that bunker ahead, you hear me!?" Sgt. Monroe, shouted. Danny tied his shotgun to his back. Unfortunately, my weapon had been destroyed. I ran out the trench we were in. It was raining enemy fire. I dodged, left and right. Danny ran closely in front of me. Danny moved to the side, so I could jump into the bunker below me.
"Looks, like my legs aren't broken, good. Can't see a thing down here..." I muttered to myself. I turned on my torch.
"Everything, all, right down there, tiger?" Danny would always call me tiger, and I would always, call him donkey.
"I'll manage. Try to find another way if you can." I replied, because the trap door I came through, had snapped shut. I looked around for a bit, I found some sort of code on a wall. A green hashtag, A blue triangle without the bottom line. A pink, I, don't know what, and I think red glasses. I ran away from the symbols, confused. I wondered why it was so dark, could Sgt. Monroe not afford lights or something. I walked around, I found multiple green tanks, a storage room, and inside the storage room, a switch. 'Maybe this, will turn on the power.' I thought, so I, flipped it. That's when I saw... It... Slowly walking up the stairs. It looked, like a jack-o-lantern, white stripe, thin, long sharp claw, cat thing. Whatever it was it was, ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING. I ran away, it followed me slowly. There was no sign of Danny, no sign of anyone. I saw attack plans on white boards, the monster started running after me. I ran as fast as, I could, I grabbed boxes and threw them at it. WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS IT? It looked like I was the only one here. I had managed to lose the monster. I ran back into the trench, looking for something, ANYTHING ANYONE, that would help me. I found nothing, so I ran back into the bunker, reluctantly. I found a green swirling portal.
"What the." I, muttered. I ran through it, I was back in boot camp.
"Back here again? Haven't I run this course enough already?" I asked. I saw, mini, swirling purple portals, under some logs. I crawled under, like I'd done so many times, except this time I doged the portals. I climbed some walls and ran across some balance beams. Then long story short, I found myself in school again, and at my parents house. I found a knife, in a room.
"Where are you, monster, I'm not afraid of you!" I shouted, angrily. I found it, and stabbed it in the back. The monster fell to it's knees. It turned into... DANNY!? Danny fell to his knees, and died. I was terrified, what had I done? WHAT HAD I DONE!? I had stabbed my own best friend. HOW COULD I!? HOW COULD I? Then I ran away, in fear, like a coward. I had quit the Military, all because of my messed up head...
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