"I would kill for a drink right now," Bokuto said dryly. "We have so much time tonight to do stuff and there's absolutely nothing to do."
"Bokuto. You're so stupid. You know who's always got the good shit, right, bro?" Kuroo picked his head up off the cafeteria table and winked.
"No way, bro..." Bokuto grinned at Kuroo, and Kuroo's grin widened. "Konoha-kun, right?"
Kuroo's smirk fell instantly. He face palmed. "Bro." Kuroo rolled his eyes. "Me. I always have the good shit."
"Ohhhhhh, that makes so much more sense Kuroo-chan." Bokuto said, and Kuroo threw his hands up.
They chatted on about their plan, and Bokuto soon became overly energetic and literally bounced in his seat.
"Fucking bro, what time is it?" He asked.
Kuroo shrugged. "Time to buy a watch."
Bokuto quickly shook his head. "But seriously, what time is it? We have to wait until most of the teams are either asleep or on the other side of the compound, or like if it's five o'clock."
Kuroo tilted his head side to side as if contemplating the idea. He paused and bit his lip. Slowly, a mischievous grin pasted itself upon his face. "Bro. It's five o'clock somewhere."
Bokuto laughed, and threw his hands up. "Well, what the hell. Let's fuck shit up, bro."
They stood from their bench in the cafeteria hall, and started towards the kitchen to grab cups. "Who do we wanna bring with us anyhow?" Bokuto inquired.
Kuroo shrugged. "Probably us two. Akaashi, Tsukishima, or maybe Kenma."
Bokuto nodded his approval. "We'll probably drink the most. Akaashi will only drink a little, if at all, Kenma is the same, and I don't know about Tsukishima. Oh well, we'll figure it out."
After grabbing a package of small, paper cups, they began drifting toward the sleeping quarters where Kuroo hid his bottle.
As Kuroo rummaged through his clothes, Bokuto looked around the halls quickly. There seemed to be no one in sight. He thought about the rooms they'd used in the past to drink or play around without being interrupted. Kuroo made a noise of excitement and stood with a bottle.
"Ne, Kuroo-chan, do you think Lab A will still be open?" Bokuto pushed the door wider for Kuroo's exit, using his hand that was empty. Kuroo shrugged in reply.
Bokuto moved forward, following his friend going to the left. "Lab A probably is still open. There's no computers anymore, just the shitty old box and tables." Kuroo muttered as he examined the bottle.
"You mean the TV? Dammit, that'll cut down what we can do." Bokuto said.
"I dunno, but damn, Daniel. Look at this bottle." Kuroo said, passing it back.
"Dam Daniel? An American thing? And 'Dragon Berry?' What the fuck is this? I thought you were getting Captain Morgan, not this Bacardi. What're we girls?" Bokuto whined.
"Shut up, my fake ID's so bogus I was to worried about buying that."
"So you bought this shit? Dammit, Kuroo."
"Don't whine, you loser, not only does it sorta taste like strawberries, but it'll go down easier. The spiced rum probably is better, but oh well." Kuroo rolled his eyes and snatched the bottle back.
They continued on quietly down the hall, and the door was coming up on the left.
"Here it is," Kuroo reached for the knob and the door swung open. "I guess no one's joining since no one's around."
Bokuto stepped in. "Honestly, I didn't even think it was gonna be unlocked..." He said turning his head about, before quieting quickly. "Oho ho? What do we have here, my friend?" Bokuto whispered and nodded his head to the left, deeper in the room.
"What the are you talking-... Oho ho ho?" Kuroo followed closely behind, and his eyes fell a upon the same thing as Bokuto's, and his voice fell silent as well.
Towards the front of the room by the old TV, was a foldable plastic table with a metal foldable chair pushed to the sides and one centered. At the table was a boy in a white shirt and navy seobean shorts. His short, messy, black hair was beginning to get long enough to tuck behind his ears.
Kuroo and Bokuto's eyes found each other.
