The Big One
"Logan you are now free to kiss dear Alex now," his rabbi said with a smile. Everyone chuckled. Logan wasted no time and leaned forward and captured his WIFE'S lips. Their tears of joy mixed in with the kiss leaving a slight saltiness on their lips afterwards. There was a round of happy cheers and whistling from their families. Once that was done, the rabbi held up the clothed bottle Logan was meant to smash. "Now don't forget to take this with you after you smash it. Before you do, though, I just wanted to give you two a little insight. As it is, there are disagreements in a marriage we all know. When that happens try to piece this bottle back together perfectly and then see if you can even remember what you were fighting about."
Alex giggled and Logan smiled with love at her. The rabbi put the clothed bottled on the floor for Logan to stomp on. Raising his foot Logan brought it down on the bottle breaking it apart. "MAZEL TOV," everyone shouted with glee. There were thunderous claps and ear piercing whistles from the guests. Now Logan and Alex were well and truly married.
Almost immediately the groomsmen and the bridesmaids rushed forward to properly congratulate the beaming couple. "You guys are married," Linds squealed as she, Lauren, and Cat bounced in place together with clasped hands.
"You are officially an old man now," Dean said slapping Logan on the back.
Matt wrapped his arms around his sister and gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek. "I am so happy for you Alex," he gushed. He then picked her up off the ground and started spinning her around.
"MATT," Alex cried in surprise. "Put me down. Put me down," she shouted. This seemed to inspire Lucas who hoisted his baby brother up.
Their friends and siblings laughed and smiled as they saw the two of them being spun around. Esther had even snapped a photo of her boyfriend and sister-in-law. Allie gathered the other bridesmaids for a group shot with Jake in the background giving bunny ears to his wife. Dean rallied him and the guys to take a shot together as well and Cat had popped in the last second glomping her brother.
The snap happy moment was ruined with the arrival of Larry, Lisa, Richard, and Christina. "Okay kids we have a reception to get to," Richard said, mostly speaking to his son and Dean who were pumped as hell and didn't want to let go of the couple of the day.
"Yeah sweetie you kind of need to let go of your brother," Lisa said to her son's brother-in-law. Matt was giving the shorter man a bear hug. The parents were pretty sure he was just happy to have another guy in the family. Dean and Linds had Alex squished between them and Esther was taking photos of the couple.
It took a lot of prying from Lucas and Nick to get them to let go. Once they were free from their relatives' holds, Logan and Alex took a few huge breaths of air. "It's party time," Linds shouted happily. Olivia, Lauren, and Cat shouted in agreement. Logan and Alex smiled as they walked hand in hand out of the room with Dean starting a conga line of the wedding party with the rest of the guests stepping in line one after the other.
It felt so surreal. Logan was sure he was in an alternate universe because there was no way that he could be this happy without something being wrong. He was FREAKING MARRIED to the woman of his dreams. And what was the best part was that he was surrounded by all the people closest to them. He felt like he was on top of the world.
"Hey Logan it isn't a dream," Dean said as he came up to his best friend. Logan looked over at the blond and rolled his eyes. He WAS pretty predictable wasn't he? "You really are here and I am wearing this suit only because I love you both and I don't want Jenny coming after me," he said putting his hands on Logan's shoulders as he referred to his friends' stylist who had shoehorned her way into helping plan the wedding.
Logan smiled at the man. "Thanks Dean. It's just so unbelievable though. I am actually married." Dean shook his head. Logan was positively ecstatic.
"Blake says it will sink in a few weeks after coming back from the honeymoon," Dean replied, mentioning his brother who had gotten married the year before. "Now this is a reception. We're supposed to be taking photos." He pulled Logan next to him.
Dean and Logan were standing next to each other. Logan's hair was brushed back making him look rather dapper. His best friend though had a slightly more tamed version of his usual hair. Dean had his arm thrown around Logan's shoulders just as Logan did. They were both dressed in suits. Logan's was black with a spring green pocket square and he had a yarmulke sticking out of his suit jacket. Dean was wearing a green suit with a champagne colored tie and pocket square. They had large smiles on their faces.
