Chapter 37
"You are so cute," I said closing the photo album. Luke's aunt decided to pull out some old photos from when Luke was little, which he didn't appreciate much.
"I was chubby and awkward," Luke said making me roll my eyes.
"You were not chubby, but you're still awkward," I said with a laugh.
"Hey Luke you have a phone call," his aunt said appearing in the living room.
Luke looked confused but got up to walk to the kitchen where their phone was. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket, deciding to update Casey and Ally on what had been happening while I was here. I sent them the pictures Luke and I took when we were looking out onto Sydney and the harbor. I made sure to let them know I missed them a lot too.
We had been friends all of high school, and were barely apart. If we were ever apart it was because one of us went to the beach for a few days, but we had never been countries apart with a 14 hour time difference. I felt like I was missing a piece of myself being without them.
"Hey babe?" Luke questioned while walking back into the room.
"Yeah," I said with a smile.
"An old friend of mine wanted to know if we wanted to meet him at a grill down the street. He wanted to get some drinks and catch up, is that okay?" he asked sitting next to me and putting an arm around me.
"Yeah of course," I said with a smile.
"Okay can you be ready in 10 minutes?" he asked smiling back. I nodded and he leaned in and kissed me.
"Let me go get ready really quickly," I said pulling back. Luke nodded and placed a quick kiss on my cheek.
I got up and walked to the room. I put on a nice looking tanktop, rather than Luke's band tee I was wearing. I put on a small amount of makeup before pulling on my vans.
"Ready babe," I said walking back out into the living room. Luke stood up from the couch, and grabbed my hand.
"Aunt Susan, we're gonna walk to meet Robert," Luke said as we stood by the front door.
"Do you want me to drop you both off?" She asked after putting something into the oven.
"It's alright, it's only a 10 minute walk. You're okay with that right?" Luke asked me. I nodded, I didn't mind, it was nice and warm in Sydney.
"Okay dinner should be done in a couple of hours," she said and Luke nodded before he shut the front door behind us on our way out.
"So, Robert?" I asked as Luke and I walked hand in hand down the street. I had never heard him mention him before.
"He's one of my childhood friends. I played cricket with him and he was one of my best friends in school," Luke said looking over at me. I nodded and thought about asking why they never kept in contact, but I figured it would be difficult with the long distance and time difference. They probably talked for a while before it finally just broke off.
I observed my surroundings as we walked knowing this is what Luke use to look at everyday when he walked to school or to a friends house before he moved away. In no time we walked up to a small restaurant and Luke held the door for me.
"Thanks," I smiled as he followed in behind me. I walked in slowly, waiting for Luke to walk in front of me since I had no idea where we were going. He walked in front of me to the right and I followed him closely. I lightly grabbed his hand trying to not lose him since it was Friday and there were a good amount of people here.
"Luke!" I heard a thick Australian accent call out.
"Hey mate," Luke said giving the guy one of those hugs guys tend to do.
"Robert, this is my girlfriend Bailey," Luke said looking over at me with a smile.
"Hi," I said with a small wave, I was pretty awkward.
"Nice to meet you Bailey," Robert said with a smile. He was almost as tall as Luke, and had darker shaded hair but eyes that matched Ashton's. I felt small compared to both Luke and Robert, I wondered if being tall was just an Australian thing.
Luke gestured for me to sit, so I slid inside the booth. A waitress came by and asked for our drink orders. I got a coke and Luke and Robert both got a glass of water. It was weird to be in a place where everyone else had the same accent, I knew I stood out.
"My mum said she saw you're aunt in the airport and they talked. That's how I knew you were here," Robert said explaining why he had last minute asked us to come meet him. "Hows America?" Robert asked taking a sip of his water.
"I like it a lot. Except they have more laws than we do here," Luke chuckled. I was confused as to what he was referring to, but I didn't question it.
"It's also weird having it snow during christmas rather than it being hot as hell," Luke said. I totally forgot when it was our winter, it was Australia's summer. That's why it hadn't been too hot here, they were in the fall season as we were in the spring.
"And driving on the other side of the road," Robert said laughing.
"You get use to it," Luke said with a smile and shrug before drinking his water.
"How do you like Australia, Bailey?" Robert asked trying to make conversation with me. If no one made an effort I wouldn't try and speak up. I probably would just sit and be quiet all night.
"It's nice, it's really pretty," I said, I wasn't good at small talk.
"I like your accent," he said with a smile. I let out a small laugh, that was the first time someone has ever told me that. I didn't even feel like I had an accent.
"I see Luke's Australian accent is fading," Robert said pointing at Luke.
"Yeah, I mean that's what happens when you move out of Australia," Luke said pointing out the obvious.
I listened to the boys talk for almost an hour. They talked about where their old classmates ended up, and who was dating who.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said motioning for Luke to scoot out of the booth so I could get out. I made my way to the back of the restaurant. I was confused for a second when I saw the bathroom signs we're not labeled "Men" and "Women." I walked into the room with the "Sheilas" sign.
I looked in the mirror one last time, adjusting a few strands of my hair before exiting.
I kept my head down as I walked back to the table, I always had a habit of doing that when there was a lot of people around. I smiled as Luke got up to let me sit back in my spot in the booth. The smile on my face dropped as I looked up at the table.
Both Luke and Robert had beers in their hand. I opened my mouth to say something, but didn't want to start an argument. I couldn't say I was mad, but I was thrown off. I crossed my arms and pulled out my phone, hoping there was wifi so I could actually use my phone.
