Issue #8 - Fight or Fright(Currently Being Revised)
*Black Cat was sitting on a stool in a run down bar filled with super villains and criminals casually walking about. She was on the phone waiting for someone to pick up as she leaned her back onto the counter*
[Smoke Screen (On Phone): Black Cat?]
Black Cat: So I heard you wanted to make a deal...
[Smoke Screen (On Phone): Well yes but first you must know the back story to all of this.]
*Black Cat rolled her eyes and blew out a sigh*
[Smoke Screen (On Phone): I was in a slump after trying to get back in the gambling I did what anyone would do...turn to drugs...After that!...I was successful, shot someone which I thought I was going to go to jail for but nothing came out of that- but those fools who called themselves the Phoenix Pact! Had humiliated me! And now...DEA agents are starting to appear around the area! I need them so however you see fit!]
Black Cat: how much did you want me to beat them up for?
[Smoke Screen (On Phone): Oh and uhm...before we talk about pay...I must know... Do you have Deadpool's number?]
*Deadpool barged inside the convenient store with a pistol in hand*
Deadpool: Did someone ring!?
*No one seemed to be inside the store as Deadpool slowly stepped further inside and peered around the isles*
Deadpool: It's me Deadpool...just came to get my cameo out of the way.
*A small metallic ball rolled under Deadpool as he picked it up*
Deadpool: Oh!? Is this candy?
*A smoke burst from the ball as it knocked Deadpool out. He fell to the floor as Arctic and Sparky slowly gotten out from the back isle*
Sparky: Whoa, that was really easy.
Arctic: What's with his voice, does he ever clear his throat?
*Deadpool slowly came to as he slowly got back up*
Deadpool: Ya cancer will do that to you...besides it's not that bad.
Sparky: Oh wow cancer, I feel sorry for you man.
*Deadpool was up as he brushed himself off*
Deadpool: So where was I?
*Arctic frozen all but Deadpool's neck as Deadpool struggled to break free of the ice. He then loudly sighed as he turned his head toward Arctic*
Deadpool: I know we just met but can you both break the ice with me?
*Sparky and Arctic looked at each other as Sparky smirked at Arctic. Arctic nodded to Deadpool while Sparky leaned onto the ice*
Sparky: Alright my name is Sparky and his is Arctic, and what's sickle?
Deadpool: It's Deadpool spark plug...wait is Sparky seriously your name?
*Sparky snickered to himself as he pointed to Arctic and then to Deadpool*
Sparky: If you and Arctic were to merge, you should call yourselves Dead Cool.
*Sparky laughed hysterically as Arctic slowly shook his head. Deadpool just stared at him as he then turned to Arctic*
Deadpool: You know, instead of killing both of you...I'll just settle for him.
*Sparky suddenly stopped laughing as he frightfully stared at Deadpool*
Sparky: That's...that's f**ked up.
*Gyro nearly dodged a door-less car on its side as Vulture was about to fly into her. On the ground Titania hurled car doors at Gyro while Gyro blasted Vulture away from her. As she noticed the car door feet away from her she quickly made an energy shield which blocked the car doors. The force of the doors hitting the shield pushed her further into the air with her wincing after every blow. She made the energy shield grow a thicker layer as she forcefully flung it to Titania. Titania punched right through the shield once it came close only for the broken pieces to slam into her. Vulture swiftly kicked Gyro onto the outside wall of the parking garage with her leaving a small dent in the concrete before falling onto the ground*
*Shocker sent a shock wave to the ground with one arm and another shock wave toward Heat. Heat jumped into the air and jetted out of the way. She then dodged roll back onto the ground as Black Cat was about to pounce onto her. Heat jetted right under her and swiftly donkey kicked her into the ceiling. Black Cat fell, bouncing off the ground, as Heat slowly got up*
Heat: Now stay do-
*A shock wave sent Heat flying into a nearby car as she slammed into the car door and fell to the ground. She slowly got onto her knees as she looked at the car's caved in dent*
Heat: Awe f*ck! Can I call a time out!?
*Gyro now on the ground struggled to held off Titania's punches with her energy field. Gyro's bruised legs buckled as she glared at Titania. Titania smirked at Gyro and shortly chuckled as she pulled back her arm and smashed through the field with her fist. The energy field was completely obliterated leaving blue energy particles to flutter in the air. Gyro stumbled back as Vulture flung a car door at Gyro. Gyro quickly shot an energy blast to deflect it as Titania grabbed her and threw her into a Van front window. She crashed inside the front window as she landed onto the front seat. She crawled into the back as she winced in pain. she looked to her now broken left leg as she quickly held it and forcefully popped it back into place*
Gyro: F*ck! Can't we just catch a f**king break!?