When Dean put it up on Instagram he captioned it: Congratulations to my best friend of 12 years. This day has been long coming, literally. Everyone's been waiting. I am so happy to be here to help you celebrate this momentous occasion. You deserve all the happiness in the world. This is the beginning of the rest of your life. So let's party the night away .
Sitting down at the wedding party's table, Alex was speaking to her mother in law. "I am so happy to see you two finally together as one," Lisa was saying. She had known from the beginning that her youngest son had found The One for him when she first met the beautiful young woman seven years earlier. They just seemed to click.
"Thanks Mom," Alex said to Lisa. She and Logan had gotten into the habit of calling their in laws Mom and Dad back in 2013 when they realized that they were going for the long haul. "I'm just glad everything worked out. I thought we would have to put the wedding off until next year with all the filming we've been doing."
Lisa's lips were set in a scowl at the thought. "Then I would have said to forgo this and just go to city hall." Everyone had agreed that if the golden couple of the day hadn't gotten married before the year was out, that Logan and Alex should elope. Thankfully it hadn't come to that because otherwise they wouldn't have the amazing ceremony and reception right then.
Alex shook her head at the idea. She would have hated getting married by the justice instead of having all their family and friends there to witness their wedding. "It wouldn't have been the same. Besides I'm sure you and Dad would have ganged up on us with my parents."
As if this was some special spell, Matt and Cat popped up along with Esther. "Eeeh give me a hug," Cat squeed happily. She rushed up to her sister as best as she could in heels and gave her a tight hug. Matt came up behind his sister and hugged his older sister from her other side.
"Congrats again Alex," Matt said to the glowing woman. He had never seen his sister so happy as she was right there at her wedding. It made him want to pop the question to Esther. Speaking of his girlfriend she was on a mission today.
"Get ready I am about to take the photo. In 3...2...1," she said as the flash of the phone's camera went off.
Alex was the center of the photo with a mega watt smile and her eyes shining brightly against the dark makeup around them. She had her long reddish brown dyed hair up in a bun with each side with braids leading into said bun. A piece of hair framed her face on either side that went down to her chin in slightly curled wisps. Her face was alight. Her face was done in natural make up with a light pink lipstick and rosy cheeks. Matt and Cat were on either side of her kissing each cheek with their eyes closed.
After the ambush by her siblings, Esther sent the photo to Alex's younger siblings. Cat's caption was: We love you Alex. You are the best sister a girl could ask for and the best friend that I didn't know I had. We have gotten to the end of the road. It's taken years and a few bumps along the way but now we're here. You look so beautiful and so happy. I am so inspired by what you've been through and for finding that thing we're all looking for. To always and forever.
Matt's caption was a little different. Stole this from Cat. And I agree you are radiant sis. All I have to say will be said later. Otherwise this caption will be a story. I am so happy for you Alex. Love you.
A little while later it was time for the toast. To Alex and Logan's surprise it wasn't Dean giving the best man's speech. Matt had stood up. When they were at the suit shop a few weeks before Matt had pulled Dean aside to ask if he could speak at the wedding. Dean had done one better and said that Matt could take his spot. Obviously he had something he wanted to say that couldn't be done through social media.
Matt cleared his throat as he held the mic to his lips. He held his wine glass in the other hand. "Well as I'm sure you guys can tell I'm not Dean." Everyone laughed at that. "So I just wanted to congratulate my sister on her wedding and her new marriage to Logan here," he said holding up his glass slightly towards the man in question. "So today has always been in the works. At least to me. You see Alex was always destined for greatness. When she decided to become an actress I was so inspired. She worked her butt off to get where she is now." The guests along with Logan and Alex were enraptured by his voice. Alex had tears welling up in her eyes as she had her clasped hands tucked under her chin.
"When she got the role of Annabeth in Percy Jackson I was so happy for her. She had just found out that the scum who's not worthy of his name being mentioned had screwed her over. She was devastated and feeling pretty down about herself. Then," he said with a raise in his deep voice, "she met Bambino." Logan's lips curved up into a smile at the nickname. "I gave him that name because he was so baby faced when we met." Logan and Alex laughed at the truth of the statement. "There was something there right from the start. I could tell as soon as I saw them together." At this point Matt was looking like he was choking up.
