5 » group chat
little bird 🐣 added Karsyn Bennet
little bird 🐣:
Welcome, Karsyn, to your initiation
Renner 🏹:
Shark bait ohhaha
My what?
Jeremy did you just reference Finding Nemo?
Renner 🏹:
So what if I did?
Finding Nemo is the best movie
Lord Robert 🔥 set Karsyn's nickname to Smol Child
Smol Child:
Okay now you're scaring me
What is this?
Scarlette 🌹:
Well Kar...
We've decided to make you an honorary Avenger
Lizbet ❤️:
Welcome to the Squad
Smol Child:
Guys that's really nice but I'm not even in the film
I'm just helping create the soundtrack
Lord Robert 🔥:
Doesn't matter if you're in the film or not you're one of us now
Smol Child:
Well that doesn't sound scary at all
Rudd 🐜:
Oooh you just wait Smol Child
Holland 🕷:
Yayy! My mother!
Evans 🇺🇸:
Well someone finally did it
Welcome to the team, kar
Lizbet ❤️:
Seb where u at?
Stan Man:
Welcome to the squad, boo
little bird 🐣:
He calLed HER boooOooOOOO
Smol Child:
Anthony clam yourself
little bird 🐣:
Of course, queen
Lord Robert 🔥:
She still has to pass the initiation test
Smol Child:
what's the test??¿
Lord Robert 🔥:
We can't just tell you what the test is Karsyn
It would be like giving out the exam before you have to sit it
Smol Child:
Alright so when do I 'sit the test'
Lord Robert 🔥:
Take Friday night off.
We'll pick you up from your place
Lizbet ❤️:
Good luck, Kar
Rudd 🐜:
May the force be with you, Smol child
little bird 🐣:
Paul this is a marvel group chat. If you reference Star Wars again I'll kick you out
Rudd 🐜:
Careful, Mackie, anger is the path to the darkside
little bird 🐣 removed Rudd 🐜 from the group
Lizbet ❤️ added Rudd 🐜 to the group
Rudd 🐜: Rude
≛ ≛ ≛
karsynbennet: Ready to get #initiated with the rest of the squad.
elizabetholsen: love you too kar ❤️
robertdowneyjr: we'll see how ready you really are soon
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