Chapter 11
I woke up and looked at the clock. I knew that after Luke asked me out last night, I would have to call Casey and get her up to speed. I sat up in bed and reached over to grab my phone off the charger. After three rings she picked up.
"Hello," she said with a smile clearly on her face.
"Hey Case, I have some news to tell you," I said already being able to picture her sitting up intrigued.
"Oh gosh, go on," she said eagerly.
"Well last night Luke and I hung out after he picked me up from the gas station. My car broke down so he came to get me. Long story short, when he dropped me off he asked me to go to dinner with him tonight," I said quickly. I spoke quickly; especially when I was nervous, excited, or just had a lot to say.
"Oh my god, are you kidding?" Casey asked. She always used the same phrases over and over again and "oh my god" was one of them.
"I'm not I promise," I said trying to fight back my smile.
"That's so cute, Bail! I knew you liked him," she said gloating. I could hear the smirk in her voice, she was rewarding herself for being right.
"Yeah yeah yeah," I said, shooing off the fact that she was right, "even though I'm just setting myself up for disappointment. There's no way Luke out of all people would actually like me," I was always so hard on myself.
"Shut up Bailey. There's so much to love about you," she said trying to make me feel better.
I half smiled, "thanks Case," I said even though I still didn't necessarily believe her. After assuring her that I would text her as soon as I got home, I hung up.
The entire day I was outrageously nervous. The fact that Luke out of all people had asked me on a date blew my mind. I was so boring and unoriginal; plus he was way out of my league. Despite my doubts, I was extremely excited. I obviously didn't know everything about Luke quite yet, but I did know that I liked him.
The day went by faster than I thought it would; I assumed it was because I was so nervous. All day I had made up scenarios in my head that would probably never happen. Like if I were to drop my food all over myself, or trip and fall in front of Luke. There was a countless number of situations running through my head.
As the day progressed, I realized I didn't even know what I was going to wear or what time Luke was getting me. It was like he was reading my mind because soon after, my phone buzzed.
*I'll get you at 7 if that's alright :-)* More butterflies flew into my stomach.
*Awesome, how fancy is it?* I asked not sure what to wear. I didn't want to be too casual and I didn't want to be over dressed.
*Casually fancy if that makes sense. It's not too fancy, but it's not exactly a place for jeans* He sent back. Immediately, my phone buzzed again
*If that's okay with you :-)* It made me smile how considerate Luke was being.
*Anything is fine :-) see you at 7* I said tossing my phone down.
I ran my hands through my hair and looked at the clock, it was about 5:30. I rushed and got into the shower to make sure I had just enough time to get ready.
I tried to keep my shower fast so I had enough time to blow dry and straighten my hair.
After taking what seemed like years on my hair, I was finally done. I put on a light amount of makeup, trying to make it seem like I wasn't trying too hard.
I opened my closet door letting out a breath. I scanned over my options, finally deciding on a black summery dress. It wasn't too fancy; it was casual. I slipped on a pair of sandals noticing that it was about 6:45.
I dug in my closet to find the one purse I had that I only used on the rare occasion of me wearing a dress. I stuffed my wallet and a small makeup bag inside, and made my way into the living room. I thought about calling my dad to tell him I wouldn't be home, but I didn't want to tell him I was going to dinner with a boy and have him go 20 questions on me; I would rather put that off until I got home. Instead, I wrote a note that I left on the table saying I went to dinner, I would be home later and to call me if he needed anything.
I walked in circles, waiting for Luke to pull into my driveway.
I laughed when I saw Luke pull into my driveway at 7:08. I made my way out of the door keeping my eyes to the ground, another habit I had when I was nervous.
"Sorry I'm late. I usually am," Luke said with a nervous laugh as I got into the car.
"It's no big deal," I said smiling. I then looked over at Luke which doubled the number of butterflies in my stomach.
"I hope Italian is okay?" Luke said backing out of my driveway, not yet meeting my eyes.
"Yeah that's fine," I said with a smile, looking down at my hands playing with my fingers.
Luke reached over and turned up the volume of the music playing, which he has done many times before. The car ride to the restaurant was short, but it felt so long because I was too nervous to say anything. Luke and I walked into the restaurant; it had so many nice decorations, it was dimly lit, and Italian music was playing quietly over the speakers.
"Hemmings for 2," Luke said in a tone that was more like a question rather than a confident statement.
"Right this way," the hostess said leading us to the table.
