It was a week later when Harry received an email from Doncaster's Recreational Center. It was a list of his schedule for his piano lessons, worked neatly around his classes like requested. He had lessons on week days, from five to six thirty.
Harry printed out the schedule and posted it on his tack board that was in the kitchen. After that, he decided to pick out an outfit for the following day, which would hold his first lesson.
Monday morning, Harry dressed in a black button-up, black skinnies, worn black boots, and a black hat. It seemed a little too much black, but it looked good on Harry and that's truly all that mattered to him.
After two English classes and History of Music, Harry was ready for his lesson, but it was only four. He went back to his apartment and killed off time by watching Friends and then heading to a cafe to grab coffee for himself.
After much debate, Harry ended up buying a crumpet for Louis. It was a rather boring day for Harry, but he was excited to see little Louis with his blue eyes and tiny nose and bright smile.
Harry smiled to Claire in the lobby, asking how her day had been. After chatting for a few mintues, Harry headed back to the piano room. Louis was standing on his tiptoes, reaching for a clipboard that was on the top shelf. It was a bit amusing because nothing else was on that shelf.
"Do you need help?" Harry asked, causing the smaller boy to jump back.
"Oh, Harry. You gave me a fright," Louis breathed, clutching his chest.
"Would you like help? That's a little high up," Harry mused, placing his cup and small bag of snacks on an empty area of shelf.
"That would be nice. I had a substitute for the past two lessons because of a doctor's appointment and he put my student list on the top shelf. He's a friend of mine and a right tease. He thinks my height is just hilarious." Louis said the last word in a falsetto Austrian voice and Harry found himself laughing a bit.
Louis was too cute.
"How are you?" Harry asked as he got the student list down and handed it to Louis, who blushed.
"Thank you. I've been great. I hate the doctor's office, to be completely honest. Neatness drives me mad," Louis seethed, leaning over his desk to grab a pen.
Harry forced himself not to stare at the tiny boy's amazing bum. Instead, he reached out for the paper bag and waited until Louis turned around.
"I brought you a snack," Harry said shyly, holding out the bag.
Smiling just as shyly, Louis reached out and took the bag in his small hands.
"Thank you. What is it?"
"It's just a crumpet. I don't have your number and I wasn't quite sure what you would like," Harry responded, offering a shrug of his shoulders.
"You're very kind," Louis blurted, dipping his hand in the bag to find a blueberry crumpet. Harry only guessed and happened to pick one of Louis's favorite snacks.
"Oh!" Louis squealed in delight, biting into the crumpet. Harry watched in shock as Louis's face morphed into one of pleasure. It was fantastic sight, seeing Louis grinning broadly with his blue, blue eyes glimmering in delight.
"You are so amazing, thank you, Harry!" Louis mumbled through a bite. And although Harry was normally disgusted by people who talked with full mouths, he found Louis adorable.
"Should we start my lesson?" Harry blurted, sure he wouldn't be able to take another moment just watching beautiful Louis.
"Oh! Right. I am sorry. Okay, so I just want to ask a few questions, so I can understand how you work," Louis spoke, pulling a binder off of his shelf while licking his pretty fingers and- oh.
"Sick... Alright, full name?"
"Harry Edward Styles."
"Age? Twenty-one, right?"
"Are you in school? If so, what are you majoring in?"
"I am. I'm taking different classes in order to become a music producer."
Louis's eyes lit up at Harry's answer. "A music producer? I wish... That sounds fantastic."
A spurt of confidence took over Harry's mind.
"What do you want to do, Louis?"
"Exactly what I'm doing now. I've always wanted to teach. I wasn't good at school in general, but I achieved top marks in my music and theater classes," Louis rambled, eyes glittering and, wow, Louis was aglow because someone actually asked about him and Louis just loved to talk about his life sometimes because he felt important.
"You've already got what you want in life and you are only twenty-three? That's truly fantastic. My father has offered to help, but I want to do it on my own," Harry breathed, smiling as he sat on the piano bench.
"Your father? Does he also produce music?"
Louis joined Harry at the bench.
"Well, no. But he's a big business man. He could easily... It's no big deal," Harry mumbled, embarrassed.
He didn't want Louis thinking things such as spoiled and rich and brat.
"I won't compare you to anyone, Harry. If that is what you're worried about," Louis whispered, placing his hand on Harry's larger one.
Both boys looked up and Louis offered a brilliant, sunshine-like smile and Harry stopped breathing.
"Thank you, Louis."
"You are quite welcome... Would you like to start the lesson?"
"Yes. Let's do that."
How do you think Harry feels about his father?
PQOTC: What do you want to do with your life?
MA: I love music and acting but tbh if I were to get into anything serious, I'd like to be a marine biologist.
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