"A-and over the years I saw a miracle happen," he said almost in a whisper at the end. "My sister, the sweetest person I know, became powerful and fierce. She wasn't afraid to fall because she knew she had someone to catch her. She blossomed right before my eyes. Now she's made it and all her dreams are coming true. And it's all thanks to you Logan." By this point he was in tears just as everyone else. "Y-y-you've been a constant f-for so long. I can't i-imagine you not with my sister and in our lives. You two were meant to be. To Logan and Alex, salute," he finished harkening back to his Italian side, raising his glass.
"Salute," everyone chorused back raising their own glasses. Matt sat back down. David's tissue was passed down allowing everyone to wipe their eyes. Esther kissed her boyfriend on the cheek for his beautiful and heartfelt speech. Dean went over and hugged his best friend's brother in law. Alex also walked over. She gave him the biggest hug possible.
After listening to Matt's speech Logan remembered the bottle in his pocket. That was a representation of his Jewish background and his marriage. He pulled the felt pouch out of his pocket. He felt the bag. The bottle was definitely broken. He opened the pouch and let the glass slip out.
There were shards of glass on the white clothed table. They were blue tinted and ranged from large pieces to almost miniscule. Off to the left side was a deep purple felt pouch that had one piece of the colored glass hanging out of it.
Logan captioned the photo: I hope I never have to put this back together again.
The next one to give a toast was Allie as the matron of honor. She was quick to say she wasn't going to be able to compete with Matt's part. This got people smiling after the tear filled moment from before. Once she was done it was time for the dancing. Logan and Alex got up out of their chairs and on to the dance floor.
The first keys of a slowed down version of "I Want Hold Your Hand" started to play. Tears started running down Alex's face as soon as she saw her husband hold out his hand for their first dance as man and wife. She was physically shaking from the emotion as she took his hand and he pulled her into his arms.
Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I'll say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
As they danced together Alex was still in tears, her stunning eyes glistening. "Hey, hey it's okay baby," Logan whispered in her ear as he wiped away her tears with the pad of his thumb. Alex gave Logan a watery smile. She leaned forward and kissed her love's lips sweetly. They transitioned from their formal hold to her arms wrapped around his neck and his around her perfect waist.
And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide
By this point Alex had settled her head on her husband's shoulder and Logan had tucked his head into the crook of hers. They were swaying in place as one puzzle finally put together after years of connecting with the wrong pieces. Linds was a blubbering mess and David had brought along TWO boxes of tissue just for that reason. He handed his girlfriend one to swipe away the tears and to blow her nose. She couldn't NOT take a photo of her baby brother and one of her best friends in such bliss.
A couple was in the throws of the music as they held each other close. The woman had her back to the camera. She was wearing a beautiful ivory wedding gown with it flowing elegantly down to the ground. Her hair was up in a bun, her hair a reddish brown. She had her head nestled on the man's shoulder. The man was dressed in a black suit and he had his head down with only his dark almost black hair visible.
After taking the photo Linds captioned it: I Want to Hold Your Hand- first dance. She showed it to David and Lucas who both approved. It was beautifully captured and it wasn't possible to discern who the people were. In a matter of seconds the world could see on the Internet.
As a bit of a change up Logan and Alex decided to do the father-daughter and mother-son dance right after theirs. Richard smiled down at his oldest with pride when he stepped up to her. Lisa like any good mother was kissing her baby boy's face all over. The song chosen was a nod to Alex's love of country and "Keep on Tryin'" by Poco started up. Logan smiled down at the woman who gave him birth. "Did you think you'd see this happen," Logan asked his mom. As a teen Logan had been a bit cynical and unbelieving in romance. After all his parents were divorced. What was he supposed to be waiting for?
The blonde woman just gave him a look. It was one of those that always reassured Logan, especially after he was told that his parents weren't going to be together anymore. "Well not so early for sure. I always figured Lindsey or Lucas would make it down the aisle before you. I mean how was I supposed to know that you'd get on a film set and fall for your co-star the way you did?"
They were still twirling around slowly as they talked between themselves. "Well neither did I. I mean I thought it was just a new role to get into. I was captured by those blue eyes of hers," Logan said with a chuckle. He was pretty sure no one thought he would meet his soul mate at 17. That's what made it so astounding.
