With the soon commencing seminar, the lights dimed down over the audience as the host announced the name of the psychiatrist : the luminary of the very event, Doctor Ban Shim Jang.
All the eyes were focused towards the centering platform with loud applause and cheer for the grand entry of the medical professional.
Dan Hwa, flustered by it all, mumbled to herself, "Wait, that's... That's not Doctor Ban!"
She crosschecked her ticket with a little flash of light from her phone screen. Dan Hwa read the name and silently cursed at her careless drive.
Confused between very similar alphabets in the two names, she mistook the guest speaker of the seminar for Dr.Ban in a fleeting impulse.
Soon the guest on the stage, in his late sixties and dressed in a formal suit, broke down the topic of his seminar. Very immaculately; sophistication gleaming in his demeanor and speech.
"In my years of experience, I found countless lost souls come to me with a question : Why am I not happy? X, Y, Z are. Then, why not me?"
A faint murmur of unsettling opinions waved across the auditorium. While Dan Hwa saw herself more drawn to seek the answers to those questions than to discuss them with a stranger.
"And in a very casual sense, I forward the message that, one cannot objectify happiness," the guest continued with a grim yet calm tone.
"It comes from within, in one's own unique form. I tell them, the day you stop comparing your happy meters with the next person, will be the point where you take your first step towards a more positive life."
This time, the receivers were severely still, feeling called out and quietly introspected on his insights. The guest paused to take a gulp of air as he elegantly walked on the platform in an attempt to sight the far ends in either extremes. Clearly, a professional he was. No signs of awkward gestures and scripted movements were seen as he shifted the microphone from his left hand to the right. Spontaneously.
"I also met some believers of a simple formula. 'Success equals happiness.' As if life is a math problem that grumpy professor at school, or the neighborhood math genius could solve in a blink."
A few groups of people giggled and soft chuckles of few others were heard in the silence after the spellbinder's sprinkle of humor.
Grabbing the next resting second, the speaker remarked, "But, that's not how it works."
He continued a breath later, "Not all successes bring you ecstasy and not all failures bring you sorrow. So, if we theorize the earlier formula, it states that-we often believe that the wealthy, the rich, the privileged, are the happiest on earth."
The speaker had his own way to address the conventional beliefs of people without degrading their freedom of opinions. But to respectfully convince them to alter their views in a slightly more logical direction.
"It is time, we stop implying something entirely spiritual to something so materialistic." He added. "The famous misconception of economic well-being as a face of mental well-being is accountable here."
The guest speaker did not wait to come back around this time, "Luxury brings you comfort. It feeds your momentary desires. Food, shelter and all things essential for a comfortable lifestyle. Sure, prosperity improves the quality of life." He casually changed his direction before dropping the central issue of the discussion.
"But, what really is a 'happy' life?" The old figure halted his verbs, hurling the heavy question at the crowd. Chills ran through a few bodies while a few others were incapable of projecting emotions at all.
However, a humorous smile spread across the face of the spellbinder and lingered on before he chose to end the suspense.
"Unlike prosperity, which is a destination-based concept. The farther goals you achieve, the more luxury and comfort you provide yourself with." He continued to unfold the tangled conceptions of forecasting future and predicting human emotions.
"One should note the difference that- Happiness is not a destination, but a journey. An eternal quest. There is no ultimate stoppage in this route where once you have arrived, you are eternally happy. Like a journey, there will be some peaks. There will be some valleys. Some plains and some bumps too. But it will always continue on for you to really live in this experience. Absorb the present and simply be in it."
A man cheered on with a burst of sudden rush of adrenaline, while a few clapped at this whimsical discourse. Dan Hwa immediately found herself reflecting on the huge clarification. The abstract nature of a happy and happening life.
She felt some kind of weight lifting off her shoulders. As if after a long and cold night filled with confusion and dismay, she could feel the warmth of twilight in the peaking dawn.
Simply at the enlightenment that she need not rush to reach a certain destination to find her joy. The misty route that no matter how long she ran into, only stayed unaltered. Dan Hwa realized, there was nothing beyond that mist to sweat for.
It was the journey that she must take full rejoice in. This marathon that was ordeal all along was infact the place where her soul lost its way somewhere. And she would only have to find herself, wandering nearby.
