Chapter 1
The only sounds that echoed through the small compartment were the gurgles from Lucy and the hissing of the train as it sped at high speeds toward the city of Argoge. The white haired Fairytail mage giggled to herself with a small shake of her head before returning to the crime novel that sat in her hands, she tried to go back to her novel she just couldn't focus as her girlfriend of seven months continued to make a variety of sounds in her sleep. Honestly Mira had no idea how the girl could sleep spread across the train seats, not only were the seats lumpy, the train rocked from side to side every two seconds.
But Mira just guessed that was one of the things she loved about Lucy, her ability to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, considering the celestial mages upbringing she slept like the dead- and god forbid anyone disturb her sleep- well anyone except her of-course, Lucy's always had a soft spot for her, even before she'd met the she-devil Lucy had admired the white haired beauty.
A smile on her face and her brain in the clouds Mira failed to notice the sleeping beauty in front of her slowly sit up with a yawn and a rub of her face, seeing her girlfriend lost in thought she moved to sit next to her, giving her a kiss on the cheek finally broke Mira out of her love infused haze.
"come on boo this is our stop" Mira barked out a laugh at being called 'boo' before she stood up pulling her 'boo' up with her, they grabbed their separate bags and waited at the doors for the train to stop. As the train pulled to a stop Mira pulled out a folded piece of paper from her black bomber jacket.
"Come on, love. The flyer says we have to find a Missy Glouberman, it says here that she'll be in her library up town." Mira grabbed Lucy's hand and they walked through the train station and into the bustling town.
They walked through the crowds of people bustling around the variety of different market stools, oohing and awing at the different pieces of jewelry and clothes, the smell of all different foods from all over the country was intoxicating. "This would be a beautiful place to retire in, don't you think?" The blonde quirked her head to the side with a soft smile and a tug at Mira's hand, pulling the other women close enough to rest her head on her shoulder.
"Maybe, but I think I'd prefer somewhere quieter, trees as far as the eye can see, a beautiful view of the sunset, the chirping of wildlife through the day. It sounds like heaven to me" The white haired maiden got this soft gleam in her eyes, she wouldn't tell Lucy this but that dream wouldn't ever be complete unless she was sat watching that sunset with her. Oh she could imagine it now.
"Hey!" Mira's eyes snapped open at her girlfriends shout, her head swirled around to see a little brunette no taller then five foot making her way off with Lucy's travel backpack, 'oh hell no' and with that thought the she-devil took off running after the little girl with sticky fingers. With the mage's long agile legs she quickly caught up to the girl who could be no more then twelve years old.
She grabbed the girl by the scruff of her dress and pulled her out of the alleyway she had run into, "It's not nice to take things that aren't yours" the young girl struggled in the strong mages grasp, still holding tightly onto the purple backpack which was quickly ripped out of her grasp by her rage filled girlfriend.
Seeing that the celestial mage had gotten her bag back, Mira loosens the grip on the young girl but not enough so that she could try to make a break for it again.
"I'm sure if you wanted a new bag, you could've asked your parents to get you one" Mira spoke to the young girl in a firm and sturdy voice, making the young girl shrink back a bit- before she spit back with fire in her voice.
"Does it look like I've got parents, lady?" Lucy scowled at the girl who had the courage to talk to Mira like, especially after she'd tried to steal from them. "I'd watch your mouth if I was you" the girl shut her mouth and kept quiet, giving the young adults time to actually take in the appearance of the young girl.
The girls golden brown hair was knotted and slightly matted, reaching all the way down to the back of her knees, the young girls split ends are the worst Lucy had ever seen, the clothes she wore barley covered her body they were that ripped and looked about several sizes too small for her growing pubescent body. The shoes she wore looked worn out and old, her toes pocked out of the growing hole at the front as the girls feet continued to grow along with her body.
Mira looked down at her feet not being able to look the poor girl in her eyes, her eyes filled with tears as memories of the time she and her family had been homeless, knowing the struggle of living on the street Mira knew there'd be no way she was leaving the girl alone on the streets.
"Well I guess you're just gonna have to stay with us" With her mind made up, she let loose those words while looking at the girl straight in her eye, letting her know she's 100% serious. She looked over at her blonde girlfriend and seeing the soft smile on Lucy's face, she knew she'd made the right decision.
Ta-da! I know Mira X Lucy doesn't have alot of fans, even for a crack-ship, so if you're reading this i'd really appreciate a vote and comment to atleast let me know somebody's reading. If anyone is reading I hope you enjoy!
Check out my other stories, I have plenty of them :)
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