15 » video
Confession Time; relationships, friendships and notships
Karsyn Bennet is currently live on Youtube
Hey... hi. Um, is this thing on? Yeah, alright, so I'm just gonna go ahead and introduce myself. My name is Karsyn Bennet and I am broadcasting right from my... kitchen bench. And I know that seems strange but hopefully it'll make a little more sense when I actually get to the point.
Okay, so recently there's been a little bit of a media storm surrounding my personal life. And aside from the fact that the media has no right to be creating rumours about me or my relationships I now feel like I owe it to my fans to explain what has been going on, because I know that you guys out there deserve the truth.
So before I go ahead and tell you all about my love life I want you to understand something. Sebastian and I are best friends, and nothing that the media can ever post will ruin that for us. But when they go and attack him, saying that he's the reason my relationship didn't work out, it really doesn't make anybody feel good - especially when it isn't the truth.
But I'm getting ahead of myself, because this actually starts a long time ago...
So I met Sebastian Stan when I got picked to create the seasons soundtrack for Once Upon a Time in 2012. Truth is, Sebastian was there for me when I had nobody else. I was new to America and the music industry and Sebastian was the one to show me the ropes. I can't explain why we got along the way we did but there was something about that dork that made me stick around.
So wait a second. I just admitted it, right? Sebastian Stan the homewrecker? Karsyn the two timing bitch? Well sorry to disappoint but you have it wrong, again.
So a few years after I met Sebastian I fell I love with a guy names Theo Jones - you'll know him from almost every movie dating back to 2010. But I didn't know him as a superstar, I knew him as the cute blonde who stuttered whenever he spoke my name. Theo and I dated for a long time, and he became my best friend. I thought that we would be together forever. So a little over five months ago I got engaged to him... and I'm not going to lie I was in desperately in love with the guy. I guess, in a way, Theo and I shared a lot in common. But in the end we shared even more differences and I know you reporters are just dying to know what we did that made us break up. Well that's just it, we had differences.
And... um, sorry I just haven't talked about this before. So, um, we... decided that maybe we weren't as perfect together as we thought and we went our separate ways. There was nothing to do with Sebastian. And I know that's not the juicy story that you all wanted but hey, you know what? Sometimes the truth sucks.
So anyway, I had a point to all this. And I'm sorry it took a while to get there but um, I just wanted to clear things up for anyone out there. So please, E!News, next time you decide to write some article based on one Instagram comment why don't you check with the people your writing about first?
Alright, and on that I would like to end this by thanking my fans, because you guys are the real reason that I'm here doing what I'm doing. So until next time this has been your favourite artist, Karsyn Bennet.
Stay groovy, people.
Oh god, why am I so corny?
Karsyn Bennet has ended the livestream.
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Lord Robert 🔥:
Karsyn you are honest to god the best damn person on this planet
Lizbet ❤️:
What did I do to deserve a best friend like you?
Seriously you had your heart broken and stomped on and you are STILL civil with Theo like how?
Holland 🕷:
That's my mother ladies and gentlemen!
Rudd 🐜:
I feel so proud to be your friend
Evans 🇺🇸:
I'm proud to call you by bff
Stan 💕:
Back off boys that's my bestie right there
Mackie 🐦:
Fight me Sebastian. Karsyn is mine
Kar 👑:
Guys, guys calm down there's enough of me to go around
Holland 🕷:
Here she is!!!!
Stan 💕:
You handled that really well, boo
We're all really proud of you
Lizbet ❤️:
Not gonna lie I would definitely have shamed Theo's cheating ass publicly
Kar 👑:
Honestly Lizzie it's not worth it anymore. All I want is for the media to move on and leave me alone. Calling out Theo only would have caused more problems.
Lord Robert 🔥:
This is why we love you, Karsyn
Because you are a literal Angel
Kar 👑:
Aw you make me blush
Mackie 🐦:
This world is too good for an angel like you miss bennet
Evans 🇺🇸 changed Kar's nickname to Angel 👰🏽
Angel 👰🏽:
Guys seriously
You are way too over the top
Rudd 🐜:
Woman be quiet and let us praise you
Lord Robert 🔥:
Mackie 🐦:
And how much we ship her with Sebastian
Angel 👰🏽:
Okay you can all shut up now
Mackie 🐦:
We will not be silenced!!
Angel 👰🏽:
I'm going to bed
Night losers
Stan 💕:
Goodnight princess
Angel 👰🏽:
Night Dorky 💕
Lizbet ❤️:
Your level of adorable makes me sick
Mackie 🐦:
let mE LIVE
Evans 🇺🇸:
RIP Anthony 2k16
Cause of death - Karbastian
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