Chapter 2
I shut my locker and took in a breath. Finally the school day was over; it felt a lot longer than 8 hours. I spun around on my heels ready to leave this place as soon as possible.
As soon as I turned around, I bumped into someone walking by. I had that happen to me quite often because I was in such a rush to get out of this hell hole, I never exactly looked around before taking off. I let out a frustrated groan, before muttering an annoyed "sorry". The figure I had bumped into looked back.
Of course, it was Luke.
"Oh. Uh" he said tripping over his words.
After a short awkward silence, he stood up straight "I'm sorry" he said almost sounding like he was unsure. I just nodded and muttered a quiet "it's okay" before I proceeded to leave the building.
The situation would have been less awkward if Luke and I weren't walking the same way out.
I put in my headphones as I walked toward the buses outside.
Before I had time to play any music, I spun around, hearing my name being called.
"Bailey!" I spotted Mrs. Hemmings right before I was going to step on the bus.
"Good afternoon Mrs. Hemmings" I said walking over to her.
"Do you just want to come over now for your tutoring session?" She began "since you're coming over in an hour, you can just ride with us now. I know how much Luke use to hate taking the bus" I nodded my head and said thank you as I climbed into the back seat of their car.
Silence; complete awkward silence was suffocating me in the car. It felt like years before Luke's mom started a conversation.
"How was your day?" she asked. I could hear the smile in her voice, she always seemed so happy.
Not sure who she was directing her question to, I stayed quiet to see if Luke would answer first.
"Fine" Luke said before leaning forward and switching the radio station.
"Fine is all I ever get out of you" she groaned at Luke "how about you Bailey?"
"It was alright, I mean school is always pretty boring to me now-a-days" I said trying to avoid my casual one word answer of 'Alright'
"Just let me get my things settled before we start, okay Bailey?" Mrs. Hemmings said as she opened the door to the house. I nodded before walking towards the dining room where our usual sessions were held.
After placing my books on the table, I started to sneeze. Whenever I began to sneeze, I could never just sneeze once. I had to sneeze at least three times, which was very embarrassing to say the least.
After my fifth sneeze, I finally began to calm down. I cursed my allergies under my breath as I saw Luke walk around the corner.
"Are you alright, you're not gonna die are you?" He asked, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.
"I'm alright, just allergies" I said as my cheeks began to flush.
"Okay, just making sure. I heard that every time you sneeze your heart stops" he said cutting himself off, looking like he couldn't believe that just came out of his mouth "sorry.. I just always think about that when I hear someone sneeze" he said quickly.
I let out a small laugh "interesting" was all I could manage to get out.
"Hey Bailey?" Mrs. Hemmings called to me.
"Yes?" I questioned back
"Can you go to the living room and get the math textbook on the table please? I'll be in, in just a second" she hollered "or make Luke do it" Luke followed that statement with a groan.
I turned to Luke, "I got it lazy" I turned and walked toward their living room.
"I could have gotten it; I just knew she was gonna say that" he said defensively, following closely behind me.
I laughed at how defensive he became, "It's alright. I'm the one using it anyways" I said while Luke gave me a shrug. Next to the textbook was an acoustic guitar which immediately caught my attention.
"You play?" I asked Luke in awe. I never knew he played instruments but yet again I really didn't know much about him. I knew he played sports like hockey because, well, everyone at school knew that.
"Oh that? Yeah. I actually play a lot of instruments" he said "uh, I mean I just know how to play stuff, er. I" he stopped himself, scratching the back of his neck.
I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I didn't want to sound cocky, but yes I do" he said with a small smile looking down at the guitar. "Do you?"
"Oh no. I mean I took guitar my freshman and sophomore year but I wasn't very good. I would like to say I'm musically challenged. It took me forever to learn just a few basics and now I have completely forgotten everything" I said trying not to sound disappointed. I always felt like musically talented girls were the better girls. They were a lot more interesting and attractive to me because they had creative minds.
"How long have you played?" I asked right away. I didn't want to hear how easy it would be to pick up a guitar and learn it again because it really wasn't. I always started to play, but I could never keep up with it. It's not that I was bored with it, I just couldn't focus on learning for too long at one time.
"Probably 5 years ago. I don't remember the exact age I was honestly" he said, still looking down at his guitar.
"Luke is probably boring you with his musician talk, sorry about that" his mom said, cutting into our conversation. She was laughing, it was very apparent she was joking. Luke rolled his eyes, "I'm just kidding sweetie" she said patting his back as she walked into the dining room.
I followed her, laughing silently.
I packed up my things into my backpack. Today was probably going to be my last tutoring session with Luke's mom. School was almost over, and I was almost done with everything math related, all I had left was my final exam. I felt nostalgia already coming on because I liked Mrs. Hemmings, she was sweet and a good teacher. I also got to know Luke a little better too.
Over the course of the past two months, I had become intrigued by him, learning things about him that I would have never known. He was a very sweet person, and always said hi to me when he was around. I started to notice the cute details about him, like his dimple when he smiled or the way his nose scrunched when he laughed. I also realized how much of a mommy's boy he was.
But most importantly, I felt like I kind of gained a friend. I didn't have many friends in my life.
I only had one real friend at school, which was Casey and when she wasn't around... School was lonely.
After saying my goodbye, thank you's and hugging Mrs. Hemmings I left. Once I pulled the front door to the house shut, I let out a sigh before beginning to walk home. It was a nice day out and it was beginning to feel like summer which made me more excited for the last day of school.
Not too long after I began walking, I heard the front door open.
"Bailey!" I heard behind me and I immediately became nervous. I turned around and faced Luke as he began to walk towards me. "You left your folder." He said with a smile, holding it out for me.
"Oh, thank you." I said with a smile then taking it.
"Hey wait are you walking home?" Luke asked me swinging his keys in hand.
"Yeah, it's no big deal" I said not wanting to make him feel like he had to take me home again.
"Do you want a ride?" He asked which I knew was coming.
"I don't want to bother you and it's nice out" I said shyly. I never wanted to be a nuisance to people. Luke already took me home once, I didn't want to make him do it again.
"Oh it's fine really, I had to run some errands if you don't mind doing them with me." He asked with a small smile. "You're actually probably busy, so I could drop you off first if you need me to." He said with a small amount of disappointment in his eyes.
I contemplated walking for a second, but I couldn't think of what could go wrong with me getting a ride with Luke or running errands with him.
"Alright, and you don't have to drop me off first, trust me I'm not busy" I said laughing at myself before walking over to Luke's car and getting in.
Hey guys! :) I know these first few chapters are pretty boring, i'm sorry!
Soon they'll get better and they will get longer too! :)
okay i have nothing left to say, so my twitter is @procrashtinates and I like your face.
ok have a good day bye :-)
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