Chapter 16: The death
Most of you are probably fine with what I’m about to say, but please read with caution. This chapter is going to contain some memories from fire and it might be unpleasant. Thank you for your attention.
Phil was just standing in the kitchen, chopping and whistling into the melody of some old song. It was nice, having everyone together at last. Nothing to worry about.
Well, almost everyone.
But he was sure that Kristin was watching over them from heaven. How otherwise could they meet such wonderful boys? They could just run away like the rest did, but no. They stayed and helped them, as best as they could. Who would have known that Phil would get two additional "sons" after his death. Definitely not him. But he couldn't complain. It sparked his memories from when Techo and Wilbur were young and one of them would have a cold. They hated being sick, both of them. But who could blame them? No one likes to be chained to the bed, being told what to do while their body is betraying them.
Loud sneeze from upstairs made him chuckle. Oh, Tommy… little troublemaker, but he had a big heart. But something was troubling him, the same as Tubbo. Did he also have a rough time in his family? Phil wasn't sure, but he didn't want to bring it up if the boy would be uncomfortable with the topic at the time. Slow and steady, as they say… there will be a right time for everything.
He heard that Techno and Tubbo were coming back upstairs, younger boy chatting loudly about nuclear energy, while the ghost was just nodding, not very familiar with the subject. Thirty years appeared to be a huge leap in a technology, so they will need some time to catch up. Everything was different now, even if it existed back in the days.
Thankfully the stove operated at the same basic, so cooking wasn't a problem. He just needed to finish chopping those herbs and then...
Suddenly everything became dark, as if the night fell. Phil was standing in the kitchen, instead of the knife, he was holding a mug filled with coffee. But… his feathers, they were gone… and his clothes… what was going on?
- Dad, I’m going to sleep. I left the chocolates on the table if you want any- Phil looked at Techno in disbelief, who just entered the room, yawning widely. He… he was human again… But…
- Sure, just go get some rest, mate- he blurted out, not sure why. It's like his mouth was moving on its own. He wanted to place the mysterious cup on the counter, but he couldn't. He couldn't move at all. With all his might he tried moving even a little bit, but it was as if his body was made of stone. Until… his hands moved on their own. They placed the cup in the sink and then he crossed arms. And then it hit him. Those were memories. Of when he was still alive… He wouldn’t be able to do anything, because it already happened. He was just an observer in a body. He went to the living room, discovering a half finished box of chocolates on the table and Wilbur's coat hanging loosely at the couch backrest. It looked like a normal evening, when everybody was getting ready for the night. But Phil had a bad feeling about this.
He watched his hands cleaning up and putting everything in the right place, before he took the coat and headed upstairs. Wilbur was sleeping on his bed, guitar lying right beside him. His mouth smiled at this as he placed the clothing on the desk. Will always worked on his pieces till the very end… he just took his guitar and covered him with sheets, kissing him goodnight. Everything was like it was supposed to be. And yet Phil felt dread creeping in the back of his mind. It wasn't until he had gotten into bed he remembered why. It was the day they died.
He was awakened by heat and cracking smoke. Everything was covered with dark ash hanging in the air, he was coughing, barely managing to roll onto the floor. Fire. The house was burning, blazing flames licking its walls and blocking windows. He couldn't breathe… but… the boys. He slowly crawled out of the room, tears streaming down his cheeks as the stinging fumes burned his throat. He had to get to the boys … But he could barely walk… Living room was in chaos, passage to the basement covered with pillars of fire. In that brief moment Phil knew Techno was gone.
His son… was dead.
He heard screaming from upstairs, but banging at the doors stopped soon after.
They were gone.
Died alone and Phil couldn't even help them.
His knees buckled under him, hope vanished completely, leaving a void. He lost it all. His sons, his wife… What was the point in living. There was nothing left. The flames weren't even hot anymore; they were licking his skin, burning the flesh to the bone and yet he felt nothing. He just wanted to die.
Everything soon vanished, leaving Phil alone in the darkness.
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