With a peculiar sense of relief Dan Hwa wondered lightly amused-sometimes, being at a place so much unintended leaves one with a lesson learned for a lifetime. The Set Director's hour long drive from Seoul did not remain a regretted exertion afterall. If anything, she knew she was taking something home from this miscalculated seminar.
The sudden glow of lights, for a small break before the seminar continued, alarmed the audience back to their surroundings. And a familiar voice snapped Dan Hwa's attention to her right. The face she originally came to watch on stage was, out of all, rested on her adjacent seat.
Dan Hwa : Dr.Ban!
She exclaimed in a whisper. Both the characters' eyes dilated in a light shock.
The doctor tried to process the information and formulate all possible explanations in his head.
Dr.Ban : How come you are here?
Dan Hwa : Wait- How come you were not the host of the seminar?
Taking a second, Dr.Ban associated her reference to his own words once spoken in their previous meet. He chuckled to himself at the miscommunication immediately after.
Having one of his beloved professors-the guest speaker on stage-come around his hometown after years of practice in abroad, Dr.Ban was adament not to miss the opportunity to greet him. Done so before the seminar commenced, he ruled out to sit through it for a while. As a gesture of respect to this prominent and honorable personality.
Coincidence just so happened to be that his professor's hometown was the same as the lady—whom, he had been actively trying to locate for a while now. Making it all the more convenient for the psychiatrist to employ his day off productively.
But before he could clear the miscommunication with the Set Director, he noticed the lights dimming back around. Hence, he quickly informed her to follow him outside the hall.
Reaching the bustling lobby of the hospital, Dr.Ban glanced at his watch as if looking how long he had left to catch his next appointment.
Dan Hwa : So...?
Dan Hwa nudged his attention from his watch as she faced him from the front.
Dr.Ban : Oh, well I did attend the seminar. I never said, I am the guest speaker. Besides, I don't do public seminars if you will.
Dan Hwa avoided a direct eye contact, silently sighing in a disappointment.
Dan Hwa : I know. I came by just incase it was your first.
Dr.Ban : And...how do you have that knowledge?
As much skeptical and suspicious that sounded, he contained his cool.
Dan Hwa forced a dry cough, trying to beat around the bush with a very straight face.
Dan Hwa : I have my ways.
Dr.Ban : That sounds very creepy.
Quick with wit, she retorted right away.
Dan Hwa : If it reassures you in anyway, I am not a stalker. I just did my homework. And to add, pretty well.
The psychiatrist was teased to a light grin at her humorous conceit and quoted the task he assigned her last time.
Dr.Ban : "Read about any renowned personality"(?)
Dan Hwa : Exactly. "Any" suggested me that there was no specification about the job they must have. So, I picked you.
Dr.Ban : Me? I am sorry, you read about me?!
At this point, Dr.Ban with his temple stretched out in surprise was rather amused than scared, at the startling exposure to a certainly new side of Dan Hwa. He did not see it coming at all when he allotted her assignment. Though, persisting his sobriety, he scoffed in a beguilement.
Dr.Ban : All right. Quite unexpected but interesting. We shall talk more in details in our next session.
Dan Hwa's temples drew light creases at his supposed leave from the conversation.
Dr.Ban : So, if you will excuse me, I have somewhere to drop by.
Dan Hwa : Oh, I can give you a ride!
She did not think twice to blurt out the first response to his words. The doctor smiled gratefully as he spoke next.
Dr.Ban : Thanks for the offer, but it's fine. It seems like a walking distance anyway.
Dan Hwa : I insist. I have something to ask you, which is why I came down all the way from Seoul!
Dan Hwa, avoiding further questions, started walking past him towards the parking lot outside. Expecting his compliance as a given.
Dan Hwa : My car is parked that way.
The psychiatrist, defeatedly followed her steps nevertheless flustered by her riddle talks. Although, he postponed the detailed investigation over her questionable studies on him. Yet, he could not really keep his mind off the mystery means Dan Hwa boasted about.
Dr.Ban : But, where did you read about me? Care telling me about the "ways"?
He fired his first shot, the moment they settled in her car and put on their seatbelts. With her rightful silence however, Dan Hwa stapled her lips and drove out of the premise. Definitely, the shot was missed.
The psychiatrist then made some blind ones, for he thought he had nothing to lose.
