Chapter 32
"Bailey stay with me," I heard Luke say, trying not to break down. I knew he was trying to be strong for me.
"Please." He begged as he took a hold of my hand, squeezing it. I tried to squeeze back but I didn't have the strength.
"Luke," I said in just a whisper. I could barely keep my eyes open.
I was dying, I had to be dying. I was determined this had to be it. My time had run out, sooner than expected.
"You're going to be okay, Bailey." He said sternly.
I felt like we were moving, but I couldn't comprehend what was happening.
"That's the thing", I started to say, "You don't get lucky twice, Luke." I said as my voice started to fade.
"I love you," I said but it barely came out as a whisper as I fell into complete darkness.
I fluttered my eyes open. I looked around to see bright lights and white walls. I heard the familiar beeps of a monitor confirming I was in the hospital.
I looked around but my stomach dropped when I found that it was empty. The only person with me was Dr. Chase.
"You're awake," he said looking at some paperwork and I nodded.
"How are you feeling?" he asked taking a seat in the chair next to my bed.
"Foggy." I said as I looked up at the clock, it was past midnight. The last three hours were a blur, I didn't remember much after Luke walked me to the door.
"You fainted a few hours ago Bailey, your dad and boyfriend rushed you here." He said recalling the memories for me.
"Can you answer a few questions for me, or are you not feeling up to it?" he asked.
"I can do it," I said. I didn't want to feel defeated anymore. I felt weak, but I didn't feel like I was going to pass out again.
"How many meals did you eat today?" he asked which made me confused.
"2 big meals, one with my family and one with Luke's." I said answering his question but not knowing why the information mattered.
"Did you feel overwhelmed at any time of the day?"
"I felt like I was overheating this evening, but I was in a crammed house talking to a lot of people."
"How many hours of sleep did you get last night?" he asked as he scribbled notes onto a piece of paper.
"Probably 5 at the most," I said remembering tossing and turning the night prior. I had gotten up several times. He nodded, and shut his folder.
"Do you want me to talk to you alone first, or do you mind the others being in the room?" he asked.
I wasn't sure what he meant by others, it was past midnight so I assumed it was probably just my dad and maybe my sister waiting outside for me. I was nervous for what he had to say, because I knew it was probably bad.
"You can bring them in," I said. I watched Dr. Chase as he stepped outside and told whoever else was out there that I was awake.
I watched as my dad, sister and brother walked into my room. A small smile grew on my face as I watched Luke walk in last. Seeing all of them here for me made me smile, but it also made my heart heavy. They each probably had the same thought I did; that I was going to die.
"We took an emergency MRI when you first brought Bailey in a few hours ago." Dr. Chase began, "It was clean, the growth of the tumor is very slow but we did see some brain pressure,"
"Why did I pass out?" I asked not understanding.
"Since we did the surgery, your brain can't take as much as it use to. Your day was spent around a large amount of people, constantly talking. You never took a break to just relax for an hour. With the lack of sleep you had gotten, it overwhelmed your brain. It was exhausted and it started to shut down parts of your brain, that's why you threw up first. You couldn't properly digest your food. When it all became too much, your brain needed to shut down temporarily," he explained.
"So i'm okay?" I asked wanting to make sure nothing else was wrong with me.
"Yes, you just need to take things easy. There was too much happening for you. If you have a busy day you need to find some time to just sit down and relax," he said looking at everyone in the room.
I wasn't dying.
I felt a huge weight lift off of my chest, I still had time. If I was alone in the room. I probably would have started crying. I didn't realize how scared I was to die until I thought my life was over.
I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, "How long do I have to stay here?" I asked not wanting to be in this hospital a second more.
"We would like to keep you overnight, to make sure nothing happens," Dr. Chase said which made my heart drop.
"But it is Christmas eve, and I wouldn't want to be stuck here. I can release you if someone keeps a close eye on you for tonight and tomorrow." He said, making a small smile creep onto my face.
I looked up at my dad, who nodded to tell me I could go home.
"I'll go get the release papers," Dr. Chase said exiting the room.
After all the papers were done and signed, Doctor Chase told me I was free to go and Luke walked over to me.
"How do you feel?" he asked.
"Kind of weak," I said giving him a slight frown and sitting up, getting ready to leave. Luke then turned so his back was facing me.
"Hop on," he said looking over his shoulder, smiling at me.
"What?" I asked with a laugh.
"You feel kind of weak, hop on," he said. I did exactly that, and Luke gave me a piggyback ride all the way down to the car. I couldn't help but smile.
Once we got home, Luke opened my room door and sat me on my bed. I told him I could walk from the car, he didn't even let me walk the short distance. I smiled at his generosity.
"Hey Bailey," my dad called appearing in my doorway.
"I'm gonna go to bed, are you okay?" he asked and I nodded.
"Luke you're welcome to stay with Bailey tonight if you want. It would be nice to have someone by her side incase she needs something. Leave the door open Bailey," my dad said sternly right before he left.
I was completely shocked, actually shocked was an understatement. My dad just told Luke he could sleep over, in my room.. next to me.
"You don't have to stay, I'll be okay," I said to Luke. I wanted him to stay, but his family would only be here for a few days and I didn't want to take him away from them.
"I want to," he said making me break out in a smile.
"What about your family?" I asked.
"They'll understand," he said grabbing my hand.
I then yawned, realizing how tired I was.
"Dr. Chase said you need to rest, go to sleep," Luke said with a gentle smile.
"Can you open my closet, and on the top shelf grab me a pair of nike shorts and any t-shirt?" I asked knowing Luke probably wouldn't let me get up and do it myself. He did as I asked, and tossed them to me.
"I'll be outside the door," he said leaving my room to let me change. I noticed he tossed me one of his t-shirts I had taken from him one day when we washed his car. Luke had sprayed me with the hose leavening my t-shirt drenched. I changed on my bed, which was harder than expected.
Once I was done I let out a huff, I was weaker than I thought. I was tired from just changing my clothes.
"Luke," I called and he walked back in my room. He sat down in my office chair next to my bed as I turned off my overhead light and left the lamp on my nightstand on.
"Go to sleep," Luke said with a smile.
"You can come lay with me," I chuckled.
"Your dad scares me," he admitted shaking his head.
"Luke," I whined and begged which made him come over and lay next to me.
"I was so scared Luke," I said breaking the silence as I laid my head on his chest.
"I was too," he said playing with my hair. The way he was running his fingers through my hair made me feel calm. "I called Casey and Ally by the way. I told them I would call them in the morning."
I nodded, i'm glad someone kept them updated.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
"Why are you apologizing?" he asked looking at me like I was crazy.
"I shouldn't make you have to deal with all of this, I just make you worry," I said nuzzling my head into him.
Out of all the people Luke could have loved, he loved me; but I was dying.
"Don't apologize," he said trying not to let too much anger show in his voice.
"It's not fair to you," I said avoiding his eyes.
"Bailey," he said, "Look at me."
I looked over at him, tears filling my eyes.
"I love you, and I don't regret that. I'm going to be here with you every step of the way," he said holding me closer. I nodded as he wiped the few tears that I had let fall from my eyes.
"Go to sleep babe, you had a long day." he said, pushing a kiss to my temple.
I nodded, leaning over to turn off my lamp and cuddling into his chest before letting sleep take over my body.
Hey guys! Reminder that if you want to vote for me and my two best friends to meet 5sos that would be fricking awesome the link is here!
Also, if you tweet me a screen shot of your vote, i'll dm you to calum and give you 60 free follows on twitter! @Procroashtinates is my twitter :-)
ps this story gets cuter/better so no worries
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