Chapter 28
I felt Luke's hand on top of mine, rubbing it with his thumb like he always did.
"I love you," he said placing a kiss on my forehead, "More than you will ever know."
I desperately wanted to open my eyes.
I desperately wanted to tell him I loved him too.
But my eyes were so heavy, I couldn't open them.
After trying to fight the exhaustion for a moment, I gave up. It was too strong, so I let it pull me back under.
I fluttered open my eyes, wincing at the bright hospital lights and the white walls.
"You're awake," Dr. Chase said as his face became clear in my vision. I rubbed at my eyes, trying to wake up.
I felt like I was waking up from the dead. Like I had been sleeping for years.
"Can you tell me your name and birthday?" he asked looking into my eyes, i'm assuming to check my pupils.
"Bailey Marie Parker. March 11 1997."
"Good, wiggle your fingers and toes," he said and I did.
"She's doing great so far," he said smiling and looking around. I hadn't realized who else was around me.
I looked around to see my family, Luke, Casey, and Ally. They were all smiling.
"How do you feel, Bailey?" Dr. Chase asked.
"Groggy, confused." I said honestly, "What day is it?"
"It's Friday, you had surgery yesterday afternoon," he said. I nodded, still feeling tired. I looked up at the wall clock. It was almost 11 am.
"I'll let you all catch up, and Bailey get use to being awake. There are painkillers on the table with some water, you'll probably get a light headache soon. I'll come back in a little while and we can discuss what happens now, and when we can release you," he said with a smile before exiting the room.
I looked around, noticing tubes and wires everywhere. I was too tired to ask what they were for, so I just ignored all of them.
The room was silent for a few minutes. I'm not sure if it was because no one had anything to say, or because they wanted to give me a chance to wake up.
Luke laced his fingers with mine and smiled. I gave him a faint smile back. Casey and Ally stood next to my bed. Casey was rubbing my back, and Ally was smiling at me.
"Do you need anything kid?" my sister asked. I shook my head no.
I felt confused, like you do after a long nap and you aren't sure what year it is.
"I feel like I've been knocked out for years," I said groaning and pouting. Luke smiled and then grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.
Luke sat next to me holding my right hand. Casey and Ally were both sitting on my left. My sister, Dad, and brother were at the foot of my bed. We all sat in silence and watched the moving pictures on the screen. I was glad they wanted to let me relax before talking my ear off.
A few hours later Dr. Chase came back in.
"How are you feeling?" he asked reading the monitor to my left before looking over at me.
"Fine, a little stiff from laying around."
"No headache?" he asked.
"Nope", I said making him smile.
"You're doing well. So we're going to keep Bailey for tonight and most of tomorrow, just to monitor her and make sure everything stays on track," he said nodding.
"Alright," I said softly.
"Once you're released you'll have to come back and have a check up every 2-3 months. Occasionally you'll get an MRI, just to check the growth of the rest of the tumor. Just make sure to come back immediately if you feel any more symptoms like before okay?" he asked and I nodded.
"Can I talk to Bailey alone for a moment?" he asked looking around. Everyone began to get up and make their way outside. Luke lingered and was the last out the door, meeting my eyes with his before the door shut.
"I know this is hard, Bailey." Dr. Chase said eying me, "If you feel overly tired, or sad you need to tell someone okay?"
"I will," I said.
"Are you feeling okay right now?" he asked. I knew what he was trying to get across. I had read in books that depression was a major effect from tragedies like the one I was going through.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassured him. This all sucked, and I didn't understand why it had to happen to me, but I was okay.
"Okay like I said, if you feel a terrible headache, or you feel like you might faint you need to call us right away," he said giving me a straight face. I nodded.
He got up and I watched him walk out the door. He stood and talked to everyone waiting outside for a few moments before they all came back in.
"What was that about?" I asked looking at everyone walking through the door. I wasn't sure what Dr. Chase had told them and it made me curious.
"Just not to push you too much if you're tired. You'll need a few days to recuperate," my sister said shrugging it off. I wanted to know exactly what he said, but I didn't feel like pressing for more information.
"Would you be okay to play Uno?" Ally said with a smirk. I knew why she was smirking too, she usually won. I laughed before nodding my head yes.
"You guys don't have to stay again tonight, i'll be okay," I said to Ally, Casey and Luke.
They had been here for over 24 hours; they looked exhausted. Plus, I knew those hospital chairs were not comfortable.
"That's an actual joke," Casey said scoffing at me. I gave her a glare to know I was serious.
"Yeah i'm not leaving," Ally said as if I was stupid. I looked over at Luke who was shaking his head to tell me he wasn't leaving either.
After playing our third hand, my sister asked if we wanted anything to eat since she was going to pick up food.
We each gave her our orders and she left with my brother and my dad.
I was shocked my dad was still here. I knew he wanted to be, but hospitals creeped him out. I know he didn't like being here. Nothing was really happening to me right now anyways so he didn't need to stay. I appreciated everyone who came though, it's touching to see who cares when you're going through a very low point in life.
After endless hours of Uno, we watched School Of Rock on Casey's computer that her mom had dropped off when she stopped by for a few minutes. My sister came back and after we ate my eyes became heavy and I had started to fall asleep.
I woke up, and rubbed my eyes before looking at the clock; 2am. I looked around the room to see my brother and dad both gone. They probably went home for the night. My sister was near the window, typing away on her phone.
Casey and Ally had somehow managed to fall asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. I looked down at Luke whose hand was still on top of mine, and his head leaned on the edge of my bed snoring quietly.
I smiled before letting my eyes close once again.
ok I'm done with the medical talk I promise, things won't be as depressing
I'm sorry to put you through that
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