Dr.Min : That girl? Where did you see her?
Dr.Ban : At the hospital earlier. I am not sure though, if it was really her.
The female doctor reposed to her seat in a silent sigh.
Dr.Min : Well, I think you shouldn't be too sure. Didn't you say, you couldn't even see her face properly that day?
Dr.Ban : Right. I might be wrong.
Dr.Min studied his expressions and could feel that he was upset, recalling the past. A past that was too inevitable to not think back.
Dr.Min : Still worried about her? It's been five years from that case now.
Dr.Ban : I can't help, be. It wasn't her fault afterall. All I want is her alive and happy, wherever she is.
It was a silent ride from that moment on. But, Dr.Min felt the need to lighten the mood and divert his attention elsewhere. Thus, she drove out a conversation in a casual direction.
Dr.Min : How's work these days?
Maybe it was not the right topic then. A bad concoction of the painful past with a frustrating day spent, never led to something pleasant.
Dr.Ban : How would it be? Crazy medications and lost souls. Where, most just need a direction to walk in. But they want to take up the bus and run aimless wherever it takes. Not realizing that the fare is costing them far more than they can afford.
Dr.Min : Bus being the medicines, fare are the side effects?
Dr.Ban : Thanks.
He glanced at her with a content that she could always catch on his analogy. Little did he realize, Dr.Min has been unconsciously trained over the years by him. She lightly smiled at his gratitude and reserved the bicker for a later address.
Dr.Min : What can you possibly do though? When common people are ignorant themselves. As a physician, you can simply provide them with your best advice. Taking it, is again upto them.
Dr.Ban : I know. It is just so upsetting to have such patients almost daily.
Dr.Min : Well, aren't you a Psychologist in disguise? Just to serve the purpose of talk therapy.
Dr.Ban : Sure, but not every patient is as flexible as the other. It wouldn't take them seconds to change consultants. And it's honestly morbid, when you feel good to see your patients coming in for the next session. The relief, that they came back to you again, is sickening.
His words were prompting the female doctor, that he must've had a stressful day at work. At that point, she realized that silence may have been the better option.
Dr.Ban : People come to me just with a hope to get a bunch of tranquilizers and sedatives. They think, their lifestyle is too busy to waste time talking out their feelings. And assume lying unconscious during the nights would do the job just right.
Listening to his exasperation, Dr.Min changed her views again. Feeling, that he needed that space to vent out. Thus, she quietly listened to him.
Dr.Ban : They opt to instant suppression, instead of applying to slow but possible permanent cure. And half of the mass don't even have the confidence to come out and at least walk to a doctor.
Dr.Min could see the truth playing in her conscience at his words. One couldn't agree less for how shunned and neglected mental health was in today's taxing competition.
Dr.Ban : It is sad that out of the rest that do come, seventy percent of the times, they just need a psychologist. Someone to talk to. Share their pressed feelings. You can say I am using the psychiatrist title to do the job of the other man. Sometimes, I feel like I am deceiving people.
Just at the word pronounced by himself, Dr.Ban recalled his last patient's remarks today. He conceded that she was right afterall. Deception and con are all the world greatly embraces for a smooth synchrony of the three wheels.
—Truths, partials and lies.
Dr.Min : Well, societal definitions surely scare away people and even if they do come forward, they want a quick solution to it. There is no better option than to do our duties along the way.
Dr.Ban : You are right. I don't understand, why even in today's advancement, there is such ignorance around.
The female doctor was silent, having no comebacks. And Dr.Ban sighed long, breathing out all his pent.
Dr.Ban : Anyways, what do you wanna eat?
She could see him trying to steer clear of the topic and played along, without much bother.
Dr.Min : Meat. I am craving it so much lately. I need some protein.
Dr.Ban : You do realize that meat is not the only way to get protein.
Dr.Min : Shut up, I need meat.
Dr.Ban chuckled lightly, still exhausted from the out burst earlier. They halted over a signal when Dr.Min's attention went to a poster at the stop nearby. She couldn't help her appreciation delivering out unrestrained.
Dr.Min : I am telling you. BTS success story will be written in history. Just how they paved the international road and brought such big recognition to our country. It's remarkable.
Dr.Ban mused on, rather with a tinge of guilt that those people—having the big responsibility on their shoulders—were always required to walk in other's road of expectations. Maybe sometimes against their will.
Deep under the weight of the same success, they were being strangled and suffocated. Criticized, hated and prejudiced for the pettiest of things. All before the blind audience.
The doctors were on move once again at the green light.
Across a few streets from there, one could fumble upon the bustling atmosphere of the Bighit agency for how busy it motioned.
Floors above inside the dance studio, those diligent seven figures were seen practicing hard on their new choreography.
And the second that the song ended, Jimin broke down on his knees and laid flat on his back. Exhausted and drained. To the amount, he was not feeling his own presence.
Other members panted heavily, drank water while beating and massaging their leg muscles. Much until a while that they noticed the peculiar still figure of Jimin.