"It's Akaashi." mouthed Bokuto.
Kuroo nodded rigorously. "He has earphones in," he said softly as he crept forward, his sneakers silent. "Let's scare him."
Bokuto crept to his side, and they both moved forward simultaneously. As the sneaky predators closed in on their friend, Bokuto noticed the book in the blackette's hand.
"On the count of three, we're gonna yell, 'Akaashi, okay?" Kuroo whispered. Bokuto grinned.
In moments, they were both leaning just over Akaashi's shoulders, counting down with their fingers. "3...2...1..." They counted, and before they even made a sound Akaashi reached up for his ear phones.
The two scurried back, and as Akaashi took out his earphones and set down his book. Bokuto and Kuroo, once again, shared a look. This time, however, was one of immediate terror. They did not think it through.
Would Akaashi be okay with their drinking?
They would definitely find out the moment he turned around.
Akaashi stood, using his hands to brace himself as he got up. He shut his book, and turned. Kuroo and Bokuto froze in and witnessed the sight of a startled Akaashi.
In a few seconds, his face twisted attractively, his turquoise eyes grew into saucers and his mouth dropped open. His hand wrapped around his stomach, and the other shot up to muffle the soft, girly noise that fell from it. "What the hell?!" He snapped.
"Hi?" Bokuto said, showing a smile that didn't reach his eyes, because in his eyes was a look of fear. "Don't kick my ass?"
Kuroo, by this time, had crept to the table and set the bottle down and grabbed one of the chairs to sit with. Akaashi looked between the two, and his eyes quickly found the stack of cup in Bokuto's hand and the bottle of alcohol now on the table. His hands unwrapped from his body and mouth, a breath came into his mouth. He slowly released it through his nose, and the emotion less Akaashi returned.
"So, you're in here to drink?" He said quietly.
"Yes sir." Kuroo said, unscrewing the bottle's cap.
Bokuto eyed Akaashi. Would he leave? Would he drink?
Bokuto moved to Kuroo, and, as he poured, Bokuto slowly lifted the small, paper cup. He raises it to his lips, and tossed his head back.
The taste was sweet, but not exactly smooth. It would be enough. "Pour me like three more." He said, and set the cup upside down on the table. "Akaashi, will you be drinking at all?" He asked, the words rolling off his tongue tentatively.
Akaashi's brows drew together. He pursed his lips, a contemplative expression found its way onto his face. "I-... Yeah.. Sure.."
"Oya oya?" Kuroo turned and grinned. He reached for a filled cup and handed it back to Akaashi, who took it somewhat shakily.
"She is, too, hot!" Bokuto slurred, downing another shot. "Are you sure you even know who I'm talking about?"
"Yes, of course, I do know exactly who." Kuroo leaned back in his seat. "Sakura, right?"
"No, you asshat, Yui!" They both burst into laughter.
"Oho, I know, now." He muttered. "The one with the breasts the size of watermelons!"
They both smirked deviously.
"Akaashi, you have any one you would totally fuck at school?" Kuroo asked.
Akaashi shifted uncomfortably. "Not really."
"What do you mean?" He pressed.
Another uncomfortable movement.
"Ne, Kuroo, why don't we get him drunk before we ask any kind of questions like this." Bokuto rolled his eyes. "He's been sipping the same damn cup this entire time."
Akaashi glared. "I'm fine."
"Don't be a wuss, just shoot it. It's easy." Kuroo provoked.
Akaashi shook his head. "I'm alright. I'm not very fond of the taste."
Bokuto giggled, and smirked at Kuroo. The master of provocation failed momentarily for the second time that week.
"Well, no one is. The taste isn't the point. Just try a few." Kuroo stated, and Bokuto nodded encouragingly.
Akaashi apprehensively eyed the small cup in his hand. "I don't know, guys."
Kuroo waved his hand, as if he were waving away his worries. "C'mom, it won't hurt," Kuroo's eyelids lowered over them. "Much."