"This is a nice song," Lisa mused aloud. It was a nice relaxed song with a well done harmony between the singers.
Logan smiled. "It was something I picked for Al. You know something to make her a little happier," he explained with a loving smile as he thought of his wife. Lisa beamed at the man that her youngest son had become. She would have never imagined how much getting Percy Jackson would change his life and the amazing people they would meet because of it.
Midway through the song Christina and Larry stepped in and took over for the others. Logan and Alex absolutely loved it. Logan adored his mother in law just as Alex did with Larry. Alex almost lost her step when she saw their siblings jump in. She ended up dancing with her new brother and Logan with his new sister. By that point the songs Blake was playing with his band were upbeat and right up the guests' alley. Foreigner was rocking throughout the speakers and everyone was going crazy.
Alex was happy as she swung her head back and forth as she held her dress up. Matt and Dean were pretending to be playing guitars. Lucas and Jake were banging their heads while putting up the rock hand sign. Allie and Esther were doing air drums and Cat was bouncing around with Daniel. Dakota, Zara, and Lauren were dancing like maniacs. Logan was filming everyone as he screamed the lyrics along with the rest of their friends and family.
When everyone decided to take a break and get the feeling back in their feet, Esther went back to her original mission...getting as many photos of the wedding as possible. She had rallied the siblings all together. They left the power couple to themselves for a bit...before harassing them again.
"Babe I think you have enough photos," Matt said to his girlfriend. "You took a photo of just about everything." He was almost positive too. He remembered her taking a photo of the freaking ice sculpture when they walked out of the hotel to the reception area.
Esther gave him the quintessential 'as a woman I know better than you' look. Matt shut up right away. The others laughed at his being whipped by his girlfriend. He glared at them for it. "No I didn't. I didn't get all of you, duh." Matt, Lucas, and Cat arched their brows in a perfect imitation of their bro Logan. They were SURE that she did. Like the one of Cat dancing, Matt with his sisters, and so many more.
"Uh Esther you did," Lucas said a little unsure. Esther sighed and pinched the bridge of nose. Logan and Alex weren't the only Lermans and Daddarios that were the same. Apparently all of them were.
"I mean you four together, just you. Now fulfill my dream. All these photos are going to be for their anniversary present," Esther said getting ready to take a photo.
Linds turned her head in confusion. "You're already thinking about their anniversary?"
"Yeah," Matt agreed, "they just got married."
Lucas followed right after him. "I mean aren't you getting a little ahead of yourself," he said. The other three gave him a glare. "Not like that," Lucas defended. "We should wait to see what they get for the wedding."
"Oh Matt and I got them a little map with artwork based on the first Percy Jackson book." Cat mouthed a wow. That was a really clever gift.
This seemed to sidetrack Linds who jumped right in. "Oh David and I got them a bunch of new stuff for Levon, like a bed, a blanket, even new tags for his collar." Matt and Lucas rolled their eyes good-naturedly. That wasn't a surprise. She ADORED Levon. "What about you Cat?"
Cat smirked. "I put together a video for our siblings AND Jake and Allie." The other four adults looked at her strangely. Cat sighed. "It's from New Years in 2011. It's basically a video of them. I mean it IS when Jake proposed so...."
Esther rubbed her chin. Pretty sentimental gift actually. "'re distracting me. Now get ready to pose," the part Korean woman said.
"But I didn't get to say what I was getting them," Lucas interjected.
"Later," Esther said almost before he could finish. "Photo first," she declared as she held up her phone for the shot.
Cat, Lindsey, Lucas, and Matt were all standing together. The guys were in green suits. The girls were in champagne dresses with sweetheart necklines that went down to their knees and had on little heels. Matt had a bright smile with his arm around Lucas's shoulder. Lucas had a little smirk on his face standing next his brother in law with a hand on his shoulder. The girls on the other hand were wrapped up in each other with huge smiles on their faces. They had their arms wrapped around the other's waist and their faces smushed together as they looked at the camera. Cat's hair was done up in a chignon while Linds had her hair falling naturally.
Esther was quick to caption it: Siblings. She smiled at the beautiful photo. It was DEFINITELY being printed and framed. It was seven years coming. Now it was just about the fight over who would have it, Logan and Alex or the parents? Three way battle here they come.