*Thud* *Pang*
*Something hit the Van causing it to shake as Gyro struggled to get up inside the van. Gyro kicked the back door slightly open as she pulled herself out of the van. She then look to where the thud was as she saw Heat trying to get herself up*
*A van was heard pulling into the gas station Sparky and Arctic were in. Arctic looked at Sparky from the front door as they looked at Deadpool whom was still frozen
Deadpool: Oh sounds like my friends are here!
Arctic/Sparky: Friends!?!?
*They both instantly looked at each other*
Arctic/Sparky: Jinx!
Deadpool: Hey guys they're in here!
*Arctic completely froze Deadpool as he looked at Sparky?
Arctic: Just like the good old, good old days?
Sparky: Epic Sparky Arctic Combo?
*Outside the Gas Station Store*
*The members of "Mercs for Money [Deadpool's D List killers]" gotten out of the van as they were all ready to fight*
*Back Inside the Gas Station Store*
*Arctic looked at Sparky as he nodded*
Arctic: That's an Epic Arctic Sparky Combo coming up!
*Heat gazed up to Gyro who reach her hand out to her. Heat smiled and grabbed her hand as Gyro helped her up*
Gyro: One of those f**kers broke my leg and my adrenaline is starting to kick ready to team up?
*Heat glanced to Titania and Vulture who were coming from them on one side and Shocker and Black Cat from the opposite side*
Gyro: And I mean a team up our way, Phoenix Pact style.
Heat: Ya...before these bruisers make us go super nova on their ass.
*Heat took a deep breath as her hair become flames with her eyes glowing red. Gyro cracked her knuckles as her eyes glowed blue*
Gyro: Let's show these losers what real girl power looks like.
*Heat quickly nodded to her*
Heat: Let's.
*Heat almost instantly made fireballs as she threw them into the air while Gyro formed energy balls around the fireball. Vulture grabbed a car door by his talons as he flew up in the air. Heat and Gyro flew up toward him as energy fireballs exploded, giving off a great deal of smoke and energy shards floating in the air obscuring the view from above. Heat quickly jetted toward Vulture as she engulfed her hand in flames and punch Vulture down in a mini explosion. Before he could land below the smoke and energy shards he slammed onto a moderately size blue energy platform Gyro quickly constructed. Vulture slowly got up as Heat landed in front of him and Gyro behind him. They both quickly charged up their hands and feet to have energy blocks or fire around them as they quickly sprinted to him. They furiously unleashed a wailing combo upon Vulture as they traded kicks and punches enhance by their own powers. Vulture was then stunned by Heat's upper cut as Gyro went to the same side as Heat with them both doing a charged up synchronized powered punch. The punch sent Vulture slamming down through the smoke and straight into an open dumpster. The intensity of the slam caused the dumpster to immediately slam shut as the villains gawked in utter shock. The other villains slowly looked back up as fire blazed out from the smoke and energy shard. The fire seemingly aimed at shocker as he sent a shock wave into the smoke where the fire came from*
Black Cat: Keep your guard up they're going to try to separate-
*A walls of energy separated Black Cat from the rest of the group while the energy fireballs exploded outside of the wall creating another layer of smoke and energy shards. Heat and Gyro landed on the side were Black Cat was in as they both slowly marched up to her*
Black Cat: Oh don't worry girls, this cat has few tricks up her sleeve.
*She threw a couple of electric balls to them as Gyro swiftly made a mini energy wall that made the electric balls bounce right back onto Black Cat. Before Black Cat could react they went off shocking her into unconsciousness*
*Massacre [A priest who forgot about WWJD] just thawed out Deadpool with two lighters from within the store as Deadpool suddenly busted out of the ice*
Massacre: ¿Como te quedaste atrapado en el hielo?
Deadpool: You can blame that damn Iceman rip off Arctic- oh by the way, we just have to kill his sidekick.
[Loud Speaker Outside (Sparky Voice): Hey bad guys?]
Deadpool: Hey we're not the bad guys in this story, just opportunist.
*Deadpool and Massacre went outside as they saw Slapstick[A Maniac Cartoon Killer] and Terror [A limb replacing creep show...who also kills people] scan around the area*
[Loud Speaker Outside (Sparky Voice): Guess what's going to happen next...]
