Chapter 17
It's been a little over two weeks since Luke asked me to be his girlfriend and we've basically been inseparable. I've spent a lot of time with him; whether it was with Casey and Ally, Ashton and the boys, or just alone. We were obviously still in the honeymoon phase of our relationship seeing as we hadn't been dating very long, and I wasn't complaining. I just knew in the back of my mind we couldn't be with each other every waking minute forever so I enjoyed it while it lasted.
After sleeping over at Casey's last night, Ally, Casey, and I were extremely tired. Yet, here we were in Ashton's basement with all the boys after only getting four hours of sleep.
I was sitting on the couch next to Luke who had his arm around me. Michael, Calum, and Ally were sitting squished next to Luke. Casey and Ashton were on the loveseat directly across from us. We were all snacking on some delicious chicken sandwiches made by Ashton's mom.
"Hey Luke, can I kick your ass in FIFA?" Michael said, motioning to Ashton's xbox.
"Nope, Bailey and I have to go. We have plans," Luke said standing up and looking down at me. I gave him a confused look because I didn't know what the heck he was talking about. He put his hand out offering to help me up from the couch. I was still confused but I put my hand in his allowing him to pull me up. We all exchanged our goodbyes with everyone, before Luke and I headed to his car.
His parents got a new car a few days ago, so they officially gave Luke the old one. He was ecstatic about it because it was his key to freedom. No one likes to rely on their parents as a senior in high school.
"So what are our plans?" I said putting on my seatbelt as Luke put his raybans on.
"Telling you would be no fun," he pouted making me roll my eyes. I liked to be clued in on what was happening.
"Are you tired, do you want to go take a nap first?" Luke said looking at me then back at the road, "I mean we aren't going to do anything tiring, but we may be out a while."
"Uh," I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I was necessarily tired but a nap did sound nice seeing as I wasn't able to sleep very well the previous night. Not only were Casey, Ally, and I awake laughing, but I wasn't able to sleep even when we all did try to fall asleep.
"Can we go back to my house so I can at least change?" I asked looking down and remembering I was still wearing what I had worn to Casey's yesterday. Going to Ashton's was a last minute thing, I didn't know I wasn't going to go home first. Luke nodded and drove towards my house.
As we walked in the front door, we were greeted to a quiet and empty house. Of course my dad was at work seeing as it was only the middle of the week. Luke followed me as I pushed open the door to my room. He sat down on my bed, looking around at my walls. I had brought Luke into my room before, but only for a short amount of time. He never really had the chance to look around.
I looked through my closet pondering what to wear as I watched Luke scanning over the pictures on my bedside table. I grabbed some jean shorts and a v-neck and walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and changed, before walking down the hall into the laundry room. I moved my clothes from the washer to the dryer. When I walked back into my room, Luke smirked looking at my eyes then back down at his sweater I kept neatly folded on the side of the bed I didn't use. I usually wore Luke's sweater to bed, it was comfortable.
"I just keep it there incase I get cold at night and need to put it on," I said, heat rushing to my cheeks. That was partially the truth.
I was a cuddler; what's better than cuddling your boyfriend's sweater that smells like him?
"Mhm," Luke said as if he knew I wasn't being completely honest.
"I'm not that tired so we can just go," I said looking in the mirror running a brush through my brown hair. His bright blue eyes met my boring brown ones in the mirror as I was reaching for my mascara. He smiled and stood up, walking towards me. As I uncapped the mascara about to apply it, Luke reached in front of me taking it out of my hands.
"You don't need that," he said giving the mascara brush a weird look before screwing the top back on, "Let's go."
I smiled and followed him out of my room and towards the car.
"So can I know where we're going now?" I said turning down the radio volume. We had been driving through town for 20 minutes already but I couldn't think of where we were going.
"Impatient are we?" Luke said laughing at me.
"A little bit, I'm not good with surprises," I said pouting as his eyes met mine. He had to give in to the pouty face, right?