While their siblings were off being forced into photos by the one and only Esther Kim, Logan and Alex were catching up with Chris. They had kept in touch with the director/producer/writer since the first movie. He liked to check up on them from time to time. "I am so happy for you two," he said. He, just as everyone else, had been shocked in how truly in sync the two were when they took their romance off screen only a year after meeting.
"Thanks Chris. We should be thanking you though. If you hadn't thought we worked so well together...we wouldn't even be here right now," Logan said as he stood next to his new wife with his hand casually resting on her hip.
Chris smiled at the couple. They certainly were glowing right there. The awkward unsure Alex from his first meeting her was gone and in her place was a confident and sure woman. The jaded and stubborn boy of back then was an easygoing and empathetic man now. It was almost severe in the difference from 2009. "Well you two really played well off each other. It was all you when it came to going forward."
Alex shook her head in the negative. "You really nurtured us throughout the process. I mean you remember how I was before filming. It was a very cathartic experience." Logan nodded beside his wife. She was really out of sorts when they met. She had said countless times how she gained more than a job from Percy Jackson.
Right as Chris was about to say something he noticed Jake trying to creep on the wedding couple. "Jake what are you doing," the older man asked like he was the 28 year old's father. The blond slumped forward after being found out. He never got to have any fun.
Logan looked back at their friend. "Where's Allie?" The last time Logan saw his wife's best friend and husband had been talking with Lauren.
"Oh she's trying to keep Dean from chugging the beer." Alex sighed. Oh Dean....
"Well that is not surprising," Alex said similar to how Logan always did.
Logan looked affronted by his wife's words. "He is a 26 year old man I am sure he can.....yeah you're right. Allie and Lauren should probably keep an eye on him."
Chris laughed at the easy banter between the three. They always got along back in the day but they were even closer now. "Hopefully your friend doesn't over do it." Right at that moment they saw Dakota stomping off towards the hotel with Dean chasing after her.
"I'm sorry Dakota. I didn't mean it," he called out while stumbling to catch up. Logan and Alex looked at each other and simultaneously face palmed. When they didn't think it was possible, Dean did it. Brandon walked over laughing.
"Man Dean is a riot," the man said looking over in the direction that Dean and Dakota ran off to. Logan and Alex had seen it fit to invite the comic considering he was their co-star in the movies that helped them fall in love. "Do you think he's alright?"
Logan shrugged. "He hasn't started getting philosophical yet." That was everyone's go to tipping point for how drunk Dean was. Brandon nodded.
"By the way this is amazing. I saw- who was it?- your sister taking photos with your dog," he said to the groom. Yeah they made Levon a part of the wedding, sue them. He was their first baby. Jake shook his head with a small smile. Levon was probably a hit with everybody since he was so cute and had on a little doggy tux.
Seeing the four of them standing there, Chris got an idea. He didn't have any photos of the gang, not any recent ones anyway. "Hey what about a photo huh," he suggested, mainly to the bride and groom. Logan, Alex, Jake and Brandon nodded at the idea.
It would be like a throwback to way back when. "Alright snap away," Jake said happily.
The four former Percy Jackson co-stars were standing together with Brandon on the left and Jake on the right with Logan and Alex in the middle. Brandon was in a nice dark blue suit with a maroon tie with thin gold stripes going diagonally across. He held a glass with wine in his right hand. Jake was in a classic all black suit. Jake had his hand placed right between Alex's shoulder blades. Brandon had put his hand on Logan's shoulder. With Logan and Alex, they were turned slightly towards each other. Logan had his left hand securely wrapped around Alex. Alex had her hand settled on his right hip. Logan looked done up with his wedding tux on. Alex had a divine ivory dress that was nice and fitted that flowed down with a slight poof from the layering. They all had large ecstatic smiles on their faces.
The four were eager to see what Chris would caption the photo as. He was a mixture of congratulatory and goofy. A surprise Percy Jackson reunion thanks to the new Mr. and Mrs. Lerman. Here's to seven years since filming The Lightning Thief. Now if only I could get that fifty bucks back from Logan for doubting me. Here's to a happy marriage to the lovely couple. Just don't send any monsters after them on their honeymoon.
