Chapter 40
Today had been a busy busy day. I was glad to be able to crash on the couch when I got home.
This morning was our last graduation rehearsal. We spent two hours making sure everyone knew their places and how things would go down for graduation tomorrow. Afterwards, I had to run to the mall with Casey so we could both get an outfit to wear under our cap and gown, but also to grab some things for our graduation party we were hosting afterwards. We then made sure the catering was squared away for the party as well. Basically, we were very productive.
I stood up from the couch and grabbed a pill from the headache medication my doctors had given me. I washed down the pill with some water and made my way back to the couch. I looked at the clock, seeing I should probably get in the shower before Luke got home from band practice. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the water warm up. After the temperature was to my liking, I stepped in.
After my shower, I was cleaning up the living room when Luke came in.
"Hi babe," I hollered over my shoulder with my back to the door. I was folding the blanket we kept on the back of the couch.
"Hi," Luke said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck making me giggle.
"Hi," I said with a smile turning in his arms to face him. Luke held me tighter and rubbed his forehead on the side of my cheek.
"Luke!" I yelled, "You're sweaty!"
I finally broke free from his embrace and Luke laughed. "I hate you," I pouted. Luke walked over to me. He placed one hand on my hip, pulling me closer and laid his other on my neck, leaning in to give me a soft kiss.
"No you don't," Luke said pulling back from my lips. "I'm going to go shower, remember we're meeting my parents for a pre-graduation dinner at 6," he called walking into our room.
"Please put a towel on the floor, we don't need you getting water everywhere," I said following him. He always flooded the bathroom floor when he showered.
"Yeah, yeah," he said walking into the bathroom making me laugh.
The clock on the wall read 4:30pm, so I walked over to the closet and chose an outfit to wear to dinner.
"Are you guys excited for tomorrow?" Mrs. Hemmings asked taking a sip of her water.
"Yeah, glad to be done with high school," Luke said.
"Me too, but at the same time it went so fast," I added.
"Time flies," Luke's dad said.
Our waiter came out with our food, and we all ate in silence for the first few minutes.
"How have you been feeling Bailey?" Luke's mom asked.
"Alright, a little more tired than usual," I said taking a bite of the chicken I ordered. We had been so busy between finals, registering for college, and graduation. I hadn't had much time to just spend a few days in bed all day watching Netflix. I needed a day to relax honestly.
Luke made small talk with his parents, about his college classes he chose, and if he was looking forward to them. It's crazy how only two months stood in our way of being college kids. The waiter came by to clear our plates and Luke's mom pulled something out of her purse. It was a piece of paper folded up.
"Luke, your dad and I got you something for graduation," she said with an excited smile. She slid the paper across the table towards Luke and he gave it a questioning look before he began to unfold it. His eyes skimmed the paper quickly and a big smile spread across his face.
"You got me a guitar?" he asked looking between his mom and dad. He looked like a little kid in a candy shop, he was so happy. His smile was so big, I couldn't help but smile too.
"We weren't sure if you wanted an acoustic or an electric so just take that paper to the shop and chose one. It will be pre-paid for," his mom smiled.
Luke got up and hugged his parents, "Thank you so much," he said happily.
"Will you come with me to pick it out tomorrow after graduation?" Luke asked once he sat down. He grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.
"Of course," I said with a small laugh. Luke was so excited it made me happy.
A waiter delivered a small chocolate lava cake to both Luke and I that had written "Happy Graduation" on the side. I was already so full that Luke ended up eating his cake, and half of mine. Soon after, we walked towards our cars in the parking lot.
"Thanks for dinner," I said hugging Luke's mom, then his dad. "You guys are going to come tomorrow night right?" I asked referring to the graduation party I was having with Casey.
"Of course, we'll see you tomorrow," his dad smiled. We waved to them and Luke made our way back to the car hand in hand.
"This is really happening," I said looking at Luke as he drove home, he nodded.
"I'm glad to be doing it with you by my side," I said with a smile. Luke grabbed my hand as he drove. The street lights were bright enough I could see the smile that fell onto his face.
We crawled into bed once we both got home. I tossed and turned for minutes, I had too many thoughts running through my head to sleep.
"You okay?" Luke asked as I flipped once more to face him.
"Just restless," I sighed.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked looking into my eyes.
"Everything, I just feel like I grew up too fast. I just can't believe we're graduating tomorrow," I said with a small smile. "But I'm excited."
"I know," he said kissing me quickly.
"Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. I thought he had fallen asleep while I was flipping back and forth.
"Because I know it's harder for you to fall asleep, if you don't fall asleep before me," he said, which was true. It took me twice as long to fall asleep when Luke fell asleep before me, and I'm not sure why.
"I like falling asleep after you do anyways, it makes me feel better knowing you're comfortable," he said kissing the tip of my nose making me smile.
"Here flip over," he said again. I followed his words and flipped so my back was facing him. He pulled up my shirt, which made me blush a little bit because I wasn't wearing a bra.
"Oh," he said noticing I was bare underneath of my shirt, I could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Shush," I said quietly with a smile. He began to rub my back knowing it would relax me.
"Go to sleep babe, I love you," he said quietly.
"I love you too," I said as I closed my eyes.
I felt lips being placed on mine, and I fluttered my eyes opened. I saw Luke, and I smiled.
"Today's the day," he said.
"Why are you awake before me?" I asked. I was always the one who got up first. It usually took me an extra 15 minutes just to get Luke out of bed.
"I decided to actually get up on time, and let you sleep in 15 minutes," Luke said still laying flat on his stomach facing me.
I gave him a small smile before sitting up. I stretched before getting up and making my way into the bathroom to get ready for the long day ahead of me.
"Luke are you ready?" I called out from the living room a half an hour later running a hand nervously through my hair.
"Yeah," he said walking into the living room, cap and gown in hand.
"Let's go then," I smiled as he took my hand and we walked down to the car.
The car ride was long and nerve racking, but before I knew it we were sitting through a long speech at graduation, I was pretty sure I was going to fall asleep. Finally, they began to pass out diplomas.
I cheered extra loud for Michael, Luke, Calum, Ashton, and Casey. I was the last of the group to be called, and I was more focused on not tripping across the stage than how loud they were yelling for me. I passed Luke on the way back to my seat after grabbing my diploma and he gave me a thumbs up. I smiled back at him. Once everyone was done, they announced we were officially graduated, and as everyone around me threw their caps up, I rushed to find Luke. Soon I was embraced in his arms.
"We did it," I smiled. He smiled too before kissing me hard.
After we all exited, we found Casey and the other boys. We all hugged and exchanged smiles, and how we couldn't believe our high school journey was over. We were soon joined by our parents and were forced to take what seemed like thousands of pictures.
Finally Luke and I parted with our parents and friends, telling them we would see them at our graduation party. Luke and I agreed to meet Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Casey at our apartment so the boys could check out Luke's new guitar before the party.
"Ready to go get your new guitar?" I said pulling my cap and gown off.
"More ready than ever," Luke smiled.
We got into the car and made our way to the music shop.
here's an update! Happy thanksgiving everyone! I hope it's great, and if you're in a different country that doesn't celebrate thanksgiving right now, then have a fabulous day! :-)
Twitter: @procrashtonates
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