Chapter 22
I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing under my pillow. I rubbed my eyes before picking it up and answering it.
"Hello," I said not even checking who was calling.
"Hey grumpy," I heard Luke say into the phone. I smiled and looked over at the clock, it was 10:30.
"Hi sorry I just woke up," I said rubbing my eyes.
"I didn't want to wake you, just wanted to call and say that we're about to play our first game soon. I wanted to hear your voice before I played," he said making the last sentence quiet. I smiled as the heat rushed to my cheeks.
"Well good luck you'll do great," I said with a big smile.
"Thanks Bailes, I better go," he said. I wanted to frown but I couldn't.
"Okay good luck again, I love you." I said.
"I love you too, i'll text you later," he said before the line went dead.
I sat up as my dad knocked then pushed my door open.
"Hey we're gonna leave at noon for lunch."
"Okay," I said with a smile still on my face.
"You seem happy this morning," my dad noted before exiting my room.
I was happy, I mean I still didn't feel all that great, but just hearing Luke's voice made it better.
I grabbed a towel and made my way into the bathroom to take a shower.
I took a quick shower before changing, and doing my hair. I reached over and turned off my music, due to the small headache I had when I heard a knock on my door.
"Baile?" my dad asked knocking on my door before opening it.
"Be ready in ten minutes," he said looking up at the clock that I had on my wall.
"I'm already ready," I snapped suddenly. I was even surprised with my sudden change of attitude.
"Sorry just wanted to let you know," he said confused before leaving my room. I still had a headache so I made my way to get more advil. I didn't feel better but I didn't feel worse either. I was slightly nauseous though.
I made my way into the living room where my sister, brother and dad were waiting for me.
"Alright let's go," my sister said heading towards the door, and we all followed.
"Do you feel any better Bailey?" my dad asked grabbing a piece of bread out of the basket on the restaurant table.
"No. I don't feel better but I don't really feel any worse either."
"When we get back to the house, we'll give you some drowsy medication. You'll feel better once you wake up," my sister said. She was always the over-caring type. I nodded and we began giving our orders to the waitress. I honestly thought part of the reason why I was feelin bad was because Luke wasn't around, and I didn't have much time to contact him each day.
"How's your food Bailey?" my brother asked once we all began eating. I just got some spicy chicken pasta. I didn't even really like spicy stuff, but it made me remember the times my mom gave me spicy food when I was younger. Supposedly it made any type of cold go away.
"Okay," I said shrugging. I wasn't very hungry, but I kept shoveling food into my mouth seeing as I hadn't been eating too much recently. My family kept talking, catching up since we hadn't been together in weeks. I kept quiet, still experiencing a headache that seemed to be getting worse.
Lunch went by quickly, but not quick enough. After we all finished eating, I was ready to collapse from how terrible I felt. I was relieved when we all piled into the car and drove back home after skipping dessert.
I rushed out of the car and was the first inside; immediately going to my room. I crawled in bed, not even changing into something more comfortable. I groaned at the pain in my head. I swear nothing could feel as bad as this.
My stomach started feeling weird. Before I knew it, I was leaning over the toilet in my bathroom letting the contents of my stomach spill out. I stayed that way for what seemed like years.
I pulled back wiping the sweat off of my face as I heard my bedroom door open.
"Bailey?" I heard my sister call out.
"In here," I choked out.
"Did you just throw up?" she asked noticing me sitting on the bathroom floor.
All I could manage to do was slightly nod my head.
"Come on let's get you in bed," she said pulling me up.
I made my way over to my bed and crawled in.
"All I could manage to do was get you some nyquil, I know it's only about 2 but take it. You need it," she said handing me the box of pills.
I grabbed them out of her hand along with the cup of water. I washed them down before trying to get comfy in bed.
"I'm gonna stay with you for a few hours to make sure you're okay," she said sitting in the desk chair next to my bed.
I reached over grabbing my tv remote and flipped through TV channels. I put on the Parent Trap knowing that both my sister and I enjoyed this movie.
I felt tired, but not tired enough to fall asleep. I caught myself drifting in and out of sleep, but it wouldn't last more than a couple of minutes. I sat up as my phone rang. I unlocked it seeing as Casey and Ally both texted to ask how I was feeling in our group chat.
*Not well at all. I just threw up* I sent updating them.
They both gave me their condolences before telling me they'll stop by the house tomorrow.
"Still not asleep?" my sister said looking over at me.
"Still not asleep," I said looking at the time. It was almost 4pm, I had no clue how the nyquil hadn't put me to sleep yet, it had been two hours.
"Explain to me everything that's wrong," she said.
"My head hurts so bad I feel like it's going to explode, I feel nauseous and my eyes are being extra sensitive to the light from my phone," I said. She nodded and left the room a few minutes later.
I turned my attention back to my screen, hoping that the pain would go away. I would never wish this upon anyone. I wanted the nyquil to knock me out, so I wouldn't have to feel the pain even if it was just for a little while. I thought about taking more, but realized I had already taken the maximum of two pills.
Shortly after my dad and sister reappeared into my room.
"Any better?" she said sitting back down. I shook my head no.
"Alright sit up," she said looking at me. I did as she said before she spoke again. She touched my forehead before speaking.
"We're gonna get you to the hospital to make sure you're okay," she said grabbing my arm helping me out of bed.
I wasn't enthusiastic about it, but I needed something, anything, to make me feel better. I figured it was just a bad cold, I had bronchitis once so I knew what that felt like. I had felt bad all day, and I decided on going to the hospital once I got a fever. The trip ended in me getting antibiotics, and being demanded to stay on bed rest for a week. Hopefully this would be similar, and not worse.
I slipped on a pair of shoes and made my way to the car hoping all the pain would be gone sooner rather then later.
hey guys! I know this and the last chapter were short! I'm sorry!!
I need some filler chapters, and it's been a busy week for me. I also laugh because this chapter and last chapter bailey felt sick, and I have felt sick too.
longer chapter will be posted Sunday!
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