It was some time later and the reception was winding down. The sun was going to be setting soon. Everyone was just mingling with the people at their table and eating the food, some of which was made by Lucas and Matt. Logan was having a conversation with Matt about their newest roles. Both sets of parents were reminiscing about their newly married kids and how they ended up there at the reception.
Alex walked with Allie from wherever she went. She had an envelope in her hand as she sat down. "Hey babe. What's that," her husband said, pointing to the white stationary.
His lady love blushed as she handed it to him. "I know we said we weren't going to open any wedding presents until AFTER we got back from the honeymoon but I couldn't resist." She had a sheepish smile on her face that made her look ten times more beautiful than she already least in Logan's opinion.
Logan looked at the envelope that only had his name scratched across the front in Alex's handwriting. He looked over at her quizzically. What could be in there that she couldn't wait to give him. He opened the flap and felt around. He felt some kind of waxy paper. He pulled it out and his eyes lit up when he saw what he was holding. The gang crowded around to see what Alex had gotten her husband. Dean howled out in laughter. "What an appropriate gift for the son of Poseidon," he said snickering.
Logan turned towards Alex with a smile. "Thanks Al. I love it," he said to her before giving her a quick peck on the lips. It seemed like all the photos and videos of the day and the festivity itself had loosened Logan's hold on his privacy just a little. He took out his phone.
It was a laminated rectangle piece of paper. The border of it was white. The rest of the background was like a tan wood floor. There were bright green and orange characters in Japanese running down the right side of the paper. Written in English was the name of the restaurant and in big letters was a discount on sushi.
He then captioned it as: Got the best present. Dean and the guys were still snickering at what was inside the envelope. "Now you'll eat sushi to your heart's content," Alex said to him. Everyone laughed. She joked but Logan would probably do that.
After the hilarity of Alex's gift, Logan avoided his wife's eyes as guilt clouded his face. "Uh I have to make a confession." Alex stared at the man she loved with concern. Did he suddenly realize that he didn't want to be married to her? Did something happen to Levon? Was he married to someone else in a different country and hid it from her? "I kind of got you a present too." Alex heaved a sigh of relief. She overreacted for nothing. Logan tugged the left side of his suit jacket open and pulled out an envelope of his own from a small pocket on the inside.
Everyone groaned at the sight of it. "You two really are made for each other," Dean grumbled what everyone else was thinking. Logan's head snapped in his direction so fast Dean was sure he got whiplash. He slowly started shuffling behind his two brothers to get away from the warning glare.
Alex laughed at the boys' antics before taking the envelope. It was definitely more than one piece of paper in the envelope so that counted for something. She flipped up the flap on the back and took out the folded papers inside. She started opening it rather nonchalantly. It had to be something simple for Logan to want to give it to her after all. Alex stopped what she was doing when she realized what the papers were. She sucked in a breath and screamed, "OH MY GOD!" She held her hand in front of her mouth in shock.
Her outburst had all their family and closest friends looking over her shoulder to see what had caused such a reaction. "What," Matt asked aloud as his eyes got misty at what he was reading.
Tears were pouring down Alex's face as she tried to catch a breath. She was given a gift from God when Logan came into her life. He was the man meant for her in this world. Because that was the only reason to explain why he would give her such a perfect gift.
"I can't believe you did this," she said as she tried to stop the flow of happy tears running down her flushed cheeks. "And I got you a coupon," she continued, hating herself for getting him such a gag gift.
When Richard and Christina got a good look at what was in her hands, they, too, broke down. Christina turned to her son in law and rushed forward. She kissed his forehead lovingly. "Oh Logan you are an angel, truly." She gave him a big wet smooch on his cheek.
David was rubbing his girlfriend's brother's father in law's back comfortingly as Richard pulled out tissue from the box David brought. Matt was holding Cat with tears trickling down his face. He had his face in the woman's hair as he tried to stop the emotion he was feeling. Linds was tearing up and she immediately joined the two Daddario siblings in their embrace.
"But how," Alex asked in surprise. Logan gave her his patented look of love.
"I talked with some friends and a little help from Mom here," Logan said with a motion towards his mother in law. Christina looked at him confused. "Yeah I may have been picking your brain a few months ago when I was in New York filming." Christina wished she could hit him for deceiving her but looking at her daughter....she wasn't all that mad after all.
