Chapter 14
"Hey Bailey," Luke said into the phone
"Hey," I said with a smile, starting to walk around my room.
"So Ashton invited us over to his house today to watch movies and hang out. Our friends Calum and Michael will be there. He said Casey would be there too and that she was gonna invite your friend Ally," he said, "Wanna come? Or are you busy?"
"No I'm not, would you mind picking me up?" I asked nervously.
"I was going to anyways," he said with a smile clearly in his voice.
"Okay cool."
"I'll be there at 2," he said, "Bye Bailey."
I mocked him, "Bye Luke" I said with the exact same tone.
I hung up with phone with a smile pulling at my lips. I glanced at the clock and figured it was time for me to get moving and get ready for the day ahead of me.
Later that day, Luke honked once he got outside of my house.
"Hey you," he said as I got into the car. He seemed to be in a great mood.
"Hey," I said with a smile on my lips.
"I think everyone is already there, i'm always late," he said laughing and shaking his head at himself.
"Yeah let's clarify that when we get there okay? You're the cause of us being late, not me," I said laughing.
"Oh trust me the boys will already know."
We pulled into Ashton's driveway, and he met us at the door before leading us to his basement.
I walked down the steps and saw everyone sitting on the couch.
"Luke!" The two boys I didn't see often called out. I knew one was Michael, and I remember Luke told me his name was Calum.
"Hi," Luke said happily, "This is Bailey," he said nodding his head towards me. I smiled and waved.
"Oh so this is the girl," Calum said looking at Luke smirking.
"Shut up, Calum" Luke said staring at him, "You can ignore him Bailey, he never knows what he's talking about," Luke said smiling at me.
I laughed at how childish they were, "Okay," I said nodding my head.
I walked over next to Casey and Ally as we all exchanged our hellos, even though we were texting two hours ago. Michael and the boys walked over to where we were standing.
"You three, Luke and I are wearing the same shoes!" Michael said loudly sounding extremely hyper.
We all laughed, not exactly sure what to say to the hyper boy. I looked down noticing we were all wearing black converse.
"The three of us are basically the same person," Casey said motioning to Ally and I. I mean it was true, we always said the same things and dressed alike.
"I already like you guys," he said walking away. I shook my head, and then followed him to where the boys were standing. I heard them arguing about video games.
"How do you own an xbox but not play FIFA, Ash?" Michael said sounding disgusted.
"Do any of you guys play FIFA?" Calum said turning to Ally, Casey and I.
Casey was the first to speak, "Not really I can play call of duty though."
Ally shook her head and then mumbled something about never even picking up a controler. I stayed quiet, but of course that didn't last long because soon Casey opened her mouth.
"I know Bailey does," she said smirking at me. I mentally rolled my eyes are her, she always had to give me away.
"Yeah I play FIFA on occasion," I said looking at the boys then down at my shoes. I wasn't all that great, so the boys would probably crush me.
"Play with the three of us," Michael said motioning to Luke and Calum.
"That way we can have teams of two."
I hesitated, "uh okay," I said looking at Casey making a mental note to yell at her later. I sat on the ground next to Luke. Ashton, Casey and Ally all sat around us, surrounding the TV.
"Okay so teams," Michael said, "Calum and I, vs Luke and Bailey," I nodded and Luke turned to me.
"What team?" Luke said looking at me then back to the screen.
"Barcelona I play best with them," I said, "Plus they're the best in this game."
"You won't be saying that after we win," Michael said which made Calum laugh.
"And that's game," I said rubbing it into Michael's face after Luke and I won 2-0. Luke really was the reason for our victory, I just helped. Michael and Calum shrugged me off as we all stood up stretching. Luke high fived me.
"Nice Parker," he said while pulling me in for a hug,
"Gross PDA," Calum said walking away from Luke and I who just nervously laughed while pulling away from each other.
The girls and I sat on the couch listening to the boys talk about how they should get together more often and try to cover a few songs. Spending the day with them made me laugh frequently. They were all childish, even though they were really about to graduate high school. They were each immature, but I liked it.
We all pitched in some cash to order a few boxes of pizza because we all knew that each of the boys could have probably finished their own box. We all sat around in Ashton's basement talking, laughing and semi paying attention to whatever lame horror movie was on his TV.
