16th of March
Well I got my voice back!!!
Yeah it's all good now- I don't need to worry or freak about losing it permanently...
I also want to take the time to apologise for that dark entry yesterday...
I dunno what I was thinking...
Anyways- tomorrow is st Patrick's day... I don't know if the gang celebrates it but Tadashi is all in for it, claiming that "experiencing stuff we don't usually do is cool"... I dunno about cool but okay!
Apparently we all have to wear green... Like a leprechaun or something...
Hiro doesn't wanna do it but Fred is all in for it...
He wants to become entirely green apparently so he is gonna get face paint and go green...
And to top it off, wear green contacts to complete it all... I don't know about him anymore but if he mentions eating green cheese and green poop- my face is gonna go green and I'm gonna puke.
Honey Lemon likes the idea of wearing green, although apparently it's her "12th favourite colour after magenta and baby pink and hot pink and sunset pink and coral pink and purple pink and rose pink" and all the other pinks there are...
Me?! I'm not sure... I guess trying new things is okay- wasabi doesn't mind, he says he's cool with it because he always wears a green jumper...
Oh and I slapped Hiro in the face today! No regrets!!! Although I bet he regrets scaring me to death ...
You probably don't remember but when I lost my voice he scared me by saying I'd lose it permanently- I vowed to slap him or something so I did it!
He didn't cry but he has a bright red hand print on his face- and when GoGo asked what happened, I stood up proud and tall and said "I happened!!!"
I bet GoGo couldn't be happier. Baymax is gonna dress up for st Patrick's day tomorrow to!
GoGo suggested he did if she were to dress up. So we are probably gonna give him a hat or something...
All GoGo is gonna do is dye a bit of her hair green which would look cool I guess.
I'm probably gonna duct tape Hiro to a chair with green duct tape- Fred already bought me some and Tadashi is figuring out how it's gonna work...
Aunt Cass is choosing a chair for us to duct tape him to because she doesn't want the chairs to get chipped or something- like, I don't blame her- seriously, when Hiro and I was duct taped together - it hurt like hell to rip it all off!!!
Just imagine the pain he will be in tomorrow!!! I just realised I sound evil...
He's my friend!
That's why I laugh and find it funny!!!
... Yeah...
- (y/n) out
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