Alex stared down at the papers again as if she was sure they would disappear. "When did you get it," she asked Logan.
Logan dropped down next to his wife's chair on one knee as if he was proposing again. He had this endearing look on his gorgeous face. "The deal was approved this morning," he told her with a sparkling wide smile that made Alex's breath catch. "That's why I had to give you this tonight. It was too important to wait on." He had his head tilted just a little with that look in his eye, the one that showed the love he had for her.
Alex bent forward and gave her amazing husband a passionate kiss. He moaned at the feel of her tongue slipping easily into his mouth. With a few more intense but short kisses they parted. Alex smiled happily at the still kneeling man. "You win for best gift," Alex said to him. Logan and the rest of the wedding party laughed at that. Leave it to Alex to consider the wedding presents as a sort of competition. "This IS going up," Alex said with finality as she fished her phone out of her small bag hanging on her chair.
It was a sheet of paper, more specifically a lease certificate. A few lines were blocked out but what was prominent was Alex's name written as the owner of a co-op apartment.
With the photo done Alex captioned it: I still can't believe he did this. She stood up and turned to Logan. "How did you know I wanted one," she asked the man.
Logan chuckled. "Babe you've always said it sucked that we lived out of hotels or your parents' place whenever we went to the city. Besides you mentioned in an interview that you'd want somewhere when you're back home."
Alex got teary eyed again as she smiled at him. She walked up to him and kissed him again. "You are the sweetest," she whispered against his lips when they separated. He smirked and gave her another peck before letting her waist go.
"Come here Alex," Matt said to her from a few feet away. He had his arms open to hug her. Alex smiled. She was one lucky woman. The Daddario family gathered around each other and had a group hug. Matt and Cat kept giving their elder sister kisses with tears still in their eyes. As a final swan song, Esther took a photo of the Daddarios while Alex held up the certificate to her and Logan's new co-op on the Upper West Side.
After their family photo Christina said, "Send me the photo Esther. I want to print it out later." Christina stepped forward to see the photo her son's girlfriend took. "Yes this will be great on the mantle in the living room."
Once she was done Esther motioned for Logan and Alex to stand together. "One last photo of the happy couple." The two of them stepped up to each other. Alex put her right hand on her husband's back and settled the other onto his chest as she leaned into him. Logan put his hands gently around her waist, not too tight, with his right hand resting over his left. They were turned into one another with their heads facing the camera. Alex had her head resting against her husband's. Love and pride shined in their eyes. Esther snapped the photo.
The sky was burnt orange with hints of yellow from the setting sun. The guests were leaving the party, many taking the table ornaments from the center. As they left they were all given gift bags. The Lerman and Daddario siblings had started handing them out but it had taken too long so Matt had resorted to using his long arm to toss the gift bags to the guests as they walked towards the hotel to leave. "Thank you for coming have a good night," Logan said to one of Alex's aunts.
"Yeah bye Aunt Teddi," Matt said as he waved at the woman. He did an underhand toss to her and the gift bag landed into her open hands. Cat shook her head and slapped him upside the head. "OW...what was that for," he asked looking down at his baby sister.
"She's our elder," she answered. Matt rolled his eyes. Cat huffed and looked back at the smirking older woman. "It was great seeing you Aunt Teddi. We'll see you around for the holidays." Their aunt left with her husband as Alex worked to stop her two siblings from squabbling.
Once all the guests were gone and the only ones left were the two families, Alex looked around her at the outside space. The hired catering and hotel staff were taking down everything and throwing away any trash. "Well I'd say that this was a good day," Esther said.
The happy couple nodded. "Yeah it was. Man it was long though," Logan said with a smile. They had gotten up at eight to get ready for their early afternoon wedding. There was definitely a lot of last minute chaos, no thanks to Dean. Let's just say that Matt had to keep his sister from killing her fiance's best man once....or three times.
"We made it though," Alex said lovingly as she looked at her husband. They had grabbed each other's hands like it was second nature, which it was at that point.
Everyone had soft smiles on their faces at the sight of the two. They looked so happy. "We should get going," Richard said to his daughter and son-in-law. They were staying with Matt and Esther at their temporary Los Angeles home.
