"Hello Lermans," fashion stylist Jenny Ricker shouted as she burst through the front door carrying a dress bag in each hand. The rest of the styling team came in right behind her.
"We're not married yet," Logan said as he walked into the living room from the kitchen.
Without a pause Jenny shot back, "But you will be. And I will be handling the wedding party's wardrobe obviously."
Alex snorted at their friend's assertiveness. "Uh Jen I think you're being a little hasty there. Logan and I only just got engaged."
The blonde glared at the actress. "Yeah a year and half ago." Logan rolled his eyes.
"We're not trying to rush our engagement. We have our movies coming out right now and need time to organize everything," Alex defended. Jenny wasn't the only one dying for her and Logan to be married. Alex's mother was also pretty adamant that she wasn't going to wait forever.
Before his fiancee and their friend could get into it Logan butt in. "Alright that's enough. We have an awards show to get to. Jenny what do you have for us."
Jenny turned away from her adversary and held up one of the dress bags by the hanger. "I have a single breasted navy blue suit in crepe from Giorgio Armani. I got a slate gray tie to go with it and a pair of black captoe oxfords from Salvatore Ferragamo. The colors will really compliment your dark hair and eyes." She unzipped the dress bag to show Logan his outfit. He smiled.
"I like it." He grabbed the dress bag from Jenny. Jenny's team had set up in the dining area. They sat the actor down and started on his curling locks.
Holding up Alex's dress bag Jenny continued. "And for you missy I have a Dolce & Gabbana Bijoux Open Back Stretch Crepe Dress. To offset the black I have a pair of Louboutins in glittery silver. This will work well with your pearl earrings which are 18 kt. white gold. For your makeup and hair I was thinking smokey eye with natural lips and face and beach waves for your hair."
"Sounds good to me. Let's get started." The rest of Jenny's crew went with her and Alex upstairs to get her ready.
An hour later Logan was waiting for his fiancee to come down the stairs. After dealing with hair and makeup himself it was easy to get dressed. Considering that Alex had a lot more to get organized he hoped he didn't have to wait long. The car to pick them up was going to be here in fifteen minutes. Thankfully he didn't have to wait much longer because Alex came down with Jenny and the others behind her a few minutes later. Once she was in full view Logan felt like he swallowed his own tongue. "Well what do you think?"
All he could do was nod his head like an idiot. "I-it's perfect. You look like a goddess." Alex blushed. She could tell by her fiance's slight blush and him still muttering silently to himself that he was truly gobsmacked. It always felt good that even six years later that she still got that reaction out of him.
Jenny looked on proudly. "No need to thank me it's a gift," she said with a sort of pompous air. "Just imagine how speechless he'll be at your wedding," Jenny said being as subtle as a stampede. The couple looked over at her with matching arched brows.
"Well that wasn't completely obvious," Alex said sarcastically in response.
From the other side of the couch Logan said, "Yeah we have no idea how you really feel." Jenny glared again the two. They were too snippy for her tastes sometimes.
"Yeah yeah yeah I'll reign in myself a little. Alright everyone make sure everything is packed up. And you guys hurry up. The car comes in ten."
As the six people put away their things Logan felt like he had to take a photo of his beautiful bride-to-be. "Hey Al let me get a photo of you. You look too good not to." Alex rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face.
"Babe there's going to be cameras taking photos left and right when we get to the awards show." Logan groaned. Why must his woman be so difficult?
"I still want to take one." Alex could have laughed. Her man sounded a lot like Dean right then. Whining was definitely not something that Logan did.
She tapped her chin as she thought of an alternative. Suddenly it was like a light bulb went off in her head. "You can take a photo of me, but I get to take one of you." Logan groaned again. He was not really good in the whole negotiating for better deals thing.
"F-fine," he ground out. "Whose phone do you want to use?" With a swift motion Alex pulled Logan's phone from his hand.
"Yours." For whatever reason Logan felt his body temperature spike and he swallowed saliva that built up in his mouth as he locked eyes with the sneaky woman he loved.
Without even realizing it he asked, "Where'd you learn that?" She had slipped his phone out of his hand so fast and so easily as if she did that kind of stuff all the time.
"White Collar of course," she said with a smirk, referring to the show she was on when they met. "Now go stand in front of the window over there."
Logan did as she ordered. He turned around to face her. He smoothed out his suit jacket as he took a few breaths to calm himself. Then as if like a switch he was composed. "Okay, ready babe."
Logan was looking off to the right in a mock serious pose like a model. His right leg was bent at the knee, facing the same way as his head, and the tip of his shoe rested against the ground. He held the lapel with his right hand, the fingers curling around to the other side. The other hand was in his pocket with a Movado watch slightly visible on his wrist.
"Ooh this is really good," Alex said after taking the photo. "I have to post this." She flipped her thumb on the screen to find the app for Instagram.
Logan was taken aback. "Al you can't do that," he cautioned. People wouldn't let go of the fact that Alex put up a photo of him on her Instagram.
Alex answered right back. "I'm not putting it on my Instagram. I'm putting it on yours." Logan sighed in relief. Well at least he'll have a selfie to put up so his fans could stop messaging him about it.
"Okay now it's your turn," Logan reminded her. Alex handed back Logan's phone as he motioned to for her to step away from the window. "Go over to the fireplace. I want you to crouch down with your back to me." Logan the cameraman was in action. He wanted something the likes of a designer photo shoot.
Alex's back was facing the camera showing off the backless dress she was wearing and the intricate clasp at the top. She had her hair in large waves brushed over her left shoulder as she looked at the camera. The angle showed off the pearl and diamond stud in her right ear. Her eyes were dark as ever with black eyeshadow making them pop. She had a small almost unnoticeable smirk on her face. She was crouching down emphasizing her butt in the dress.
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