Akaashi rolled his eyes and sighed, lifting the cup to his lips. He sniffed the fluids gently, and his nose scrunched up. He looked up from the clear liquid, and glanced at the both of them briefly, before shaking his head, and taking the shot.
"Oh my god..." He groaned, gagging and coughing as the liquid washed down his throat.
"Aye, Akaashi, it only gets better." Bokuto raised his own filled cup and gestured for Akaashi's to be refilled. "I promise." He said, patting a cringing Akaashi's back once more.
Akaashi's laugh resonated throughout the room. "S- Silly Bokuto, you're soooo stupid." His voice was loud as well.
His cell read 10:45, and Akaashi met his limit. They finally got him pushing about six shots around 8:30, and he didn't seem affected at all, so naturally they kept pushing drinks on him.
"Either his tolerance is fucking magnificent, or it'll kick in late and it'll be to late then." Kuroo had grumbled, dragging in two futon mattresses and blankets because if Akaashi ended up wasted they'd have to keep him in the lab.
They managed to convince him to take about four or five more, when Akaashi began to feel it.
But now, it was Bokuto and Akaashi alone. Kuroo had went to bed, and brought the bottle. And Akaashi was flamboyantly drunk.
If Bokuto touched him, he would giggle and blush. His terribly sloppy excuse and reply would be that it tickled.
"I'm serious, Akaashi, you're very drunk. How can you even try to deny that?" Bokuto said, attempting to be stern, but chuckling. By the time Akaashi was drunk, Bokuto was almost sober.
"Shhh," Akaashi muttered, drunkenly putting his finger to his lips. Then, quite suddenly Akaashi leaned forward.
Bokuto froze up, his heart seizing. Was Akaashi going to kiss him?
He leaned past his face, the corner of lips brushing Bokuto's cheek. "I may be drunk, but no one else needs to know." He whispered with a sing-song tone, the breath of Akaashi tickling Bokuto's ears.
His heart began to thump out of his chest.
Akaashi laughed, and fell back on the futon. "This is kinda fun, y'know," He stuttered. "Everything is spinning!"
"Oh, yeah I bet it is." Bokuto shook his head. He stood up, still a bit dizzy, and locked the door. If they overslept, Kuroo would wake them up.
He turned the lock, and turned to return to his spot, but Akaashi bombarded him by flinging himself into his arms.
"Bokuto! Don't leave!" Akaashi whined, his lips pouted and his gleaming eyes wide. He wrapped his arms around Bokuto's neck and pressed his body against him, their faces drawing closer and closer. Akaashi swooped his head to the side, and buried itself in Bokuto's neck
Bokuto couldn't breathe. His hand were lightly resting on Akaashi's shoulders. He was panicking. What does one do at a moment like this?
Slowly, his hands slid to brace the smaller boy's waist, and he gently pried him away. "Akaashi," He said softly. "I would never leave you."
"Really?" The pretty boy glanced up, batting his eyes, looking through his long lashes, showing a sign of embarrassment for the first time in half an hour.
"Really." Bokuto wondered then. "Can you walk alright?"
Akaashi rolled his eyes. "Yeah, of course, silly." He released Bokuto, and took a wobbly step forward. His body swayed side to side, with his arms out as if he were walking on a trapeze. "Look! I'm Sebastian! And you're Ciel!" He giggled taking a few shaky steps.
"Are we now?" He said, creeping up behind Akaashi. His hands ghosted at the other's waist, in case he started to fall.
"And our love will never work because I'm a demon."
Bokuto's smile became smaller. Love? Did Akaashi love him? They were best friends. He loved him like a friend. "Why?" He said quietly.
His hands came to his chin, and he tapped it gently. "I don't know," Akaashi said thoughtfully. "Maybe our genders."
Bokuto tilted his head, confusion covering his features. "What are you saying?"
