Love of my Life
This is part one of a two part story, part one is from Ferb's POV and part two is from Vanessa's POV enjoy.
Ferb pov
It was just another ordinary day in the middle of summer, I walked into the blueprint shop to pick up some blueprints for our latest project, little did I know that day my life would change forever. As I stood at the counter waiting for the blueprints the little bell on the door jingled and in walked the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, she was tall and had long brown hair and big, dark blue eyes, and she was dressed all in black leather. I was dumbfounded, all I could do was stand there and stare at her. Then she said four words to me "Hey, how's it going" and with those four words I was in love, my life would never be the same.
A few weeks later I was fixing up a space ship for our alien friend meep, I was giving it a bit of a test drive and that's when I saw her again, I passed her as she walked down the street and I just couldn't resist, I backed up and gave her a wink, she smiled, I felt so cool.
I couldn't stop thinking about her, but It wasn't long before I saw her again. My whole family (and Stacy) went to a super store to shop. Phineas and I were sitting in some massage chairs when I saw her walk past me headed toward a tube of pizzazium infinionite. Than I heard a loud noise and turned to see a cart speeding down the aisle towards her, I jumped up and pulled her out of the way, she ran of and implied that she didn't want help, but that didn't stop me, I continued to help her. She dropped the pizzazium into a ball pit and I was helping her her find it, than my mom walked past and asked "Ferb aren't you a little old to be playing in the ball pit?" then walked away. I found the tube and she grabbed it and ran off shouting "thanks Ferb." and so she knew my name, but I had yet to learn hers. A few minutes later she called for me in distress and I saved her from a lawn mower that she was being pulled toward by the escalator. We got the pizzazium to her dad, who, when accused of trying to steal it, called for her "Vanessa, Vanessa!" he shouted. I finally knew her name, Vanessa, it was a beautiful name. But then the day got even better, Vanessa leaned down and kissed me on the cheek, said "thanks" then ran off to help her dad. I was I a complete trance until Phineas came along.
After that I spent every day hoping that I would see Vanessa again, but the weeks wore on and no Vanessa, when I finally did see her again it was quite the surprise, we accidently caught her as we flew around the world. She hitched a ride with us to Paris, and rented a scooter to take me to the eiffel tower so I could plot out the rest of the trip. She told me about her dad, and I gave her some advice, it was nice to just listen to her talk. than I slipped off to buy her a flower, but when I got back she was flying away (I assume with her father) she only had time to yell back to me "thanks for everything Ferb!" needles to say I left Paris as a much less happy person than when I arrived.
The next time we met was when she hired phineas and I to help her with her halloween party, but much to my dismay she had a boyfriend.
over the course of the next year or so we kept bumping into each other more and more often, we eventually became good friends, we talked a lot, well she talked a lot, I listened a lot, but we were both happy with that. When phineas and I moved up to high school we both had other activities and didn't build stuff as much, the usual gang didn't come over as often either. But I saw Vanessa a lot more that year since we went to the same school, even though I was a freshman and she was a senior. Then came that dreadful day, it was my second year in high school and she was on her way to college, we threw her a little party and then said a sad goodbye, and I stood watching her drive away until she was out of sight.
But that wasn't the end, she continued to call me almost every day, especially when she'd had a bad day. even though we had been friends for three years now, my heart still went into a flutter every time I picked up the phone to hear her voice on the other end. I guess I started talking more at that point, even if it was just to keep the conversation going so we didn't have to hang up. Even though Danville. U. (That was her college) was only about an hour and a half away, I only saw her when she came to visit in the summer, the rest of my year was spent looking forward to the summer, and her visit.
This went on for three years, and then it was my turn to say goodbye and head off to college, part of me was sad because Phineas and most of my other friends were going to Tri state. State. But the other part of me was ecstatic knowing that the next two years would be spent in the same school as Vanessa. And that gave me plenty of time to carry out my plan. I settled into my dorm and over the next few months Vanessa and I hung out often along with the other friends we had made.
The next summer when we were all home for break I had a lot of fun seeing Phineas and everyone again. We were planning on having a party at my parents house, and I decided that would be the perfect time execute the plan I had been thinking about for years. The proper thing to do in that situation would be to go to her father, which of course I did even though he scares me half to death, but I decided to call him rather than actually going to his house in case he got mad and started using his inators. I punched in his number and it rang a few times before he picked up and said "hello is this the electrician"
"no sir this is Ferb Fletcher" I corrected him
"who? Sorry wrong number" he almost hung up before I said
"no, I'm Vanessa's friend"
"oh yeah, the one with the green hair right"
"yes sir"
"well Vanessa isn't here right now, I'll tell her you called" he almost hung up again
"actually sir I know Vanessa isn't home, I'm calling to talk to you"
"hey how do you know she's not home, are you spying on her?"
"no sir, she's at the mall with my sister" the conversation continued in this manner for some time before I finally got my point across, I got a pretty positive answer besides the threat of incineration if I did anything wrong. Now that that was over with all I had to do was wait for the party.
The day of the party came and I was busy helping Phineas and Candace get everything ready. That evening about half way through the party when everyone was in the house playing a game, I found Vanessa sitting outside in the dark. It was perfect, this was my chance, I walked up behind her and said
"hey, how's it going"
"oh hey Ferb, it just got a little loud in their for me" she said, and gestured to the spot next to her on the grass, I sat down and said
"it's nice out here, I remember all the things we've built in this yard" I said remembering all the amazing adventures we've had.
"yeah, I've seen you and your brother do some pretty amazing things"
"Vanessa, c-can I ask you something?" my heart began racing
"sure Ferb what is it" I looked down into her beautiful, deep blue eyes as I asked the question
"would you allow me to court you?" I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. after a few seconds she replied
"courting, that's kinda old school don't you think" that was not the response I expected, was she saying no, I had to think of something to say quick
"I believe it's more respectful to both of us than dating" please don't say no! I screamed in my head. There was a long moment of unbearable silence, then she spoke.
"you're always the gentleman, yes, yes I will" I let out a sigh of relief rather louder than I wanted it to be.
"Ferb, we're you nervous?" she teased.
"maby a little" I admitted,
"I wonder what my dad will think of this" she whispered in an uneasy tone.
"Don't worry, i've already gotten his approval" I assured her.
That day was the first of the three happiest days of my life, the next came three years after that just after I finish college, it was our wedding day. And the last was two years after the wedding and two years ago, the day our son Vincent was born.
"and we lived happily ever after"
"yes Vanessa, yes we did"
I hope you liked this. and also check out NamingSystemIsStupid's story she just updated, and I suggest you go read it right now! Jk read it if you want to, but it is really good.
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