When 6pm came around, it was time for each of us to go our separate ways. Casey had to be home for dinner, Ally had to get up early the next morning, and Michael and Calum had other plans. After everyone exchanged their goodbyes, Luke and I walked out to his car.
"Michael and Calum are nice," I said putting on my seatbelt as Luke turned on the music.
"Yeah they are," he said with a smile, "Do you have to be home at a certain time?"
"No I can go home whenever," I said looking at the clock.
"Okay do you mind if we drive around a bit?" Luke asked and I shook my head no. I loved drives, they were relaxing especially with the Sleeping With Sirens song; Roger Rabbit, playing in the background.
Luke took many turns, just exploring the area we lived in. I couldn't help but softly sing along to some of the songs that started playing. Soon we pulled into a parking lot.
"Where are we?" I asked. I was zoned out during the last five minutes of the ride.
"Playground," he said with a big smile, "Come on," he said getting out of the car.
Luke ran around on the playground, making me laugh. He actually looked like a tall child.
First he ran over to the monkey bars, but he was too tall to do them so he bent his legs as much as he could, trying to swing from bar to bar. I just laughed at him because it wasn't working out so well. I watched him walk over to a slide.
"I'm too big for this," Luke said trying to slide down even though the slide was probably just as long as his legs.
I laughed, walking over to the swingset. Swings were my favorite as a child, and still were to this day. I just couldn't be on them for too long because I would feel nauseous. My stomach wasn't good with handling swings, I was even worse at amusement parks. The big hill in roller coasters made me feel sick, and so did spinning in circles.
"Screw slides, swings are better," I said laughing as I turned my head to look at him walking over towards me.
"Yeah yeah," he said walking behind me. I then felt both of his hands on my back, giving me one huge push to make me swing higher than I possibly could have by myself.
"Oh my god Luke," I exclaimed taken by surprise.
"Sorry I forgot how easy you are to push around," Luke said laughing then sitting on the swing next to me.
"You almost gave me a heart attack," I said laughing. Once I slowed down and wasn't swinging so high, I jumped off.
I walked over to Luke, Let me see if I can push you," he nodded his head and came to a stop so I could push him. I pulled him back and then pushed as hard as I could. He didn't go very high. He barely moved at all, so we both started laughing.
"Weak," he said looking back at me.
"You're heavy," I said pouting. As he started swinging backwards, I moved to his right making sure I wouldn't get hit; still pouting. As Luke passed me, he quickly leaned over kissing my cheek. I giggled, and I felt the redness rush to my cheeks. He smiled and then stopped swinging.
"Playgrounds are awesome," he said walking up next to me.
We then walked over to the steps leading up to the jungle gym. I sat on the top step, and Luke sat a step below me since he was taller.
"I miss being little," I said looking around. I remember how playgrounds once felt so big to me, but now I felt like a giant. It's crazy how fast time had gone by, I was now basically a senior in high school.
"Me too," he said. "things seemed easier. We didn't have to make grown up decisions quite yet,"
I nodded remembering I needed to make a list of colleges I wanted to apply to before my SAT scores came in.
We sat in silence reminiscing in our heads of our childhood for a little while. My childhood definitely wasn't easy seeing as my parents divorced when I was very young. My parents had a bad divorce, mostly because my mom cared too much about partying than her own kids. I mean, that's what happens when you get addicted to alcohol at the age of 18 and drink for the rest of your life. A few of my cousins had an alcohol problem, and I witnessed it ruin their lives. They went to jail, and ruined friendships; I hoped that would never happen to me. Alcohol was just bad news. That was a whole different story though.
I had to grow up faster than any of my friends, but it was easier in the sense of grades and college and my future.
My stomach started rumbling, "Would of been nice to bring some snacks," I said laughing. We ate four hours ago, but I was already hungry.
"Hungry?" Luke asked looking at my eyes.
"Little bit yeah," I said smiling.
"Let's go get some food," Luke said nodding to the car.
this reminds me of that picture of luke on the playground when Michael had just dyed his hair green haha
this story is about to hit 2k reads which is exciting :-)
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