I had no luck getting wifi, so I stuck my phone back in my back pocket trying to get an excuse to leave. I didn't want to sit here and watch Luke drink a beer.
He knew alcohol made me feel uneasy, since I had problems with it in my family. I didn't talk about it much because I didn't want to seem uptight, I just have had bad experiences with it in my life. It made me uneasy how it had potential to ruin your whole life if you got too carried away. One beer too many and your life could end, because you were too intoxicated to function properly. Alcohol just made me cringe.
I had known too many teenagers who started drinking to have some "fun" and just ended up throwing their lives away because they got busted for underage drinking. I also knew how many people cheated on others because they were too drunk to know what was happening. Again, I just had too many bad stories when it came to alcohol.
Robert excused himself to use the bathroom, and I knew it was my chance to speak up. Luke turned and smile at me, he tried to lean down to kiss me, as he came closer I could smell a light scent of alcohol on him and I pulled away and turned my head.
"What?" Luke asked with a small amount of hurt in his eyes from my rejection.
"I don't feel well. You can stay, but I want to go home," I said.
Luke opened his mouth to speak but Robert was already back from the bathroom. I forgot how fast guys could pee.
"Hey Rob, it was nice seeing you but I think it's time for us to go," Luke said standing up. They exchanged goodbyes, and Robert said he would love to come visit us in America some time.
I muttered a small, "It was nice to meet you," before turning and making my way out of the restaurant.
"Hey, wait up," Luke called out but I kept walking. With his long lanky legs, it didn't take long for him to catch up with me.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked tugging on my wrist to make me face him. I looked up at his eyes for a second before I continued to walk.
"Fine," I snapped.
"No, you're not," Luke groaned walking next to me. I could feel his eyes on me.
"Well it's not cool that I walk out of the bathroom and find that you're drinking, Luke," I said sternly trying not to yell. I don't know why I raised my voice all of a sudden.
"Wait, you're pissed off because of a beer?" Luke asked with frustration in his voice. I didn't answer, I just kept walking.
"I'm sorry I just wanted to see an old friend and have some fun," Luke said, raising his voice slightly.
"You can have fun without alcohol," I said harshly. "What did you want to drink just because Robert was?"
"N-" Luke started before I cut him off.
"Drinking just because your friends are, isn't cool Luke. Drinking at all isn't cool, it can damage your life," I snapped. I immediately regretted yelling like that, and I was about to say how I didn't mean to jump to conclusions when Luke fired back.
"Just because people in your family drank at a young age and ruined their lives doesn't mean I will too, it was one beer it's normal around here!" he said snapping back.
I turned to him, not believing he just pulled the family card against me. I opened my mouth to make a remark, but nothing came out because I was so shocked he said that.
"Oh fuck," he said realizing what just came out of his mouth, "Bailey," he called as I walked into his aunts house.
I went straight to the room, and fell right into bed. I heard him tell his aunt I wanted to lay down before dinner. I laid in bed and I could feel the anger flow through my veins and my head pounding. It wasn't a good thing for me to get worked up because it over worked my brain. I tried to make myself less angry but it didn't help that the sheets smelt like Luke, and I was laying in his old bedroom.
I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed my headphones. I plugged them into my phone and put on music as loud as I could take it, so I didn't have to hear anything. I turned on my side, so I was facing the wall.
A moment later I felt the bed sink, letting me know Luke was now sitting down. He placed his hand on my shoulder lightly, but I shrugged it off. After a second I felt him get up, and I continued to stare at the wall.
I laid there and let myself calm down for at least 4 more songs before I felt the bed sink yet again. A few seconds later, I felt one of my headphones being pulled out of my ear. I turned and shot Luke a glare.
"Dinners ready," he said with a straight face. I unplugged my headphones and sat up. I stood up and followed Luke to the dining room, where his aunt had dinner ready in the center of the table. I forced myself to smile, not wanting his family to know anything was wrong. I didn't want to be that couple that fought in front of others, making things awkward.
"You alright Bailey, do you need anything?" his aunt asked, putting a piece of lasagna on my plate.
"I'm alright thank you, i'm just a little tired," I said sincerely. We all ate dinner, and I listened to their conversation not bothering to talk much myself. I wasn't exactly in the mood to talk.
"Do you need any help?" I asked as Luke's aunt began to clear the table.
"No it's fine, honey. There's ice cream in the freezer if you want some," she said with a smile, taking the dishes to the sink as Luke and his uncle walked into the living room talking about a cricket match that was on tv.
"I'm okay thanks. I'm gonna head to bed," I said to her. We exchanged our goodnights and I made my way to the room.
I changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I crawled into bed, and curled up into a ball still angry at the events that had taken place just a few hours before. A few minutes later I heard Luke walk into the room. He pulled off his shirt, and crawled into bed next to me. I kept my distance from him, not letting our bodies touch. I moved positions every two seconds because I just couldn't get comfortable. I could never sleep when I was angry.
I finally turned so my back was towards Luke, and I was facing the wall again. I let out a sigh, I still wasn't comfortable.
I felt Luke put one arm around me, so he was spooning me. As mad as I was at him, I couldn't find it in myself to move from his grip. I just let it happen and closed my eyes, knowing it was the only way I would be able to fall asleep.
I apologize for her being a moody little bxtch whoops, thanks for reading blah blah, you're cool but if you want to be really cool go read @cliffords420's michael fanfic
ok my twitter is @Procrashtonates :-)
I love luke hemmings bye
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