1. Trace the odd data type
a. floats
B. integer
c. doubles
d. Real number
2. Which of the folowing are valid float values?
a. 4.5678
b. 4.0
c. 7e4
D. All of above
3. In php string data are
a. delimited by single quote
b. delimited by double quote
c. delimited by <<< identifier
D. All of above
4. Which of the following delimiting method is known as string Interpolation
a. delimited by single quote
b. delimited by double quote
CC delimited by <<< identifier
d. All of above
5. Which datatypes are treaded as arrays
a. Integer
b. Float
d. Booleans
6. Which of following are compound data type?
a. Array
b. Objects
CC. Both
d. None
7. Casting operator introduced in PHP 6 is
a. (array)
BB. (int64)
c. (real) or (double) or (float)
d. (object)
8. When defining identifier in PHP you should remember that
a. Identifier are case sensitive. So $result is different than $ result
b. Identifiers can be any length
CC. Both of above
d. None of above
9. Identify the invalid identifier
a. my-function
b. size
c. –some word
DD. This&that
10. Which of folowiing variable assignment is 'by value' assignment in PHP
AA. $value1= $value?
b. $value1= & $value?
c. $value1= & $value?
d. None
11. Identify the variable scope that is not supported by PHP
a. Local variables
b. Function parameters
CC. Hidden variables
d. Global variables
12. The output of ofllowing script would be
function ad it () {
GLOBAL $somevar;
$somerar++ ;
echo "somerar is $somerar";
addit ();
a. somerar is 15
BB.. somerar is 16
c. somerar is 1
d. somerar is $ somerar
13. Variable scope on which a variable does not loose its value when the function exists and use that value if the function is called again is:
a. Local
b. function parameter
CC. static
d. None of above
14. The left association operator % is used in PHP for
a. percentage
b. bitwise or
c. division
DD. modulus
15. The left associative dot operator (.) is used in PHP for
a. multiplication
BB. concatenation
c. separate object and its member
d. delimeter
16. Trace the false statement
a. Any code found within an included file will inherit the variable scope of the location of its caller
BB. Because the included code will be embedded in a PHP execution block, the PHP execution block, the PHP escape tags (<?php?> aren't required on the file to be included
c. For the inclusion of remote files the allow-url-pope must be enabled ad URL wrapper must be supported
d. Including a file produces the same result as copying the data from the file specified into the location in which the statement appears.
17. Which of the following functions require the allow-url-fopen must be enabled?
a. include()
b. require()
CC. both of above
d. None of above
18. Which function includes the specified file even the statement evaluates to false in which block the function is placed.
a. include ()
BB. require ()
c. both of above
d. None of above
19. On failure of which statement the script execution stops displaying error/warning message?
a. rinclude ()
BB require ()
c. both of above
d. None of above
20. Trace the function that does continue the script execution even if the file inclusion fails
AA include ()
b. require ()
c. both of above
d. None of above
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