Matt nodded. "Yeah we have a bit of traffic to get to our place." He stepped forward and kissed his new brother and sister on their cheeks. "Love you both. So happy for you," he said as he stepped back. Esther went up and hugged them.
"Me too. Can't wait to see you for Thanksgiving."
"I'll be counting the days," Alex said to her practical sister in law.
Alex's parents repeated after the young 20 somethings and followed behind the other pair. "And we're taking Levon with us," Linds said as she picked up the leashed dog. Logan and Alex were staying at the hotel for the night before leaving on their honeymoon in the morning. David nodded next to her.
"And you're staying with Linds, right," Alex asked her sister. Linds and Cat were close and Cat felt more comfortable going with her sister in law than Dakota and Zara.
"Yup. I go back to New York on Monday with Mom and Dad." Alex nodded along mentally locking that in.
Logan looked over at his divorced parents. "Don't kill each other while I'm gone," Logan joked. It was more likely they were going to wonder when Alex was going to get pregnant. The married couple had been betting about their family and friends betting on when Alex would get pregnant.
Lisa shook her head. "We won't sweetie," she said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Lucas brought Logan into an almost bone crushing hug after his mom let go.
"Proud of you bro," he whispered before giving his sister in law a gentler hug and a peck on the cheek. Lucas and Lisa walked off as he was dropping her off.
Larry just smiled with the glassy look of unshed tears in his eyes. He shook his son's hand, not being able to do anything further lest he cry. He squeezed Alex's shoulder with that same happy yet sad look as he left after his ex-wife and son.
"Take good care of our boy," Logan warned to his sister and her boyfriend. Linds just rolled her eyes.
"When haven't I," she countered. Logan broke into a smile. Linds held up Levon to his parents. "Say bye bye to Mommy and Daddy, Levon. They are going to be away for a few weeks." Levon stretched forward and licked his daddy's face. Logan laughed. He tried to do the same with Alex but she pushed his head away from her make up covered face. Levon licked her hands instead.
Alex giggled. "Levon," she squealed. The others laughed at the dog's enthusiasm. Linds pulled Levon away from his parents. "Okay we'll be skyping in every day to check in on him. Don't want a repeat of that one time."
Linds and David's faces almost drained of color as they had a flashback to a very irate terrier who wanted his parents back. So much destruction...."Well be sure to," David reassured. They were still paying for that wall, too.
Cat shook her head at the conversation from the side. "This is why he needs a friend," she said as if talking so profoundly with her arms crossed over her chest.
The others looked over at her. "She's your sister," Logan finally said to his wife.
Alex shook her head and barely suppressed a giggle. Cat simply gave her siblings a hug. "Love you. Bring me something back."
Logan burst into laughter. Alex had to keep him from falling, he was laughing so hard. "Cat I think you broke him," Linds said half joking/half serious.
David was chuckling seeing his girlfriend's brother in hysterics. "Poor Logan."
Alex held her husband's elbow as he continued to laugh uncontrollably. Every time he tried to stop he broke into another round of laughter. "I think the day caught up to him," Alex reasoned. She still remembered her sister calling her saying that Logan was trying to jump out the window to run away. Last minute jitters had hit him hard. Not to mention he had apparently started chewing on his finger nails while waiting for her at the end of the aisle. There had been a slap involved she remembered. She wasn't sure if it was Nick or Matt though.
"Well we'll get out of here and you can take Chuckles here to bed," Linds said to her sister in law. Alex nodded as she tried to haul her husband to his full height. "Let's go Levon. You get to come home with Uncle David, Aunt Cat, and I," she said to the happy dog in her arms. "See you in two weeks," she said as she, David, and Cat walked away.
"Alright bye guys," Alex called as they left.
Logan had calmed down enough to bid the last of their family goodbye. "B-bye. L-l-love you," he said still trying to stop his laughter. Well he was almost calm.
Alex pulled Logan to follow her to the hotel. "Come on babe. Our hotel room awaits," she said with a slight seductiveness at the end hoping to get him moving.
Logan perked up at the tone in her voice. "Mm I can't wait," he replied with the same tone she used. Alex smirked as she looped her arm through his and they walked on. Maybe they could start their honeymoon early.
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