My friends shitty parents
for some reason I feel like i'm the only person with functional parents, like Oh My God, the amount of rants I've gotten from friends about how their parents call the ungrateful or good for nothing or just straight up cuss words is concerning. like my god I want to go back in time and tell little Artemis how lucky she is though I don't think she needs to here more of that, (I swear having people constantly tell you to never take anything for granted and to never be ungrateful as little kid is both a great life lesson and absolutely traumatizing depending on the approach, and has mostly led to me being a really good therapist friend so they never leave me... I fine I swear).
but that's kind of off topic, have you ever been over to a friends house and they get in a fight with their parents, yeah imagine that but your three hours away from normal civilization where "Trump 2024" is plastered on the top of barns and there's no way to leave, Oh and the parent is blackout drunk. oh boy do I have a story to tell.
So a little background knowledge, my friend is bi (She/Her) and her dad owns some property out in the country, he was accepting when she came out and still pretty much is. Another thing, my love language is physical touch, you know i'm comfortable or like someone when I start leaning on them and tapping them on the head, my friend's love language is also physical touch so me and her together is pretty PDA. also there is no romantic or sexual feelings between us, we are friends. Okay with that out of the way let's get to the story. oh and well call her Aphrodite btw.
Aphrodite invites me to go to the country with her for a night, her dad takes us and her 5-year-old cousin there, also down there is some of her other family members. I can't remember how many were there but enough for them to open a six pack of beers and start drinking, we went to a river and played around there a bit and he got relatively drunk, not enough for slurred speech or poor walking but enough where he shouldn't have been driving. He then proceeded to drive us back to the property, speeding to quote "Break the law slightly so they don't find out we broke the law more". I feel asleep on the way back and a good thing I did because he got it in his head that I would drive a portion of the way back. I was barely 14 at the time mind you, I didn't even know which petal the gas was! so we get to the spot that i'm "supposed" to start driving and i'm asleep, and instead of just keep driving, he decides to hit the gas then hit the breaks repeatedly to wake me up. luckily, i'm good at fake sleeping so he ended up driving back the rest of the way.
We get to the house there and shower, because we river water, and lock the door to change because there is a 5-year-old running around and we didn't want him barging in. Aphrodite's mother fucking dad bangs on the door demanding to know why the door was locked yelling at my friend and told me to go outside while they had an argument. I later found out he thought we were fucking, even after she had told him i'm ace. and then he kept drinking and aphrodite pointed out the beer he was drinking he didn't even like, he was just drinking it cause it was alcohol.
fast forward to the next day, were about to drive home and he asks me "So did you drive yesterday?" and I was like "No" and this dick says "Oh, did you just say you didn't want to?"
I- Guys-
he didn't remember, ANY OF IT! I just said yes but like, i'm scared of getting blackout drunk, if you become as crazy as he did and then don't remember it, that's actually terrifying. I have never wanted to cuss out an adult more than I did I that moment, experiencing what he'd but my friend through for years! you want to know why I don't respect my elders simply because they're elders? it's because i've been proven time and time again that most of them don't deserve it. and honestly I can't wait to be an adult just so I can yell at them and tell them all the shit i've seen them do and not get yelled at or called emotional or irrational.
so that was long and probably tedious but I really needed to tell someone who didn't know me personally. I want to tell my parents about it but I don't want to stop seeing my friend so i'm just gonna keep quiet till I turn 18.
stay safe toucans, I love y'all <3
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