Chapter 24
I woke up to lights being switched on in my room, I was wincing from the brightness.
"Does that hurt your eyes?" my doctor asked, noticing my struggle to keep my eyes open.
"Yeah a little bit," I said letting my eyes adjust. I looked around, seeing my sister still sitting in the chair she was last night. I gave her a small smile, she never left my side.
"Alright, Bailey, I'm going to take you down to the MRI room now," the doctor said. I looked at my sister and she gave me a nod as if she was telling me I would be okay.
On our way down my doctor began to go into more detail about the MRI. I was so nervous that I couldn't focus; I only heard some of what she was saying.
"It's going to be loud, but it shouldn't take long. Just keep still and you'll be done in no time," she said with an encouraging smile.
She was right, the machine was louder than most things I've heard and it didn't help my pounding headache.
"If you need anything there's a microphone so I can hear you," I heard her voice inside the machine.
I tried to stay as still as possible, I knew I didn't want to do this twice. Not too long after, I was back in my room. I told my sister it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I always expect the worst of things. That sounds bad, but I don't get my hopes up too high because I don't want to be disappointed when things don't work out how I expected them to.
"Your results should be done within the next 24 hours. It could be a couple of hours, or around midnight, our technicians just have to look them over. There's some more pain medication on the side table," the doctor said before leaving. I reached over turning on my phone, seeing it was only 10 am.
"It's going to feel like years until they're done," I said groaning. I didn't want to sit in this hospital bed anymore. I also didn't want to feel this pain anymore. I leaned over grabbing the two pills she had left for me, before swallowing them down.
My sister and I sat in silence for a moment before I spoke up.
"I don't have a good feeling about this", I said. From the episodes of house I watched, they only did MRI's if something was seriously wrong. I could feel the nerves forming in my stomach, or it could be the nausea I was feeling.
"Ally and Casey wanted to come by, but I don't know if I want them here if we get the results. I want to know what's happening before I have them here," I said just thinking outloud. I knew it probably wouldn't be anything too bad, sometimes people just had chronic headaches, but I was still worried. Before my sister could reply to my statement, my phone started ringing.
I looked down to see I was getting a call from Luke. I contemplated answering it with my sister in the room, but figured I could use some cheering up and I knew Luke would be the person to do that.
"Hey Luke," I said glancing over at my sister who was pretending to not seem interested.
"How is everything? Are you okay?" he shot questions at me quickly.
"Good morning to you too," I laughed slightly. I was honestly a bit annoyed at how he just immediately was throwing questions at me, but I knew he was just worried. I would be the same way if he was in my place.
"I think they just finished the last of the tests, I probably won't know for a few days," I said stretching the truth.
"Well how are you feeling?" he asked and I could see him running his hands through his hair. I smiled at the thought.
"Alright, I mean my headache isn't as bad, but I'm still slightly nauseous," I said softly, "Can we please stay away from the medical talk though?" I asked politely not wanting to be reminded of everything that was going on. I wanted to be distracted, it was stressing me out.
"Yeah of course," Luke said sounding slightly defeated.
"What time are your games today?" I asked.
"11:30, and 6." I did some mental math, figuring he would call me around 10pm after his second game.
"Well good luck," was all I could manage to say. I really wasn't in a talkative mood.
"So what are you doing?" he asked trying to make conversation, and I will admit I wasn't helping.
"Just in the hospital room with my sister."
"I can tell you're not smiling," he said quickly.
"How so?" I asked wondering how he knew.
"The tone of your voice, i'm slowly figuring you out Parker," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice. "Want to hear a joke?" he asked making me raise my eyebrows.
"Sure," I said with a faint smile tugging on my lips. It was so nice of him trying to do what he could to get me to smile.
"Why did the chicken cross the playground?" he asked,
"Uh," I hesitated, "I don't even know," I said quietly laughing.
"He wanted to get to the other slide!" he said putting emphasis on 'slide.'
I actually laughed and rolled my eyes, "You think you're so clever don't you," I said teasing him. It actually was clever and funny but I wouldn't let him know that.
"I know you're jealous babe," he said through the phone making me smile.
"Totally," I said with a smile still on my face. Damn Lucas Hemmings for knowing how to crack me at my worst times.
"I better go get ready for my next game," Luke said quietly. I frowned not wanting him to leave, but I knew he needed to.
"Alright good luck," I said trying to sound somewhat happy.
"Thanks I love you," he said with sincerity in his voice.
"You too," I said hanging up the phone, feeling awkward that my sister was sitting close to me.
I immediately texted Luke once I hung up, *I love you too, sorry sisters sitting next to me*
Hoping he would understand and not think i'm embarrassed of him.
I love him and I knew that, but I didn't need a lecture from my sister that the possibility of Luke and I being together for the rest of my life was low. I knew that I was bringing my walls down for Luke and my heart was vulnerable. I was willing to take the risk.
If I had to describe the day in one word, it would be boredom. I was either playing games on my phone, or trying to find something interesting to watch on the hospitals TV.
I groaned feeling as if the day was going by too slowly. I pulled out my phone texting both Casey and Ally that today wasn't the best day to come by.
I wanted to see them, but I didn't want them to know my test results when I did. I wanted to be the one to tell them what was happening. I told them that tomorrow evening would probably be better, that was my test results would be in before they got the chance to come see me.
For the remainder of the day, I was drifting in and out of sleep. It was about 6:30 when my dad finally walked into the room, waking me up for good.
He walked over to my bedside, handing me a brown paper bag.
"I brought you some mac and cheese from Noodles and Company," he said with a smile. I was thankful, the hospital's food wasn't necessarily bad, but I was already tired of it. I also smiled because it reminded me of Luke, it was one of the first places we went to eat together.
I shoveled food into my mouth as my dad and sister talked about his day at work.
After eating, I turned on a baseball game thankful that the hospital had some sports channels.
My dad asked me how my first MRI went. I told him that it wasn't terrible, but I didn't want to have to do it again anytime soon.
At about 7:30 the doctor walked in.
"Good your dad is here," she said pulling up an extra chair. I knew immediately she had a lot to say, or else she wouldn't have to sit down.
"Are the results in?" my sister asked making the doctor nod her head.
"After looking at the scans, we found the answers," she said hesitantly, and I could see the mix of emotions on everyone's face.
"Bailey has been experiencing light sensitivity, headaches, vomiting and she's mentioned some mood swings," she said slowly, making me want to yell at her to keep going. I just wanted her to spit it all out.
"We've found that it's all been caused by a brain tumor, and it's been growing for a good amount of time," she said, "i'm sorry."
I never knew just a few sentences could make my world come crashing down in a matter of seconds, shattering me to a million pieces. But that's what was happening.
so that happened...
This story isn't ending any time soon ok so no worries, it's still going to be fluffy and i have so much planned so stay for the ride!
(ps i dont know anything about medical stuff so if im wrong, i am sorry but i am researching and trying my hardest)
don't hurt me :-)
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