Dr.Ban : Are there some articles about me that even I don't know about? Or is it that weird online magazine : the paparazzi knock-off for common people they warned us about? Some illegal websites, perhaps?
After a quick dilemma, Dan Hwa finally decided to feed his constant and freaked curiosity.
Dan Hwa : Might be. Precisely beyond your knowledge. And as an ought I had taken, I am not supposed to reveal them.
Dr.Ban : But, you just did.
She did not panic as expected from her personality and covered for herself with a quick retaliation.
Dan Hwa : I did not say the name of the site. Regarding the existence of it, I feel it is your right to know that much.
Dr.Ban : Jesus, internet is a scary place.
Dr.Ban sighed in acceptance and acquiesced to respect her need for secrecy after all his shower of questions.
Dr.Ban : All right. I am not being very professional here. So, tell me. What is that something that drove you here in the first place?
Dan Hwa took a brief glance at him, mentally contemplating if it would be too personal and inappropriate to voice her curiosity. However, the prevailing enigma of the matter she had read about him dominated all her courtesy then.
Dan Hwa : W-what happened five years ago-
Before she could sound herself all the way around, the psychiatrist noticed the board of landmark he was aiming at for the exact location. And immediately asked her to stop the vehicle.
She complied and parked close to the restuarant he fixed his eyes at. So engrossed and distracted, Dr.Ban exited the car swiftly and looked inside the local diner frantically. Finding no one there, he stretched his sight around for someone to ask about it.
Dan Hwa from across the road, followed all his movements with her eyes and eventually by foot. Trying to figure out the ordeal from his body language and visual aids, she observed a smile slowly dawn over his face. Following the direction he was looking at, Dan Hwa discerned an old lady returning from her weekly dump of trash.
He sighed in a relief as he remarked quite audibly, "Found her... Finally."
Pt.2, coming when's it's proofread!
Note : In Korean, the names
반 심 장 (Ban Shim Jang ; Old spellbinder)
반 진 상 (Ban Jin Sang ; Dr. Ban) seem very similar. Hence, Dan Hwa mixed up the names heedlessly.
Behind the scenes
(Dr.Ban visited Ms.Yoo at the child care home, at her request to meet him.)
Ms.Yoo : Here.
She handed him an old food coupon, the creases crumbled and tinted dirt brown.
Dr.Ban : What's this about?
He roughly viewed it.
Ms.Yoo : When I went to pack my things from our current house, I found a box in my brother's room. This was inside it; probably the hospital workers handed the belongings of our father to him from the accident scene.
The psychiatrist spared a moment to himself checking out the coupon thoroughly now, for any possible clues of the big treasure hunt he was in. Soon after, the little girl bought his attention to her, speaking in a melancholic tone.
Ms.Yoo : After a little search, the police dismissed our case, assuming that we are too young to accurately remember if we even had a granny. They gave up easily and passed us down to an Orphanage. Their insincerity in work or our bad luck-I still can't quite figure it out.
Dr.Ban sat through quietly, listening to all that the little girl had been trying to express.
Ms.Yoo : But years later, you were the only one who believed us and hoped that she is still alive.
She looked over to him and could feel his empathy through his concerned eyes. Ms.Yoo experienced a self assurance that this time, she has made a good decision. The able professional built that bridge of trust for her in the past few weeks. Where, he assisted her to own up to a healthy and a more optimistic mindset of life.
Ms.Yoo : So, I am handing this to you, Professor Ban.
The teenager withdrew her gaze and continued.
Ms.Yoo : I don't know how much it could help you, but knowing Appa carry around this old and expired coupon, I thought this might be the gateway to walk into the past. The one that he kept hidden from us.
Dr.Ban firmed his grip on the coupon laying in his palm and voiced his determination to the young girl.
Dr.Ban : Thanks for trusting me. I promise, I will find your Granny, wherever she is.
Ms.Yoo : I hope you do.
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
Author here!🧚🏻♀️
How have you all been?
I apologize for the extremely late update and for my uninformed break. Even I didn't know I was taking a break lol. Anyways, since I am back at it now, I will try to get back on a weekly update schedule too. I haven't been at my best health-wise, so I hope you understand and cut me some slack this time. ♡
Also, after all the wait, I know this update wasn't much of an eye opener transition to the plot. But, trust me the drama is coming!
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