Chapter 42
I felt Luke place me in the car and start to drive. I felt groggy like you do after a nap. I was so light-headed. I noticed the street lights as we drove, but my eyelids became heavy and soon my eyes were closing.
I opened my eyes slowly, and I immediately felt like I got hit in the head. I rubbed my eyes and then scanned over my surroundings.
White walls, bright lights, and big windows.
The hospital.
I heard the sounds of the beeps from my monitor. I looked around the room and realized I was alone, it made me frown.
I stared at the wall in front of me trying to replay the events from the night before in my head. I last remembered sitting and watching Luke throw some trash in the trashcan. I also briefly remembered being in the car.
I wasn't sure how I ended up here, but I was here and that's all that mattered. I began to worry, then I heard the door open.
I looked up to see Dr. Chase walking in along with my family, Casey, and Luke.
"You're awake," Casey said softly making me nod. I was curious why Ally wasn't here, but I knew she only wouldn't be here if she had something serious to do. She had probably stopped by but had to go.
"How are you feeling Bailey?" Dr. Chase asked.
"My head hurts a bit, but besides that I feel fine. Why am I here?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows and scanning over everyone's faces. I didn't feel that bad anymore, just tired.
"You had gotten really pale last night, and you were being unresponsive," Dr. Chase said.
"It took you like 2 minutes to respond to anything I said," Luke added with a worried voice.
"I was just tired, I feel fine now though," I said trying to make a point. I didn't want to be in the hospital, I didn't see why I needed to be either.
"Bailey," Dr. Chase said with a deep breath.
That's when I knew things weren't okay.
"We did another MRI, your tumor is growing again," he said.
It felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say or how to react. It had only been slightly a year since I found out about my tumor anyways. I couldn't believe it. I was seriously feeling fine.
"How much time," I whispered not meeting eye contact with anybody in the room. I was expecting more than a year, now I had probably a span of months.
"We can't be sure, the growth could speed up," Dr. Chase said.
I knew when he said that, that I didn't even have six months. If I had six months, I would be told not to worry and to enjoy the time I had. I would be told we would be careful and monitor the growth, but he didn't tell me that.
"Can I at least go home soon?" I asked still not looking anybody in the eye. I didn't want to spend anymore time that I had left in the hospital.
"Dr. Chase is gonna find out, we don't want you staying here either," my dad said.
Luke walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I gave him a small soft smile even though I really didn't have much reason to smile.
The room remained silent until Dr. Chase came in half an hour later.
"Bailey you can go home," he said with a smile. "Can I speak to everyone in the room in the hall for just a quick second? I need to tell you guys what you need to look that would signal bringing Bailey back here," he said. Luke gave my hand a small squeeze and then followed the others out of the room.
I watched them all in the hallway, observing how Dr. Chase spoke with his hands. I knew things weren't right when Casey leaned in to Luke, and Luke seemed to try and comfort her.
I let out a sigh when Dr. Chase shook my dads hand and nodded like he was being thanked.
Everyone was back at our apartment. My family, the boys, Casey, and Ally. Luke's, Casey's, and Ally's parents all stopped by for a little while too.
We played games on Luke's xbox, and ate pizza. Michael still tried to make corny jokes, and Ashton and Calum still teased him about how they sucked. They also messed up Luke's hair which pissed him off.
It felt like a normal day, which I was grateful for. They weren't treating me any differently. My family sat and talked amongst themselves, and I smiled at them. I knew they wanted to be here, to watch me smile even though things in life right now weren't okay.
My life clock was ticking down quickly, and I knew they wanted to be there for every second of it. As did Luke, Casey, Ally, and the others.
It was easy to say today was a good day. Not completely because the start of it was rough, but ever since I got home all I had done was laugh and smile. I also got to see all of my friends smile, and not have them worry too much.
I knew I would miss them when I was gone, but they had each other which made me feel like they were each safe. I knew they would look after eachother.
"Hey," Luke nudged me as I was watching Michael kick Calum's butt in Mario Kart.
"Yeah?" I asked with a smile looking up at Luke.
"I love you a hell of a lot," Luke said smiling with his teeth.
"I love you," I mumbled leaning up to kiss him. For a moment I cursed everyone else in the room, because I knew I had to pull back from Luke's lips sooner than I wanted to. He kissed my forehead before turning back to the screen.
After about 4 games of Mario Kart, the guys thought it was time to go home. I hugged each of them, and told them I loved them. I wanted to make sure they knew that I was grateful for their friendships.
It took a lot of convincing but soon Casey, Ally, and my family left. They wanted to stay, not wanting to be apart from me for even a second. I promised them that we would have lunch tomorrow and spend the day together.
I gave them hugs and they were gone. I shut the door to the apartment, and when I turned around Luke was behind me.
"Hop on," he said motioning for me to get on his back.
I laughed but obliged and hopped on Luke's back. He gave me a piggyback ride to room and dropped me on the bed. He pulled off his shirt and climbed into bed with me.
He pulled me closer so I was laying my head on his chest.
"I love you so much," I said to Luke looking up at him.
"I love you, oh that reminds me, I got you something," Luke said grabbing a bag from the nightstand drawer.
"Open it," he said passing it to me.
I opened the bag and pulled out a small black box. I eyed Luke suspiciously before opening the box.
It was a small silver ring, with a blue gem stone in the middle.
"It's a graduation gift, also a promise that I'll always love you," Luke said shyly.
"Like a promise ring," I smiled putting it on my finger.
"Yeah," he smiled at me, playing with his lip ring nervously.
"I love it," I said beaming.
"I even got the inside engraved, I put my initials on the inside," he said making me pull it off my finger to look at the "L.H" engraved on it.
"I got my pinky ring engraved too," he said pulling it off and showing me the inside revealing a "B.P"
"I may not get to marry you in the future, but if I could I would," he said quietly. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He used one hand to cup my face, and deepen the kiss.
"You made my life worth living, Luke," I said quietly. He kissed me again.
"Bailey, I sometimes may be confident, but you scare the living shit out of me. You have become my everything, I'm in love with you." he mumbled pulling back from the kiss.
"I'm in love with you, Luke," I said with a smile before kissing him again.
I really did love him.
I have a few things to say :-)
1- I'm sorry if there are any errors or some of it doesn't make sense. I'm also sorry this is posted late. I had to work a double shift at work today and it's 11pm and I have homework. Plus i'm hella tired.
2- I saw the 1975 last night and they were amazing, if you can go see them sometime!
3- I hope you all still love this story, i know it's not going the exact path people want it to, but I hope that doesn't make you dislike it! I do have some more stuff coming out soon :-)
4- Go read @Cliffords420's michael fanfic Forget!
5- I also made this luke video, if you want to watch it!
okay you guys are cool i'll shut up now
Twitter: @Procrashtonates
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