"You're cute, but no. I'm not telling you. We're almost there don't worry," Luke said giving me his award winning smile. I turned back up the volume of the radio, defeated.
Soon enough we pulled into a gravel parking lot.
"Luke where are we?" I said noticing the river and a soccer field to my right.
Luke ignored me getting out of the car. As confused as I was, I got out too. He walked to the back of his car pulling out a blanket. I followed him as we walked to a grassy spot near the edge of the river.
"Okay look behind you in ten seconds," Luke said as I heard a loud rumble behind me.
I waited and then turned around to see a plane coming what looked to be straight at me.
"The airport is right there," he said pointing behind him. I looked over and saw all the runways and planes. I had been to that airport a few times but never knew there was a spot to watch the planes come in so closely.
"Cool right?" He said sitting down. I nodded before sitting down in front of him, facing the way the planes came in. Luke pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked over my shoulder at him, giving him a smile and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
This was something I was going to have to get use to. I had never had someone be so fond of me so it was weird being able to lean over and kiss Luke whenever I pleased; but I liked it...a lot.
We sat there just watching the planes, talking and holding eachother. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Curious what time it was, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I clicked the home button to see it was almost 6pm, we had been here for about 3 hours.
Luke peered over my shoulder looking at the time too.
"We should get going," Luke said removing his arms from my waist and standing up. I nodded, and stood up as well helping him fold the blanket.
We walked back to the car hand in hand. I was looking down at my feet while walking, when suddenly Luke gripped my hand tighter and started running to my left. I started running with him, and then he suddenly stopped.
"What the he-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before Luke started running to the right dragging me with him. He started pulling me back and forth and I couldn't contain my laughter.
"Luke" I groaned as he kept rapidly moving back and forth. He pulled me forward quickly, but then stopped abruptly making me almost slam into his back.
"Quit it before I puke," I said laughing so hard my stomach hurt.
"Okay okay i'm sorry, it was funny" he said pulling me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him back.
"Not really," I said biting my lip as my head was against his chest. It was kind of funny only because I looked like an idiot.
"You laughed," Luke said looking down at me kissing my forehead.
"Let's go loser," I said pulling away from him with a smile. He rolled his eyes, as he usually did when I insulted him.
Luke was sprawled across my bed as I walked into my room with my laundry basket full of clean clothes.
"Comfy?" I asked laughing at him, beginning to hang my clothes and put them in my closet.
"Yeah," he said pausing, "But I would be comfier if you were laying with me," he said cheekily which made me blush. I thought about it for a second before walking towards him; my laundry could wait. I climbed into my bed, laying my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me.
"Better," he said smiling. I smiled back up at him, and he leaned in pressing his lips to mine. The kiss lasted longer than our other ones. I pulled back, giggling from the butterflies in my stomach. I sat up, crossing my legs. Luke sat up too looking over at the clock before meeting my eyes.
He lifted one hand, putting it on my neck, rubbing my cheek with his thumb before leaning in and kissing me hard. He pulled me closer keeping his lips against mine but his phone started to ring.
Luke groaned pulling his lips away from mine as he looked down at his phone.
"Hello," Luke said into his phone, grabbing my hand with his free one, lacing our fingers together.
"Yes, I'm with Bailey," he said after a short pause.
"Okay," he said then looked at me, "My mom says hi."
"Hi Mrs. Hemmings," I said loud enough hoping she could hear me.
"Yes mom I will be home for family dinner like I promised," he said reassuring her.
"Okay, yes I will," he said before hanging up. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Sorry I promised my parents I would be home for dinner tonight. My brothers will be there," he said rubbing the back of his neck.
"It's fine," I said with a smile.
"Okay well I guess I should get going," he said with a small frown. I nodded, and walked him to the front door.
"I'll call you later alright?" he said pulling me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.
"Okay," I said pulling back from him. He leaned down and kissed me softly, still creating a knot in my stomach.
"Drive safely," I said smiling opening the door, Luke kissed my cheek before walking out with a smile.
Luke is really cute, I want a Luke Hemmings :-(
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