22 » group chat
Stan 💕:
Guys you need to cool it will Holly already
Lizbet ❤️:
Who even is holly?
Why is she suddenly more important than us?
Mackie 🐦:
Is that the same reporter you were flirting with at the interview??
Holland 🕷:
Hold up was this the interview for Status?
Dad wyd!
Stan 💕:
Guys I really like her, okay?
And if you don't like her than that's fine but don't make her feel like shit for it alright?
Kar 👑:
they're just looking out for you
Stan 💕:
Wtf karsyn?
I thought you were on my side?
Kar 👑:
I'm on nobodies side! there shouldn't even be sides!
Everyone needs to calm down
Lord Robert 🔥:
I'm calm
Who's not calm?
I think we're all calm here
Stan 💕:
This isn't a joke Robert
what you said really hurt Holly
She really wants you guys to accept our relationship
Mackie 🐦:
Your relationship with the girl you just met?
Stan 💕:
You met her too
Chris 🇺🇸:
Seb this is all moving a bit fast don't you think?
Kar 👑:
We don't want you to get hurt
Stan 💕:
I can't take care of myself without you guys hovering over me like helicopter parents
Kar 👑:
Okay Seb we get it
I'm sure we're all sorry
Stan 💕:
Holly is the one you should be apologising to
Lizbet ❤️:
Holly can kiss my perfect ass
Kar 👑:
not helping
Stan 💕:
Karsyn stop siding with them
Kar 👑:
Seb what the hell?
Stop attacking everyone
Stan 💕:
im attacking everyone?
They're attacking holly!!!!
Kar 👑:
Well maybe they don't like her
They have a right to their own opinions you know
Stan 💕:
They don't have a right to comment shit on my timeline
Kar 👑:
Stop acting like I'm the bad guy here Sebastian
Stan 💕:
Well maybe you're just jealous that I'm spending time with someone else while you're watching Netflix alone in your livingroom
Mackie 🐦:
Lord Robert 🔥:
Sebastian take it back
Stan 💕:
Maybe you're just upset that I actually like a girl who isn't you
Holland 🕷:
Kar 👑:
you know what I don't give a shit who you're snogging in your spare time Stan
Kar 👑 renamed Stan 💕 to Sebastian
I am not okay right now
Rudd 🐜:
I am not okay at all
I'm done with this conversation
Kar 👑:
Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Sebastian has left the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE 👊🏼
≛ ≛ ≛
imsebastianstan: words cannot describe how obsessed I am with you hollymiller
786, 881 likes
hollymiller: I can't wait to see you again 💕
1username: does this mean they're official now???¿
2username: what happened to Karsyn?
3username: thought that seb liked karsyn?
chrisevans: if you don't hurry up and pull your head out of your ass Sebastian you're going to lose the girl who really likes you
comment deleted by imsebastianstan
oops? is it too late to apologise for this???
also i low key died writing this so hope ya'll enjoying the level of heartbreak in here.
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