Chapter 18
"Hey Luke?" I asked into the phone, noticing it was 12 am; we had been on the phone for hours.
"Hey Bailes?" he asked mimicking my tone making a soft laugh come from my mouth.
"Bailes?" I asked curiously.
"I need a nickname for you, and your dad calls you Baile so Bailes. I think it's cute," he said explaining himself.
"Okay," I said laughing again, "I'm tired, would you mind if I went to bed?" I asked. We had been on the phone talking to each other for almost three hours. Luke made sure he called me for a few hours each day since we weren't able to see each other. He asked how my day was, and told me he missed me. Then he would tell me how his day went.
"No it's okay," he said sincerely.
"Okay goodnight Luke," I said with a smile.
"Sweet dreams," he said before the line went dead. I hadn't been able to see Luke for a few days. He was doing some things with his family like fishing and going to family reunions. He also had hockey practice. I was invited to hang out with his family, but I didn't want to meet his entire family quite yet, we had only been dating a month or two and I was nervous. It just felt like it wasn't time for me to meet them yet. I didn't want us to move too fast. I told Luke I would meet his family soon, I just needed a little more time; which he understood even though he said his family would love me.
Once I put my phone on the charger, I reached over to turn off my lamp before letting my eyes close.
I woke up in the middle of the night to a terrible migraine. I unlocked my phone to check the time; it was only 3AM. I pulled myself out of bed, but as soon as my feet hit the ground, I felt weak and extremely fatigued. I stood still for a second, using the wall to hold me up. After I took in a deep breath I made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a cold glass of water, and sat down while I drank. I drank my water unusually fast, but I got some more and made my way to my room. I grabbed some advil out of my medicine cabnet and tried to sleep, ignoring the extreme pain in my head.
I had become restless; I was tossing and turning, barely getting any sleep in. I texted Luke saying I couldn't sleep and that I was feeling awful. I felt so awful, I could have used one of his amazing hugs.
I was cold, and had goosebumps along my arms, I grabbed Luke's hoodie from the empty space I designated for it on the other side of my bed. I pulled it over my head before crawling under the covers and trying to fall back asleep.
Not too long after I finally fell asleep, I heard the door to my room unclick and I figured it was just my dad coming to check up on me. I was too tired to even open my eyes due to the long night of tossing and turning I had experienced. I let myself drift back into a deep sleep.
I began to stir awake, I felt my body being held. A long pair of arms wrapped around me, pulling me in close. I opened my eyes, letting them adjust to the light. I looked to my right seeing Luke who was fast asleep. I smiled to myself before leaning down and kissing his cheek. He began to stir for a moment, before falling fast asleep again. I smiled at how adorable he was when he slept.
I sat up slightly, wincing at the pain that was coming from my head. I leaned over to my nightstand grabbing another advil and my glass of water. I let out a groan because my headache was unbearable. Luke immediately sat up giving me a worried look.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, his worried eyes meeting mine.
"I just have this awful headache," I said reaching up to my forehead and then running my fingers through my hair.
"What are you doing here?" I asked with a small appreciative smile.
"I got your text this morning, I wanted to come take care of you," Luke smiled, rubbing my hand.
I giggled, "Thank you, I'm feeling better with you here," I said to him. I leaned down and kissed his soft lips.
"How did you even get in here?" I asked.
"I remembered where you hid your spare key," he said with a smirk making me laugh, "You look cute in my hoodie by the way," Luke said with a smug smile on his face before kissing my cheek.
"Thanks," I said, heat rising to my cheeks and a smile pulling at my lips.
"Let's go, I'm going to make you breakfast," Luke said pulling me out of bed.
Luke and I were sitting on the couch watching TV; his feet on the table, and his arm around me. I had my head on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair. It was 1pm, but I felt so drained; like I had been awake for days.
"How are you feeling, Bailes?" Luke asked looking down at me.
I smiled, "Not too well. My head still kind of hurts,"
Luke nodded before leaning over and kissing my forehead. I smiled at him before putting my head back down on his chest and wrapping my arms around him. I had no clue why I felt so bad, but the pain made me want to scream.