When we sat down, Luke looked at me, "I hope it's okay that I requested a booth?"
"Yeah, I like them better than normal chairs anyways" I said with a smile, while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. All I could think was to be as non-awkward as possible and this would go perfectly fine.
After the hostess set down our menus and placed two glasses of water on our table, she smiled at us. "Your waiter will be right with you, Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings" she said as she walked away. I immediately put my hand up to my mouth and so did Luke; both of us trying to stifle our laughs. I held in the snort that normally would have come out.
"I swear I look 12 years old," I said trying to control my laughter.
"I do not look like I'm that old, Do I?" Luke said laughing too. I'm glad we both found it funny, because that situation could have totally went the wrong way; it could have ended in us awkwardly staring at each other completely speechless.
"Sorry about that," Luke said taking a sip of his water, beginning to calm down.
"It's good," I said waving it off. Something like that would happen to me on our first date, but I can't say I didn't like the ring to it.
Luke and I opened our menus, scanning the options. I already knew what I was getting, chicken alfredo. I took a glance at Luke, whose eyes I could see were reading all the options.
I put my menu down, and then Luke followed.
"Know what you're getting?" he asked me.
"Take a guess," I said giving him a small smirk.
"Chicken Alfredo," he said with more confidence than I've ever seen him have.
"Actually not this time" I lied, biting my lip trying to hold back a laugh as I watched his face fall.
"You can't go to a restaurant and not get your favorite thing," Luke said defensively.
"I'm just kidding" I said laughing at how defensive he became, "so are you getting pizza then?" I asked taking a sip of my water remembering Luke had mentioned pizza was probably his favorite.
"You already know it," Luke said with a smile and placing his hands on the table, fiddling with his ring again. "You look nice," Luke said nervously with a smile.
"Thanks," I said smiling as I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, "you do too," I said because it was all I could get out. I usually wasn't a very giddy person, but sitting here with Luke Hemmings, looking at his blue eyes while he said I looked nice made me extremely giddy.
The waiter soon came out, and thankfully didn't mistake us as Mr and Mrs.
"Remember that time we went to five guys?" I asked Luke after we told the waiter our orders.
"I hit you in the face with the paper football and I thought you were going to hate me forever," I said recalling the memory, shocked that I was now on a date with the kid I hit in the face.
"Hate you, why?" Luke asked like I was being ridiculous.
"I don't know, I feel like you would have been annoyed with me," I said honestly, being hard on myself again. Truthfully, when was I not?
"Not at all, I just learned you were terrible at table football and that next time we play I should sit next to you," he said laughing, which made me laugh too. He had a laugh that was contagious, always able to cause a smile on your face.
Our food soon came out, and I realized just how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten all day because I was too busy being nervous. The food was delicious and I reminded myself that I should come here every once and a while.
Before I knew it, Luke had already paid the check and we were out the door.
"Was it alright?" Luke asked as we walked through the parking lot to his car.
"It was great," I said looking up at him, "thank you."
"Thanks for coming," Luke said still looking ahead but I could hear the happiness in his voice. We got into the car, following our normal routine. During the car ride, I came up with a bunch of things to say to Luke when were in front of my house like how we should do this again, and how I really had fun, but when we were sitting in my driveway, none of it came out of my mouth. My mind went blank and I couldn't get out of my thoughts.
"Thank you so much Luke," I said with a smile. Of course that was all I could get out. I cursed myself for freezing up in front of him, but he was so stunning. The color of his eyes, the way he smiled, his laugh, the way he played with his lip ring, it all just had me stunned. We exchanged our goodbyes and I got out of the car. I made my way up the front steps to my door, "wait Bailey," I heard as I turned to see Luke walking up to me.
"You forgot your leftovers in the bag," Luke said, handing them to me with a smile.
"Oh sorry," I said taking them. I scolded myself for forgetting my box, but I also smiled because I got to see Luke for an extra minute. I took them out of his hand, and before I realized I knew what was happening, Luke hugged me.
"Thanks for agreeing to come," he said looking down at me, pulling back.
"I had a lot of fun," I said smiling and blushing. I could still feel the butterflies from his hug.
He gave me one last smile before getting in his car and pulling out of my driveway leaving me standing there with a big smile on my face.
aw how cute
so if you noticed I changed my wattpad name from rickimarie03x to procrashtinates
because it would make more sense for this account to be under my fan account name and not my personal.
it would be awkward if anyone from school found me.
okay have a nice day :-)
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