They attempted to nudge him through words and calls. But, there was no response reflecting back. To their relief, the next moment Jimin flattened his legs from a knee fold. Indicating that he was conscious, but too weak to respond or even open his eyes.
The infirmary staff, on an immediate call, rushed to him with an oxygen mask. And turned the air conditioners a few degrees down.
The members silently concerned over him as the crew aided his debilitation.
Jimin had been on a strict diet plan prior to the music video shoot, scheduled next month.
Precise and crucial supplements were given against the strict routine. Nevertheless, being abstracted by a surprise visit of his fears, Jimin happened to skip those earlier this morning.
He had been stalling those dreads very meticulously, but their abrupt flash into his conscious, crippled him in its wraps. Jimin invested all the remnants of his stability into practice. And couldn't care for anything extra. To his dismay, his over worked body was driven to numbness.
His nutritionist explained the diet situation for the spot paramedics, to primarily diagnose his sudden break down. And take a decision if he would need hospital care.
This time, the closest members were also unaware of it. Neither his newborn anxiety, nor his secret consultation with a psychiatrist.
It was past the hour of their shift, therefore the members decided to call it a day. A strenuous first aid to his exhaustion, Jimin was significantly better now.
He could slowly stand up back on his feet after resting for a good moment.
The members didn't further add any comment to let the singer sort his own mind and recover at his pace.
Girdled with comeback preparations and hectic schedules, it had been long since the last session with the psychiatrist. Henceforth, his emotions were slathering out of his control.
Jimin didn't let it surface, but he was feeling the progress slip away from him, that the four month long psychiatric help had brought about in him.
His diet weakness was freshly availed through good proportions of essential nutrients, both by food and vitamin pills. But his mental weakness was left unnoticed and inconspicuous.
Jimin was sighted towards the moon, viewed from the window of his shared room with Hoseok. He was pacifying himself to endure the purgatory only for the span of a month. Since, after the hectics dial down a little, he would be free to meet with his doctor. Jimin reassured himself.
Hoseok, fresh out from a shower, noticed the younger by the window. He casually dried the excess water from his hair with a white towel, as he walked towards the dressing table.
HS : Jimin-ah, are you feeling okay?
Getting distracted from the night sky wonderments, Jimin smiled at him marching towards the bed.
JM : I am perfect, Hyung. Sorry to have worried you all earlier.
Hoseok dabbed a fair amount of moisturize over his bare face. And took frequent glimpses of Jimin from the mirror he stood at, while speaking.
HS : Until you are fine. Be mindful next time though. We can only give our best if we are at our best too.
Jimin tucked himself in the meantime under the warm and cozy duvets. And flashed another smile towards his hyung, nodding along.
Hoseok walked to the window and pulled the sheer curtains over it, letting only a vague picture the moon see through.
Miles away, Dan Hwa was seated by the balcony of her room, staring at the same moon. A few clouds floating around covered the edges occasionally. It appeared as if the sphere was carefully rested on a plate of cotton.
While breathing the fresh air, gifted by the height of the apartment. It was not long that she sighed, looking back into the dark space of the balcony.
The visit to the psychologist rather backfired for her. The talk therapy she expected while walking into the cabin, turned into an anxiety filled space. Remaining alert every second, that she doesn't blurt out something she shouldn't.
It might not be too late to seek for help, but Dan Hwa was not privileged to look for her cure. Or at least, that was what she believed. And revised her faded concepts in clear resolution while driving back home. That she cannot let her guards down for people to find out her concealed secrets.
Dr.Ban, on the same road, accelerated his way and no longer guested Dr.Min in the car. Negative thoughts rambled in his head every second as he dialed a number.
At the dinner earlier, he recalled the sight of his last patient. It had been troubling his thoughts ever since. And soon confirmed the potential threat, as he recalled the detail he was missing out on before.
The psychiatrist had done his stir back to the ward, as the meat sizzled before his eyes.
The tears and desperation visible in the patient's eyes as she pleaded, "these medicines are the only thing that can save me".
Later, the abuse marks on her legs while she stormed out of his cabin. Everything sat in place and narrated the backstory to him.
He didn't waste another second and called Ms.Geum in the hospital. To pass down all the information of his last patient.
Henceforth, the present. Dr.Ban has been constantly trying to reach the number Ms.Yoo provided in the appointment letter. Simultaneously, driving to the address she left in the same.
Waiting quite a while, someone answered. He slowed down a little and spoke to the line.
Dr.Ban : Hello? Who is this?
A young male voice cranked back, "Excuse me? Identify yourself first. Who are you?"
Dr.Ban tried to dodge the question and quizzed something, that would indirectly make the other side identify himself.
Dr.Ban : Ah, is it Mr.Yoo?
"Yes, I am. What do you wan-"
He didn't complete his sentence and yelled back at someone. "YAH! Did you get a new boyfriend or something?!"
Dr.Ban got alert, listening to a female voice whimper a cry, "No, Oppa-". The line was abruptly cut and he redialed the number.
