"Hey babe," Alex called from the ground floor of their house, "Can you come down here!" Logan set down the books that he was boxing up and tried to step past the obstacle course that was their bedroom. Their house was a mess since they had started packing for their new house. Apparently him trying to throw things out a few weeks ago didn't do much in the way of lightening the load. The wedding didn't make it any easier.
Logan carefully maneuvered around the boxes and crate in the living room. "Our house looks like the definition of hoarders right now," he said as he almost tripped on Levon's toy sticking out from under the couch. The dog in question was laying in his dog bed that had been moved into the kitchen, since it was the only space in the house that didn't currently have a clutter in it.
Alex was sitting down at the table with wedding stuff on almost every inch of its surface. "Babe I think you're exaggerating. It's not that bad."
Logan gave her a deadpanned look. "Really," he said. "Exhibit A," he said waving his hand towards the stand underneath the TV. There was so much stuff crammed in there that the drawers almost didn't close. "Exhibit B, the closets upstairs. Al we had to move Levon's bed because of this disaster."
Alex sighed realizing her fiance's point. "Fine. Well help me get rid of some of this stuff by giving me the addresses of your relatives and stuffing the wedding invitations so we can send them out." She was currently holding one of the invitations and an envelope in the other hand. She was sending out the last of the invitations for some of his family that lived on the west coast. The majority of the invitations had been sent two weeks ago.
Logan walked up and stood behind Alex's chair. "Oh wow. There are quite a few left." They had a guest list of over 100. If Logan remembered it was about 120. They only had their family and close friends from their childhood and the industry there.
Logan picked up one of the invitations. "These actually look really nice." Alex looked up bemused.
"Linds picked all the stuff for these months ago while we were filming a couple months ago," he said to explain his surprise at seeing them. The drawbacks to filming was that there sometimes had to be compromises on what could be done and how.
The soon to be Mrs. Lerman rolled her eyes. "Just sit down and let's get this started. The faster we're done with this the sooner we can get to everything else."
It was a 10x21 cm card in an off white shade. Clear across the middle of the card was the name Logan Lerman in Chopin Script. Over in the upper left was the design of a beautiful champagne colored rose bud. The bordering was like a string of spring green vines with leaves coming out.
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