Slapstick: A dance number?
Deadpool: No, a wet t-shirt contest!
*Water from a sprinkler system above them went off getting them all wet as Deadpool scratched his head*
Deadpool: Does anyone else wish Odinson was here.
*Arctic and Sparky slid in on an ice path Arctic was creating while Sparky threw an electric ball toward Massacre and Deadpool. Arctic was able to create an alternate path that Sparky was able to quickly slide into. The path led around the two as Sparky forced the electricity to jump through Deadpool, Slapstick and Massacre shocking them all to unconsciousness. Arctic and Sparky jumped off the ice as Slap Stick quickly recovered and got out his mallet. He ran up to Arctic and swung at him as Arctic jumped back. Sparky then went into his pocket and got out a metallic ball as Arctic froze Slap Stick in place. Terror rushed Arctic as Sparky threw the ball with it opening up with a large electric net coming out. The net encased terror while it delivered a heavy shock to him which knocked him out. Sparky then swiftly turned to Arctic as Arctic drew his BB pistols*
*Arctic and Deadpool with both guns out were at a draw as Deadpool cracked his neck*
Deadpool: You know these are real, right?
Arctic: And mine are too...
*Arctic frozen the edges of the BB Pistols*
Arctic: But mine also come with a cool little surprise and besides I have thick skin.
Deadpool: Well kid...let's do three-
*Deadpool took a step forward as he then slipped on the drawing he made. He then knocked himself out as he hit his head on a nearby fire extinguisher attached to the wall. Arctic slowly holstered his BB pistols and froze all but his head again*
Sparky: Wow that was really anti climatic.
Arctic: For you that was anti climatic, for me that was a wish being answered.
*Shocker was hit with an energy beam as Heat grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. Heat burned his shocker harness and melted it to the ground. Heat and Gyro then glared at Titania who was a few yards away as Titania balled her fist. The smoke and energy shards mostly cleared from the air as Titania looked at the two*
Titania: I have to admit, you girls know how to lay a beat down. I kind of have to respect that-
Gyro: Oh shut the f*ck up! You broke my leg!
Heat: How about you be a good little criminal and run off to jail!
Titania: Well there goes that respect!
*Titania then ran toward them as Heat nodded to Gyro. Heat started to charge fire into her right arm as Titania got closer. Gyro done the same as both of their eyes started to glow even brighter. Titania got close enough for her to wind up her punch as Gyro and Heat quickly jumped toward her and slammed her to the ground. Titania was knocked out as Gyro and Heat slowly looked at each other in astonishment*
Gyro: Damn, that was kick ass as f*ck.
*Heat nodded as they looked at Black Cat whom was trying to crawl away. They quickly went up to her as Black Cat threw a smoke ball at them. Gyro quickly encased it in an energy ball as Gyro then chuckled*
Gyro: How about a new trick, sweetie.
Heat: Or better yet, tell us what this was all about?
Black Cat: What does it look like, it was an ambush.
*Heat firmly folded her arms*
Heat: And who organized the whole thing?
Black Cat: Wouldn't you like to know?
*Gyro and Heat pondered for a second as Black Cat laugh*
Black Cat: I can already see you two are going to be wondering around the state, trying to figure out-
Gyro/Heat: Smoke Screen!
*Black Cat seemed surprised by them mentioning him as they quickly observed her face and nodded to each other*
Heat: And your face makes me more confident in that.
Gyro: By chance you want to help us out and tell us where Smokey hangs out?
Black Cat: Buzz off brat.
*Gyro made an energy bat as she slammed it across the face of Black Cat, knocking her out. Heat seemed shocked by Gyro's actions. Gyro grew a smirk on her face as she leaned closer to Black Cat*
Gyro: Batter up B**ch.
Heat: Hey, uh...we need to see if Arctic and Sparky are alright, come on.
*Heat touched her shoulder as Gyro nodded and backed away from Black Cat. Heat flew up into the air as Gyro slowly flown up while she gazed upon the knocked out villains*
Gyro: I'm coming for you next Smokes!
*She then flew into the air along with Heat and left*
*Phoenix Pact's House*
*Heat and Gyro limped into the house in total exhaustion as Arctic and Sparky were relaxing on the couch. Both Arctic and Sparky turned to them as Heat and Gyro stumbled toward them*
Arctic: You two seem beat up.
