Chapter 19
I was sitting next to Ally and Casey watching Ashton and Luke's hockey game. They were winning 2-0 and I knew Luke would be happy afterwards, he played a great game. I looked at the clock on the wall to my right, only two minutes left. I was freezing in the rink so the sooner we were able to get out, the better.
Before I knew it, the buzzer sounded and Luke's team cheered in victory. Ally, Casey and I rushed to the lobby, desperate for warmth.
"Hey if you see Ashton can you tell him I'll meet him at his house? I have to drop Ally off and my mom is outside," Casey said to me looking at her phone.
I agreed and we exchanged our hugs and goodbyes. I looked down at my phone scrolling through my twitter timeline waiting for Luke to walk out from the locker room. I looked up from my phone, my eyes meeting Ashton's.
"Where's Casey?" he asked looking around the lobby.
"She said she would meet you back at your house. She had to go drop off Ally," I explained like Casey asked me to.
"Where's Luke?" I asked looking towards the locker rooms. They usually walked out together after each game.
"Talking to coach or something, I just know he was taking forever," Ashton said with a laugh.
I laughed too before giving him a nod.
"So you and Luke are doing well?" Ashton asked scratching behind his ear.
"Yeah," I said with a smile.
"He likes you a lot you know," Ashton said making a smile pull at my lips. I looked up at him meeting his gaze.
"He's falling for you fast," he said continuing, "Just please don't hurt him when he falls."
I was taken back by his words.
"I don't intend to," I said with a slightly bitter tone. I knew he was looking out for Luke, but I didn't ever plan on hurting him.
"I know, he's just my best friend I don't want to see him get hurt," he said worried. Ashton was totally the protective type.
"I don't plan on hurting him," I said truthfully. He nodded and we stood in silence for a short moment.
"I better get going, Casey and I have plans," Ashton said.
"See ya," I said with a slight smile, not sure what to make of our conversation. I felt extremely awkward. Ashton began walking away and then I saw Luke walking towards me.
I walked towards him as he dropped his bag and hockey stick to the ground. I wrapped my arms around him, and he did the same to me.
"You played great," I said against his chest.
"Thank you," he said quietly.
"Alright enough, you smell," I said trying to squirm out of his arms. He noticed, grabbing me tighter.
"Do I?" he said rubbing his face against mine, making sure to get all the sweat he could onto me.
"Luke!" I squealed trying to squirm away. He was a lot bigger and stronger than me, so I stayed put until he released me from his grip.
"You suck," I said.
"You love it. Let's go," he said lacing his fingers with mine as we walked towards the car.
"You guys played well," I said laying on Luke's bed with my feet dangling off.
"Yeah, we might be able to go to a tournament out of state," he said grabbing clothes out of his dresser.
"Really?" I asked, putting my phone down and looking at him.
"Yeah just depends on our record and the other teams record," he explained. I understood slightly but didn't want to ask about it so I just nodded.
"I'm gonna get in the shower," he said with a small smile.
"Okay," I said softly. He walked over to me, softly pressing his lips against mine.
He disappeared into the bathroom connected to his room. Shortly after, I heard the shower turn on, and I started to look around his room. I leaned back into his bed, taking in the scent of clean laundry radiating off his sheets.There was something different about his bed, it took me a minute before deciding it was comfier because it was Luke's bed. I let my eyes wander around his bedroom, scanning over it's content even though I knew exactly what was in it. I sat up and peered over at his desk that seemed to always have papers scattered on it. I squinted my eyes due to my bad eye sight to see what the papers were. I saw lots of things written in Luke's hand writing and a lot of stuff he scratched out. Above the sentences were single letters, like 'G' and then on the next part of the sentence had a 'C' above it. Before I could process what I was seeing, Luke appeared in just black skinny jeans with his towel around his neck and his t-shirt in hand.
"Are you not gonna wear a shirt?" I asked scanning over Luke's bare chest.
"No I want to show off my hot bod," he said laughing. He then opened his dresser and grabbed a different shirt.
"You're changing shirts, really?" I said raising my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah I didn't want to wear that one!"
"You, Lucas Hemmings, are a diva" I said rolling my eyes at him and standing up.
"Oh really?" he asked.
I nodded my head, and Luke grabbed the towel from around his neck, twisting it and then whipping it towards me.
"Luke!" I squealed, running towards his bathroom.
"Take it back!" he said trying to do it a second time. I ran into his bathroom and tried to slam the door before he could get me, but he was too quick. His hand had stopped the door from shutting completely. He smirked at me, knowing he had me cornered.
"Okay okay I take it back," I said putting my hands up in defense. Luke came closer to me as I took a step backward, but I started to slip. He wrapped his hand around my wrist before I fell.
"Luke why is there a giant puddle of water in your bathroom?" I asked looking at the wet floor.
"Oops," he said with a small giggle. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.
Luke followed me back into his room before pulling a t-shirt on. He then led me downstairs and into his kitchen.
"Are you hungry? I can make you dinner," Luke said leaning on the kitchen island looking at me.
"You cook?" I asked sarcastically.
"I made you pancakes yesterday morning," Luke said pouting.
"That's true, what are my options Hemmings?" I asked with a smile.
"Let's see, cereal, pizza, or mac and cheese."
"I have too many options," I said teasing him, "But I think mac and cheese sounds good."
He stuck his tongue out at me before grabbing what he needed out of the cupboards.
I watched him hover over the stove and I smiled before walking over to him. I stood behind him, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"You look cute cooking," I said slightly blushing. I had noticed Luke had been gaining confidence over the last few weeks of us dating, but I was still slightly nervous around him.
"You always look cute," he said looking over his shoulder and down at me. I turned my face away, trying to hide my red cheeks.
I pulled away sitting down on the stool in front of the island in the center of his kitchen.
"I can't lie, that was really good," I said walking back into Luke's living room after putting my empty bowl into his sink.
"What? Say that again?" he asked leaning towards me as if he couldn't hear. I pushed his shoulder with my hand.
"Shut up," I said with a smile.
I sat back down on the couch, pulling out my phone and scrolling through my text messages. Luke then came over, sitting on me.
"Luke you're heavy," I said squirming under him. He wasn't moving at all.
"Luke," I whined.
"Sorry I didn't see you there," he said standing up. I pouted, then he leaned down and kissed me.
Luke and I pulled into my driveway; he turned off his car, and looked over at me.
"You're gonna come to our game again tomorrow, right?" Luke asked with pleading eyes.
"I wouldn't miss it," I said with a smile.
He leaned over placing a soft kiss on my lips, "Drive home safely," I said pulling back before giving him a smile and getting out of the car.
I walked inside, trying to be quiet and not wake my dad. It wasn't too late, but I knew he had a rough week at work and I didn't want to bother him.
I walked up to my bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face before going to bed.
I was surprised when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
I opened it, seeing it was from Luke.
*I forgot to say sweet dreams*
cute luke is cute
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