"Hey Luke, can I lay in your lap?" I asked not feeling well enough to sit up anymore. He nodded and grabbed the cushion next to him. He placed it on his lap and I laid down, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch. I closed my eyes as I let Luke play with my hair. I reopened my eyes not being able to sleep, I looked up at the wall to check what time it was, but it was too bright in the room so I pulled the blanket over my face, earning a chuckle from Luke. I tried to focus on sleep, but the pain in my head was too much. I got up; walking to the medicine cabinet we had in the bathroom, grabbed some cold medicine that would knock me out, before walking back and laying in Luke's lap again. Luke played with my hair as the drowsy medicine took me under.
I felt Luke kiss the top of my head, and I began to stir. I fluttered my eyes open.
"I didn't mean to wake you," he said looking down at me.
"It's alright," I said sitting up.
"How are you feeling?" he asked putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
"Better actually. Small headache, and that light coming in through the window is bright, but better," I said with a soft smile. I didn't feel 100% better, but I felt a lot healthier than I did earlier.
"Would you feel okay going out to dinner, maybe that italian place we went for our first date?" Luke asked meeting my eyes with his.
"I'd like that," I said with a smile pulling at my lips, "Let me go take a shower," I said looking at the clock. It was already after 5. Luke nodded and I kissed him softly before walking into the bathroom. I made the water as warm as I could handle, hoping it would make the rest of my headache go away.
My showers were generally quick, only about 15-20 minutes. I stepped out wrapping a towel around myself before walking into my room. I still felt weak so I decided on wearing white jean shorts and a nice flowy tank top with sandals. That way I looked nice, but it didn't require too much energy. I put my hair up in a bun, I was too lazy to style it. I took one last glance in the mirror before walking out into the living room.
"I'm ready," I said to the back of Luke's head. He spun around, meeting my eyes then scanning over my body.
"You look good," he said sauntering towards me.
"Thank you," I said as he wrapped his hands around my waist.
"Are you sure you're feeling alright?" he asked, giving me a worried look. I nodded my head before locking our fingers together and pulling him towards the door.
It felt so nice to be outside after being cooped up in my room for a couple of days. The wind from the car window hitting my skin was a relief after a long day of feeling crappy. As I looked out the window, I remembered school started again in a couple of weeks. I was dreading it, but at the same time I was excited because it was my senior year; it helped that I had Luke by my side. I smiled at the thought as we pulled into the restaurants parking lot.
"Hemmings for 2," Luke said confidently, not as if he was asking like he did the first time we came here.
We both ordered the same thing as we did the on our first date and I was so excited for our food to come out, remembering how good it was.
"It's crazy how different things are now compared to the last time we were here," I said to Luke, playing with the empty straw wrapper I had in between my fingers.
"Yeah I remember sitting here wondering how I got you to agree to come with me," he said nervously.
"I only came because you won that race," I said teasing him.
Luke rolled his eyes, "Ha ha very funny."
"But seriously I don't even know why you asked me," I said looking at his eyes, then at my hands, letting my insecurity take over.
"Because I liked you," he said bluntly as if it was obvious.
"Well I hoped that! I just didn't see why," I said again.
Before Luke could answer, the food was being placed on the table. We started eating immediately as typical hungry teenagers would. We ate and then paid the check, too full to order dessert.
"School's starting in a few weeks," I said as we began to walk to Luke's car.
"Yeah our senior year," he said pulling his raybans on.
I was excited for senior year, but I was also scared. Everyone said the year would fly by, which made me nervous. I was excited to start a new chapter in my life, but I wasn't sure what was going to happen with Luke. I know I shouldn't have to think about that right now, since we had ten months together before I needed to worry, but I couldn't help it. The curiosity of what was going to happen to the two of us was eating away at me. I would probably end up staying here for college, but Luke...he was different. He was so smart and I wouldn't be surprised if a college out of state accepted him in a heartbeat. I didn't want to even think about him moving away right now.
"Hey Ashton and I have a hockey game tomorrow, will you come?" he said lacing his fingers with mine as we approached his car.
"Of course," I said with a smile turning towards him before releasing his hand and getting into the car.
I want luke to take care of me while I'm sick WAH :-(
anyway, I'm gonna upload on Wednesdays and Sundays now. even though I doubt anyone waits around and is like
"photographs is suppose to update today!!!"
so that was probably irrelevant news.
these authors notes make me feel like I'm talking to myself because I bet 80% of people don't read them oh.
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