Sparky: Did Deadpool come after you too?
Heat: Deadpool?
Arctic: Guy in a red and black suit with a voice like a rusted truck going through gravel?
Gyro: Doesn't ring a bell, wait were you attacked too?
Sparky: By a hired gun sent out to get rid of us.
*Heat nodded as she sat on the edge of the couch*
Gyro: Well we got some super powered thugs sent to us.
Sparky/Arctic: by Smoke Screen?
*Heat and Gyro nodded as Heat folded her arms*
Heat: Ya, but we don't know where he is...
Arctic: He repurposed an old dock close to the beach we appeared on.
*Heat nodded to Arctic while Gyro sighed and slowly shook her head*
Gyro: Alright well...I guess we have to go there and kick his ass right?
Sparky: Well I called the local authorities and they seemed to be on it.
*Heat and Gyro seemed baffled as Sparky cut on the TV*
Heat: Well, he's a meta human so there's no way they actually.
[News Reporter: Again if you're just tuning in right now, thanks to the heroes group known as the Champions and local police, a big time drug leader known as Smoke Screen was put to jail along with the rest of his criminal associates.]
*Sparky and Arctic fist bumped each other*
[News Reporter: Our sources says the authorities were tipped off by an anonymous caller which soon...]
Arctic: Oh that's us!
Sparky: Whoop!
*Heat and Gyro continued to look completely flabbergasted as Gyro closed the front door and hobbled onto the couch between Sparky and Arctic*
Gyro:'s over?
Arctic: Yup.
Heat: We don't have to do anything?
Sparky: Nope.
Gyro: I really thought we would have like...some sort of final showdown or grand finale where we would have to kick his ass.
Arctic: I thought about that too but I'm beat, why do all that work when someone will do it for you.
Gyro: I like the way you think Arctic.
*Heat contemplated in silence as she angrily shook her head*
Heat: But it feels like so many things are left unanswered? I mean what's there to stop another Smoke Screen? What about wondering if weed should be legal or not.
*Gyro slowly looked over to Heat*
Gyro: Hey relax and just chill, Heat...we saved the day...well I mean technically the cops saved the day.
Arctic: Well technically- technically we saved the day.
Sparky: Gyro's right though, Heat. Just relax and rest...didn't you guys just come from a smack down anyway?
Arctic: Oh ya, did you guys need me to make you a quick ice pack?
Gyro: No but I wouldn't mind getting high again...Sparky you interested?
[Mister: Wow, a happy ending that's come full circle.]
*Outside of their house seemed calm and peaceful as the leaves gently breezed through the wind*
[Mister: The day is saved...streets are now at peace and they nearly forgot about the safety of their friend Casey or escaping this hell hole called the Marvel Universe. I often make that mistake too.]
*Mister was in the spaceship as he proudly sat up in the Captain's chair*
Mister: Well not really but that's besides the point...time for me to see how I did with the boss, wish me luck.
*Mister made a phone call as he smiled*
Mister: Ah, yes it's...
*Mister slumped over in the chair as he started to dangle his feet*
Mister: Oh ya I did, one step beyond what they think- I wait what?
*Mister seemed confused as he slowly nodded*
Mister: No ya, I can fit that in....what...what-wha-what do you mean?
*Mister stood up out of his chair as he slowly paced around the captain's chair*
Mister: But they wouldn't do that on their own, I'm going to have to do a whole lot of pushing and a whole lot of nudging...not to mention they barely know the two so why-
*Mister then became silent as he sighed and quickly nodded*
Mister: No-no-no don't worry, you don't need to scrap them- they'll- I'll make it work...look uh...are you sure now because they do at least deserve some time to rest and have a week off-
*Mister a look of shock took over his face as his face slowly turned fearful*
Mister: Wasn't questioning you, wasn't at all just...uh I mean I didn't know you were so confident on my new leafs that's will be done, don't worry.
*Mister blankly looked at the phone then glared at it. He then looked at the view point of the audience with him putting away his phone*
Mister: Well stop the story because now we got a tie in to do...lucky for me we're at a good place to stop in the story.
*Mister sighed as he walked to the side of the ship that showed a large human size tube that was attach to the wall. The tube was filled with a mysterious liquid with a humanoid being forming inside of it. Mister set a dial on it from "10" to "8" as he shook his head*
Mister: Don't worry, though because after this commercial break, the story is going to go in a place where not even my boss will see coming. I hope you're all ready for one hell of a party.
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