you know in shows set in highschool how there is always this insecure, nerdy, "outcast" girl who just wants to be like the "cool popular", with so many friends, and "confidence". everyone always sympathizes with the Nerdy girl because she's such a sweet person, who deserves to have friends and she gets her way into the "popular" kids group and everyone loves her because she's so fucking relatable. and the main "cool" girl is seen as the villain because she excludes people, and doesn't care about the nerdy girls, and is "perfect". Well everyone but me, because I could see it from the "cool" girl's perspective: some weird girl who no one talks to (for a reason likely) intruding in on you friend group even tho you uncomfortable with the stuff she says, and you go all quite bc you don't want to be mean, she opens up to you and your friends and learn that you are now going to be her "go to" to cry on with her mental baggage (which is mentally taxing btw), and slowly she isolates you from your other friends just to take them away bc there mean or you're mean. Now granted neither side is wrong in full, but the world isn't one sided.
Now let's just say recently I've found myself in the role or the popular girl, and the "outcast" making me feel like a bad guy even tho (I don't think) i've done nothing wrong.
this story requires backstory, like a shit load of it so grab some snacks (I'll try and make it short tho). I'm on a rock climbing team, and have been for 8 years, I'm by far the most experienced and I'd say i'm a pretty good climber. (I project around V5's on boulder and 11b's on lead if that means anything to you, plus really good a technique). Now a few years ago, I think right after 2020, this girl M shows up. I say hi and be friendly, but nothing more. Right off the bat she takes a liking to me, and will constantly hang out with me at practice. she talks a lot and is really loud which isn't a bad thing, but I'm very introverted and those kinds of people take a lot of energy out of me. and after about a month she starts comparing herself to me specifically, my friends in general. she would see me climb things and go: "uhg, I'm just so lazy, I'll never be as good as you," or "I'm so fat, I wish I was as skinny as you" to the point that I would feel bad climbing around her bc I didn't want to feel like I was showing off or smth, (Like no joke those are direct quotes from her). and everytime she talks she talks about how hot people are and if I didn't know what she was talking about she would make me feel stupid for not knowing.
and then we get into rope season (just like look up ____ in rock climbing if you get confused bc I don't have time to explain everything sorry). Which means we get split up into groups of three, she immediately makes it clear that she want to be in a group with me and my friend J (her favorite) and no one else, intentionally excluding my other friends, and simultaneously becomes besties with one of our coaches E. not to mention she takes forever on routes, and doesn't take advise from anyone and cries at the slightest bit of criticism, so in other words in a two hour practice I get ONE climb in when I could have gotten in three or more, (rope climbs take a while).
Oh and side note she constantly vents to me about being mentally unstable and having a shitty life without asking if she can vent, which makes me uncomfy.
so that brings us to now. A little under a year ago I made a small GC with three friend from climbing BC one of them (C) hadn't shown up in a while and J wanted to yell at C and I did too. slowly more of my friends wanted to get in contact with C and others so I added them. Please keep in mind I not only started this GC but added everyone in it, so I see it as my GC, and i'm the admin. this GC is not a team GC, it's a friend GC and for friends only. (oh another thing I forgot to mention is i'm a "team captain" which basically means i'm the coaches first person to blame when one of the other kids aren't doing what they're told)
about a month ago I got pulled outside to talk in private with E (the coach I don't really like). he tells me "so i've heard that there's a team Group chat that your excluding people from." this threw me off as there isn't one and no one had even asked to join said GC, so I had literally no idea what was going on. my response.
"I mean I do have a group chat but it's not a team one, it's personal" this MF has the audacity to go on a five minute lecture about how people were feeling excluded and how as a "team captain" i should know better then to excluded said person. well he dropped a few hints and I picked up that it was M he was talking about.
This bitch had the idea to get me in trouble with the coaches, for a personal matter, THAT SHE INSERTED HERSELF INTO! Never once had she asked to join, or ask for my number, or even tell me she felt left out. and at this point, i'm done. I sick of being nice and giving her the benefit of the doubt, and I'm sick of the coach taking her side! I'm done with being the bad guy bc I don't want to be friends with her and she won't get the hint to fuck off.
oh and I asked my friends, she hadn't come to any of them either.
I'm sick and tired of feeling I need to accommodate for her, her mental health isn't my responsibility, and now I definitely don't want to be her friend. I haven't confronted her about it but I feel I should. any thoughts?
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