12th 13th and 14th of January
Ugh yesterday was the worst day of my life...
It was supposed to be the Lucky Cat Cafe's best day but yeah... It was my worst.
So on the 12th, after Hiro got me at the gate from school, he invited me over to the cafe for the next day as it was the 10th anniversary of being open.
Obviously I agreed cause like- PARTAY!!!
So the next day after school, which was yesterday, Hiro walked me home and waited for me to get ready which was super quick unlike some girls.
We both ran to the cafe where the nerd herd were talking together.
Tadashi was waving to me when Fred offered me a pomegranate fizzy drink. So I drank it- straight from the bottle!
No question, I was thirsty but it was absolutely, positively AMAZING!!!
So we spent the next hour or so catching up and talking about school things, the usual.
That's when I wanted yet another drink- what can I say it was awesome, though I think the sugar will get to my teeth...
I went to the fridge but big shocker- there were no drinks! So I asked the nerd herd where they were and Hiro decided to help me look.
Eventually we found them- in an esky. Like why an esky?! We have a FRIDGE for a reason!
Anyways, I opened the metal cap and began drinking- while walking back to the gang, big mistake.
At one point, Hiro was describing something like a rocket cat which was his latest project when he stretch his arms wide to exaggerate something.
Next thing you know, he knocks the glass bottle which I AM STILL DRINKING and it end up going IN my mouth and hits the roof of my mouth.
So Hiro begins to go all worry crazy and asks if I'm okay. I nod my head yes and feel my mouth.
It FELT bruised...
Looking at the mouth of the bottle I couldn't SEE any blood.
But after a second I sure TASTED it. To I stuck my finger up my mouth and touched the area, sure enough it was cut.
My question is HOW DOES THE RIM OF A BOTTLE CUT ME!? It's a smooth area after all like what, did it decide to be sharp to cut me?
Ao Hiro started to panic- I'm not kidding. He started to say things like "oh my gosh you might need stitches" "it's gonna hurt to fix you up!" "I'm so sorry!"
So I was practically FEARFUL for my poor mouth which now seemed to have a problem which was ten times as big compared to when it started.
So Hiro told me to sit at the kitchen counter while he got some help- and come on, he was either gonna bring Tadashi who was a medical student or Baymax who was a nurse bot, or one of the members in the Nerd Herd because come on, science people!!!
So Hiro comes back and guess what, he brings AUNT CASS. Like out of a room full of intelligent students you bring the CAFE LADY?!
Sorry aunt Cass...
So aunt Cass looks at my mouth and says she isn't sure so she would get one of the nerd herd people to help... Thinking she had a straight mind, she went off but came back with...
I want to face palm so badly.
For all we know- I could die from bleeding out and they aren't taking this seriously!!! So Fred, the comic book guy looks at my mouth and just grins and says how "SICK!" It looks. No. It isn't sick- ITS PAINFUL!!
But in the end, he admitted he can't do anything so he goes to get his friend, FINALLY!!
Meanwhile Hiro is holding my hand and telling me he was sorry over and over again...
Oh bother...
Fred finally comes back but not with who I though, he comes back with WASABI!
Oh great! Let's just get everyone to see my bleeding mouth huh? I only have forever until I die from blood loss!!
So wasabi can't even LOOK at my mouth because he hates the sight of blood...
So HE gets another friend but thankfully this time it IS Tadashi!!!
BUT. By now, there was only three of the gang left so everyone was curious as to where everyone was so I practically had 7 people looking into my bleeding mouth!
Ugh! What a day!
So Tadashi said he would get medication and runs off to the kitchen, coming back with a CUP OF ICE...
Apparently that's all I needed so I spent the rest of the day with a numb mouth...
The pain went away for sure but it was still bleeding a lot...
And all the while, Hiro kept saying he was so sorry.
So eventually I left the party- Hiro escorting me since it was late at night.
And then he said sorry for killing my mouth once more. So I said not to worry since the bleeding had stopped ages ago...
So this morning my mouth was starting to hurt because... You know...I cut it.
But to my surprise, the cut had already started to heal!
According to the Internet, the mouth was one of the quickest places to heal so that's good!
Oh and did I tell my parents?
If they found out what happened- oh gosh they would surely hate Hiro's guts!
Oh well, what can I do?
I guess that's it for now!... I don't feel like going on about my mouth and besides, SCHOOL!!!
Maybe those popular girls will ask why I can't speak properly and give me the chance to explain... They sure wouldn't like that story!
Because Hiro was over protective for me? I don't know but they would be jealous- it's funny to see mean people jealous, they deserve it after all but do I sound to mean? I don't know XD.
Then and again I've come to realise how mean they are to everyone...
-(y/n) out
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