The psychiatrist accelerated once again, the connection ringing constantly. But, the number never answered. And a few tries later, it was unreachable.
Dr.Ban, in the meantime, reached the address. It was a dark neighborhood, remote to the main road. The address didn't have the house number, so he got off the car and walked in those narrow lanes, looking for the exact house.
He was reconsidering his decision now. Maybe he was too reckless and irrational. It was not in his mights to knock at every door in the night hour, when the address gave partial information.
However, the apprehension that the high schooler might be in danger, he didn't let his steps slow down.
Dr.Ban wanted to believe that if the contact number was genuine, the address would be too. He didn't lose hope and searched for shops or passersbys to inquire on the matter.
But it seemed like he was in a mystic sequence of a drama; the lanes were ever deserted and so dark as if no human ever resided there.
Nonetheless in the verge of giving up, a ray of light, quite literally, caught his sight at a far end house.
He carefully advanced towards it and discerned the same girl he had last attended to.
She was seated by the open window, lifeless and dejected. So much so that she didn't see Dr.Ban in the dark, nor that she was looking his way. Her eyes devoid of emotion, hair messy, lips were pale and bruised.
Noticing those little details, Dr.Ban did not waste any thoughts on contemplation and informed the cops.
Initially he wanted to wait for the professionals, before barging in. But, he couldn't rule out the fact that Ms.Yoo might be abused further in the meantime.
Therefore, he boldly walked upto the door and ringed the bell. There was no answer.
He knocked a few more times, calling out for her name. Finally, after a moment, the door unlocked and the high schooler attended to the unexpected guest.
Ms.Yoo : Seongsaeng-nim? How come you are here?
He experienced a certain indignation clench in him, to see her bruises from a close-up. The assault was fresh, he could tell.
Dr.Ban : Where is the person I talked to over phone?
Ms.Yoo : I asked a question too.
Dr.Ban did not revolt back and approached her with patience.
Dr.Ban : Ms.Yoo, I am here to help you.
Ms.Yoo : Is that so? Where's the prescription then?
Dr.Ban sighed.
Dr.Ban : Not that way.
Ms.Yoo : Well, there is no other way you can help me either. Good night, Professor.
She was about the shut the door, when Dr.Ban placed his hand and obstructed it.
Dr.Ban : You don't have to be scared of him. The police will be here any moment.
As if the last statement casted upon her, a sudden beam of blinding light. Someone removing the lid of the abandoned well, she was trapped inside.
Her grips on the door loosened for a moment. All the times, Ms.Yoo wanted to escape out of the dark well, her paths were cut short even before she could reach out for help.
At this point, keeping herself alive was her prime and the only concern. Freedom, happiness and all other things were pitched down to secondary and gradually to no importance to her.
However, this moment, when, for the first time a help has deliberately walked up to her doorstep. She was once again craving for emancipation. For her liberation.
But the fear of later consequences with uncertain and unknown outcomes, she dropped the helping hand instantly. Her grips on the door knob tightened once again as she attempted to close the door.
Ms.Yoo : I am not scared of anyone. Just lea-
She was cut off by a siren, blasting through the lanes of the neighborhood. Noticing Dr.Ban distracted, Ms.Yoo attempted to shut the door. But he was too quick and alert that he thwarted it regardless.
And soon a few female officers straight went for her hands and cleared the way for everyone to enter and check for the abuser. Causing all eyes to focus at her, Ms.Yoo screamed out into that chaos.
Ms.Yoo : He is not here!
All the gazes from her shifted to the head cop, to receive a cue to their next movement.
Head Cop : We cannot trust her. Keep searching for him.
With the officers vanishing into different corners and doors in the house, Ms.Yoo rolled her eyes with a scoff.
Head Cop : And you-
Dr.Ban obstructed the head officer to come at the high schooler. Ms.Yoo walked away to the couch in a fury that her words were simply ignored.
Dr.Ban : Please, officer.
He handed him his medical business card.
Dr.Ban : She is my patient. Please let me handle this in my way.
Head Cop : A psychiatrist, you say. All right. Make sure her statements are true and do not change.
Dr.Ban : Yes, sure. I will try my best.
The cop headed outside for an inspection there, while the psychiatrist lifted a chair and placed it in front of the high schooler.
Dr.Ban : Ms.Yoo. I agree that certain people do deceive and lie. But, that doesn't mean everyone does the same. Trust me and these police officers. We are genuinely here to help you.
Ms.Yoo : (-scoffs-) When my own brother deceived me, how can I possibly trust anyone else?
The enigma of the whole set was making the psychiatrist's guts to quease once again. Just like the time he felt before crossing paths with Dan Hwa.
Why did Ms.Yoo stand out to him so much, that she beguiled him into a complicated twist of events, he asked himself silently.
Maybe their fates were already twisted together and the past had all the answers.
Dr.Ban : Your brother?
Off topic. But, do you like the new cover?
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