14 » group chat
Mackie 🐦:
Alright am I the only one who is completely lost rn?
Lizbet ❤️:
I thought that Theo wasn't even texting you and now your going on coffee dates?
Kar 👑:
It wasn't a date
Lord Robert 🔥:
It sure as hell looked like one
Kar 👑:
You guys are not my parents. What happens between Theo and I is none of your concern
Scarlette 🌹:
Kar we want you to be happy
Evans 🇺🇸:
We know he hurt you before
Kar 👑:
It was literally one coffee so that he would leave me alone
Lord Robert 🔥:
What did Sebastian say?
Smol Child:
Sebastian isn't my father
Holland 🕷:
Seb where you at?
Evans 🇺🇸:
Sebastian I know you're reading this and so help me if you do not say something I will personally beat your fine ass
Stan 💕:
I have nothing to say
Mackie 🐦:
Lord Robert 🔥:
It doesn't work like that Sebastian. You're her best friend relationship opinions is your JOB
Lizbet ❤️:
You don't get to pull that crap this time mr stan
Kar 👑:
Guys stop.
You are making a big deal out of nothing. Look I am on my way home now and I would seriously appreciate it if you all stopped the social media bullcrap
Stan 💕:
Kar you can't blame them for wanting to protect you
Kar 👑:
So now you get to have an opinion?
Stan 💕:
Kar don't get mad at me this is not my fault
Kar 👑:
Are you trying to say that it's my fault my shitty ex decided to show up out of nowhere?
Stan 💕:
Karsyn do not pull that crap on the group chat
Kar 👑:
What crap?
Tell me Sebastian what kind of crap am I trying to pull?
Mackie 🐦:
Karsyn look we're sorry
Pls stop fighting
Stan 💕:
Kari I don't know what you want me to say. You know I hate Theo so don't try and make me out like I'm some kind of terrible person for not approving of you going out with him
Kar 👑:
You really think that I'd fall back into his arms like that?
Holland 🕷:
my moTHER NO
Lord Robert 🔥:
Karsyn we didn't mean it like that
Kar 👑:
You guys really have low opinions on me then.
Kar 👑 has left the AVENGERS ASSEMBLE 👊🏼
≛ ≛ ≛
iMessage between Dorky and Boo 💘
Karsyn I'm sorry
read at 3.52 pm
Karsyn don't do this right now
read at 3.57 pm
Boo I didn't mean to piss you off. You know that I would never do anything to hurt you and I'm really fucking sorry, alright? Is that what you wanted to hear?
read at 4.09 pm
Please, Boo. Just tell me what I did.
Boo 💘:
Do you even know why I'm mad?
Because the group attacked you?
Boo 💘:
God you're an idiot. Do you know that? I'm upset that you don't TRUST me Sebastian.
You think that Theo can just turn up out of the blue and I'll fall back into his arms like some kind of fucking cliche?
You know that's not what I think
Boo 💘:
Then what am I supposed to think?
You tell me Sebastian because I thought that I had made myself perfectly clear to everyone when I said Theo and I were done.
Boo they want you to be happy...
I want you to be happy
Boo 💘:
Was it the article?
Boo 💘:
Did they actually think that there was even a chance that the article was real?
Did YOU think that I could be that stupid?
Boo I was an idiot
I'm sorry that I didn't trust you...
I know that you're stronger than that but it's in my nature to worry about you. I know that you know you'd do the same...
Karsyn I love you and if there was ever a chance that someone could hurt you then I want to be there to stop them
Wouldn't you do the same?
Boo 💘:
I know I would
But you know how I get with trust
Nobody holds that agains you
Boo 💘:
I just don't connect with people the way I did before...
And you know how I get when I'm feeling attacked
Shit this is so stupid
None of this is your fault Kar
Boo 💘:
I attacked them all for trying to defend me. That pretty much makes me a bad person
Karsyn we get it.
They understand what Theo did and they don't hold anything against you for that.
You felt victimised and you lashed out. That's nothing to beat yourself up over.
Boo 💘:
I'm just stressed out with everything that's happening in the media.
And trying to finish my album while working on the Marvel project.
I get it
Boo 💘:
I thought that I had my life under control but I don't Sebastian.
And after Theo I just can't trust people the same way I used to... does that sound stupid?
nobody blames you, Boo
we're your friends and we're there for you no matter what
Boo 💘:
I feel like everyone is attacking me and I know that they're just trying to help
I know that trust isn't something that comes easy anymore karsyn.
Nobody holds that against you. We all love you too much
Boo 💘:
You're the cheesiest dork I've ever met
You know you love me
Boo 💘:
I know
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