"Or maybe we're like Nezumi and Shion.." He rambled on, naming off random male characters who would go well together, and some references flew over Bokuto's head. "No, no, that wouldn't work they're actually in love. Our issue is that I love you and you don't love me. Like I do, at the very least." He muttered on.
"Wait, Akaashi what're you talking about?" He exclaimed. "You're not making any sense, I can't even understand you."
Akaashi stilled and looked over his shoulder. "And that's perfectly fine. I can keep it to my self longer."
Bokuto frowned deeply. "What the hell, Akaashi?" He shook his head, huffing out a breath. "Just lay down, you're still way to drunk to really be taken seriously."
Closing the space between them, he gripped Akaashi's forearms and guided him to their mattress, as Akaashi hummed some song. Akaashi moved easily to his movements, and laid down on his side. Bokuto covered him with a blanket, and laid near him.
"You're quite a handful, you know? Maybe this is karma." Bokuto teased.
Akaashi said nothing, only stared, his eyes searching Bokuto's face. His soft looking lips were parted slightly and pouted. Bokuto's face drifted into something wondering.
What could that silly boy be thinking about?
Bokuto wondered about the usually mysteriously reserved boy. They fell into complete silence, and simply held each other's eyes until Akaashi's lips curved into a beautiful smile, and Bokuto's eyes narrowed.
"What're you smiling about?"
Akaashi pushed himself up, and closed the space between them, pushing Bokuto's shoulder flat on the mattress.
"What're you doing?" He questioned.
Akaashi leant down in a rush, but caught him self when there was simply a breath between their noses. He bit his lip lightly, and his colorfully dark eyes flickered to his lips. Bokuto's eyes widened as Akaashi's shut, and Akaashi's lips caressed his own.
The kiss, something sweet, ended quickly. Bokuto's eyes never shut.
"What the hell, Akaashi..?" He quietly said, his hand feeling his now moist lips.
Akaashi giggled, and laid a kiss upon his chin, then his jawline. He continued down Bokuto's neck and Bokuto couldn't move.
He couldn't breathe.
The shock overwhelmed his nerves, almost as much as the burning sensation Akaashi left with each kiss. He'd never felt that when anyone else had kissed him.
"Akaashi..." He murmured.
The blackette paid no attention and continued, lifting the loose grey shirt Bokuto wore. His hands trailed over all the hard lines on Bokuto's stomach, and he kissed lower and lower. Soon, his fingers hooked under the waistband of his shorts, and pulled them down and off.
His heart thumped in his stomach. Akaashi Keiji kissed him. Akaashi Keiji just took off his pants.
And I liked it?
Bokuto's nerves finally released the vice on his arms, and he pushed himself up onto his knees. He towered over Akaashi, and spread his knees with his hands, pulling Akaashi closer to him. Akaashi bit his lip, and batted his eyes.
"Dammit, Akaashi.." Bokuto's voice died out as their lips crashed together sloppily. Bokuto's hands slid beneath Akaashi, and stood with him in his arms.
The smaller boy made a soft noise of surprise, but quickly wrapped his legs around Bokuto's waist and his arms around his neck. Bokuto slowly made his way to the table before setting him down. He laid Akaashi back, and looked down at his best friend. The sex appeal Akaashi held was incredible. Maybe that's why some players on other teams often were caught off guard in plays. His eyes were wide and glassy, his head tilted to the left slightly. His lips were parted and moist, and he noticed that they were swollen and pink from the kisses.
"You are a very pretty little setter," Bokuto said dreamily. "And you're mine, huh?"
A small smile played on Akaashi's face.
"I could eat you up," He lifted the shirt over Akaashi's head, and quickly removed his own as well. "Actually, I'm gonna eat you up. Right now." He smirked.
(A/N) Hey hi hello wow oh wow AkaBo makes me happy af. Okay so this isn't just a oneshot, it's a two-shot, and the next half is gonna be some juicy (like Bokuto's booty) smut. It may be posted tomorrow or the next day, but I dunno it depends on my homework. I hope this was even just a little tantalizing(≧∇≦)
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